Vamos acabar logo com isso - The Christie Thread

OMG, I didn’t notice the first hit of wheel kick hits mid!! Nice :smiley: I also notice that standing fierce buff!! I need to incorporate perch flop into my game too. It’s crazy fast now…lol.

Yeah iv’e always used Perch flop on my switch cancels and boost combos lol I just love how the animation looks ;> We just gotta get a combo thread started I came up with a few my self~

I never used perch flop all that much. What combos are you using exactly?

stand HP > perch flop > perch flop > well timed helicopter (tag on 2nd hit) > Elena does jump HP > lands MK,d+HP > Elena DP+K

After the Helicopter, can Christie stance cancel and end with Sweep?

Unfortunately, only the first two hits of Helicopter connect, unless you tag and reset the juggle count.

Yeah I’m testing things right now…

Almost all of her old combos still seem to work so that’s good. I still don’t understand the whole “Increased midair combo count / counter usage changed to 2”. The moves still seem to work the same to me.

Christie can still do 385 meterless midscreen but we just need to use HP Wheel Kicks instead of the LP version.

Also, not sure why anyone would do this but we can now link s.hp into s.lp or cr.lp (I think cr.lp is a 1 frame link, s.lp is easier). So:, s.hp, cr.lp, xx MP Wheel Kicks, cr.lp, cr.hp xx LP DAS = 385 meterless. The exact same damage as our main BnB. Only difference is that this combo uses more normals so I guess it could be good to activate gems maybe.

Hmm… Actually this is pretty cool for quick punishes when you can’t jump in first. Like for example, before if a shoto whiffed a DP I would punish with something like: s.hp xx Launcher > BnB and that would only do around 285 damage.

Now I can do: s.hp, s.lp, s.lp,,, s.hp xx Launcher > BnB for 317 damage.

Or: s.hp, s.lp, s.lp,, xx MP Wheel Kicks, cr.lp, cr.hp xx LP DAS for 327 damage.

Or: s.hp, s.lp, s.lp,, xx Perchflop Kick x3 for 335 damage.

It uses 5-7 normals, 2-3 specials, does more corner carry and looks flashy too. :slight_smile: Probably not worth it if your partner can do high post-launch damage. But for my team it’s a good boost.

Vulcann ;> make a combo thread and post thosee so we don’t lose em! I have a couple that i do for my team that id like to post though they are probably nothing no one doesnt already know lol q`q

Alright, I guess I’ll create the thread.Give me a sec…

What would be a good thread title for combos? lol. I suck at this I’m going to use a cheap portuguese translator.

Mmm… i was trying to think of something good!! -x- only things i can come up with involve Dancing… but yeah its gonna def help Dx every other char has a list except for her we gotta band together and show everyone Christie can turn death into a beat x) hahah!

How To Dance - The Christie Combo Thread!

Hm…her Tekken string thatt was cr.lp,,,,cmk was a true blockstring correct? I’ve been getting hit out of it recently after QQ

Oh my god… They destroyed Christie’s tekken strings. I remember reading that negativa to armada (cr.lp, was nerfed but this is a much bigger nerf than I thought!

It’s not only 1 tekken string, ALL her tekken strings now have a gap on block before Rasteila ( So the opponent can either mash cr.jab or reversal. This is bad. Really bad. I’m going to need to change how I play with Christie because I’m afraid using her tekken strings for mixups isn’t going to be very viable now. Of course we can always stop short and try to frame trap and the string still combos on hit so it isn’t that bad I guess. But it does make it harder for Christie players to pressure.

Yeah I used the Tekken strings to mixup as well but now, getting blown up everywhere. cr.lp, is safe on block though still right? Might just try to bait reversals…
Totally random but do you play on PSN Hades?

No I’m on XBL sorry.

Hmm…okay, then. Screw chains, standing HP all day.

To be honest, her strings were always sort of gimmicky, since you could just backdash out of all of them except the MK,MK finisher…
I’ll gladly take a Godlike new st.HP over her strings anyday.

And the MK,LK finisher. If most characters tried to backdash that string the second overhead hit would either catch them during recovery or they would be forced to block it. So there was always this 50/50 going on: You can jump out of chibata but you can’t jump out of circle kick, you can backdash from circle kick but you can’t backdash from chibata, you can reversal or launcher in the gaps, but if I stop at Rasteila you whiff and I get a big punish. So even if my opponent knew how to counter every string he still needed to commit to a guess. Anyway, I liked her string mixups lol.

But yeah her new s.hp is pretty awesome. It seems faster and safer, can combo into HP Wheel Kicks, can link into jab. It’s just godlike. :slight_smile:

Is this new HP you speak of cl or far?

Her close and far HP are the same.

They buffed the hit stun quite a bit (+4 on hit).