Vampire Savior Online League!

New vampire savior league!

I just opened up a ladder for vampire savior on fraggednation to replace the stalled out vambats.

Free for everybody and anybody to join. Even though there is a password box you don’t need to input any a password just click next.
How the ladder system works.
Basically, after you join you can either challenge somebody or be challenged. The challenger picks 3 different days and the challenge then picks the day that best suits him.
When you get to the “select a map” portion of the challenge. Please just choose any of the random placebo options. That is a bug in the system since it was mostly coded most for fps style video games.
Nothing can be done about it sorry :frowning:

Feel free to play anytime before the actual day and time set. A lot of the matches played so far were set up and done almost immediately by players in #SRKvampire efnet irc channel.

Here is a link to some of the general VS specific rules.

A few guidelines. Try to have a way to communicate with other players on the ladder.Add in your aim/msn IM screenames to your fraggnation profile. Jump into the IRC channel and such.

This here is the first season and it will last till November 30th. Get to the top and take the bragging rights to claim you are the top VS player online :slight_smile:
After the end of the season the ladder will be reseted and season 2 will start about a month later. For the second season the top 1/3rd of the ladder is going to get moved into an advanced ladder for themselves.

Here are some of the main VS specific rules for the vs ladder.


In the case of a suspected desync between players. Both players must take screenshots of their screen and save them.
If a player suspects somebody else of faking a desync(by deciding not to move) to get out of an impending loss. The player can dispute the match and both players must upload their desync screen shots for the match to an admin.
After the screenshots are taken. Resume the match by disregarding the round where the desync occurred. For example. If the score is 1-1 and the desync happened in the third game. Restart the third game and the score will still be 1-1.

for the desync screenshots. Make sure both the kaillera chat log window and the game are viewable in in the screenshot.
Failure to provide correct screenshots while your match is under dispute will cause the match to be overturned against you and will be counted as a loss for YOU.

An example screenshot.

Game settings.
All games will be played under turbo 3 speed settings.
It is up to whoever is hosting if they would wish to set it to freeplay mode.

If somebody you have challenged fails to get into contact with you for whatever reason. You can request a forfeit to be reviewed by an admin.
Click where you see “your active challenges” to report scores for matches, request forfeits or file a dispute against another player.

there are two situations where forfeits come into play.

When somebody fails to respond to a challenge (neither accepting or declining) within 48 hours they may be eligible to recieve a forfiet loss(which takes points away from somebody driving them down the ladder standings)

Or, After the challenge has been made and one player fails to show up for a match by at least the appointed time a forfeit may be in order.
To request a forfeit just login and go to where it says “Challenges” near your username. Go into your pending match and click the “request forfeit” button and an admin will review your case.

The site goes more in depth here

Default Emulator
Default emulator is mame32k.64 but feel free to play with any emulator both players feel comfortable using. However if there is a dispute among what sort of emulator to use. Mame32k.64 is indeed the default that will then be required if nobody can come to an agreement.

Score reporting
When reporting the match. Input scores that reflect how many rounds both players won.
Example. The player who won the match should have 4(the number to win a best of 7 series) and say if the loser managed to win 2 of the 7 games. The score would be 4-2

Getting a ton of people together one day of the week for a tournament hasn’t really seemed to work well for vampire savior so lets try this new more structured and more flexible angle and see who the best VS player really is :slight_smile:

Vampire Savior Season 1 starts… Now :slight_smile:

Btw, If this league manages to become somewhat successful. I plan on starting another one or two for a few other games. Drop me a line if anybody else has any other game they would be interesting in seeing a league for.

It’s works well, I think the actual site is kinda weird though, because of the time date thing.

Stafos is a punk and hasn’t excepted my challenge.

So far things have been going really well, almost everyone on the ladder (12 people) has played a match.

Can you elaborate on the forfeit rules though?

hmmm, Well there are two situations where forfeits come into play.

When somebody fails to respond to a challenge (neither accepting or declining) within 48 hours they may be eligible to recieve a forfiet loss(which takes points away from somebody driving them down the ladder standings)

Or, After the challenge has been made and one player fails to show up for a match by at least the appointed time a forfeit may be in order.
To request a forfeit just login and go to where it says “Challenges” near your username. Go into your pending match and click the “request forfeit” button and an admin will review your case.

The site goes more in depth here

How well this is going so far has really surprised me.

Btw, emulator to be used is Mame 32K.64

That is another thing.

Default emulator is mame32k.64 but feel free to play with any emulator both players feel comfortable using. However if there is a dispute among what sort of emulator to use. Mame32k.64 is indeed the default that will then be required if nobody can come to an agreement.

I think its worth a try, for vampire enthusiasts…

getting on the irc chat room(#srkvampire) may help to coordinate matches outside of aim and whatnot.

I think I’ll try it. Couldn’t do the ranbats because of the times they were set. Can’t wait to play you again GB.

Cool, nothing like more Vampire love, good luck with the league

First post updated.

i joined as grrsauce hit me up. : )


if anyone wants to play VS casuals on p2p hit me up on aim, thanks

as for the league, wont have time except for sporadic games