Vampire Savior GGPO hitbox overlay

Requirements :
[]Windows 7/Vista with Windows Aero running (IMPORTANT!!!)
].NET framework 3.5+ (I believe I used version 3.5)
If you fail to have windows aero enabled, you will simply get a giant black box covering the emulator. Aero is needed for the transprency effect, otherwise the overlay will be opaque, thus the black box. To use it, simply start a vampire savior match, launch the over lay, check what you want and just press start. The overlay will not draw unless you have the emulator in focus (clicked on).

Here it is, small, lightweight and fast:



First post updated with link.

Get on this you fools before anakaris curses you some more!!! Be sure to thank Pasky for all the effort he has put into this as well in the st room or you will be cursed into oblivion.

Any chance of a Windows XP version?

Not until I write a hard coded hook which probably won’t be any time soon.


Added projectiles, however they aren’t fully completed. I messed up when calculating them and left out some pointer values so not all projectiles will display boxes (Like the fish guy’s poison cloud). Most are working however.

Fixed projectiles, also turned down the blue on vuln boxes. Link in the first post.


Added a color dialog so you can set the hitbox colors yourself to whatever you want, you can also set the transparency for the boxes. There will probably be only one more update after this.

Download link in the first post has been updated with the new version.

Updated the download URL since the original seemed broken.