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Christie is looking good on paper. I’m liking what they are doing to perch flop and wheel kicks

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I have wanted to main Christie since I saw xykes’s christie at the LA capcom tourney. She is gonna be aprt of my sub team with Guy. 2013 is a good time to pick them up :slight_smile: . What is her main game plan as of right now?

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It’s unfortunate that her Wheel Kicks are now all unsafe. I liked having something safe to cancel into when hit-confirming with her standing fierce. Now, all she has that’s moderately safe is her double arm stinger, which can be raw launched or jabbed before it cnnects. I guess we’ll have to CADC backwards to safety.

Also, I’m VERY afraid that

might mean that it takes up 2 points of juggle potential in combos.
If so, then f+HK,HK > combos won’t work anymore. That would be horrible for her damage potential.

Well to be fair, -3 isn’t exactly THAT punishable. I mean there’s only a few characters with 3 frame pokes even though more characters (including Christie) are receiving it. My point is it’s still 100% safe vs a majority of characters. And MP Wheel Kicks was already unsafe because it whiffed vs crouching opponents. Now the hitbox is improved so the 2 hits will probably connect vs crouch blocking.

Also, I’m not sure I understand what the issue is. Because on hit I always hit confirm into Wheel Kicks, but if my opponent is blocking I will hit confirm into Stinger, CADC or Twister Sweep. So it doesn’t change much for me.

Don’t forget Stinger can also be canceled into Handstand. So an alternate to CADC that has the advantage of keeping pressure on. It’s probably unsafe up close but from range I think it’s safe because handstand moves Christie backward.

But I see what you mean now about Double Arm Stinger possibly eating 2 juggle points… Ouch. I hope that’s not the case. I loved doing EX Stinger,,hk > Launcher and if that’s no longer possible I think I’m going to cry. :frowning:

Fun little Christie/Asuka TC combo:

EX Battacuda, TC, wait for ground bounce, xx Falling Rain,

Christie’s automatic EX Front Stinger ends in the right place and timing to hit during the Falling Rain mini ground bounce followup window. If you time it right the stinger and the sweep hit simultaneously, resulting in an areal reset instead of a hard knockdown.

Right now that sequence does 361 as listed, should be about 400 after the patch, plus whatever you do leading into it.

Not the most efficient combo, but definitely interesting. I wonder what other TC combos you can leverage the automatic EX Front Stinger in.

Sounds cool but I can’t seem to re-create this.

I do, s.hp xx EX Batacuda xx switch > nj.hp, xx Falling Rain, Front Stinger + Sweep. I get both to hit at the same time but I still get a hard knockdown. :frowning: If you’re actually able to get a consistent reset this way I think it’s definitely worth 2 meters. This is 498 damage after all and you’re nullifying their wake up options leaving them at the mercy of Asuka’s overhead/low mixups. I’ve burned 2 meters for less damaging resets.

I’m having a bitch of a time recreating it myself, sadly.

I’m afraid I may have just seen something flukey happen in training mode late at night, and posted on the forum about it the next day assuming it was consistently reproducible.

I’ll mess around with it again later and see if I can figure out what was going on.

For those still wondering, I did some tests about this some time ago.

Double Arm Stinger:

HCB+MP/HP are +1 on block (you can jump out of Gief’s 0 frame Super and follow up (5 startup) loses/trades vs Cody’s 2012 (3 startup)). MP version has more pushback, you can follow it up with,, mk xx something or HP version has less pushback, you can follow it up with cr.lp, xx something or

HCB+LP, which is what I’ve been using, is actually negative frames on block. Which explains why I kept getting blown up for pressing buttons after it. :oops: It’s safe enough that you can block Ryu’s DP, but unsafe enough that it can be punished by Julia’s Super. So putting those 2 facts together we know that the LP version is actually -2 on block. This is by far the worst version to use if you intend to continue applying pressure. But the superior version for combo enders since it allows you to safely store a counter hit or raw tag at the cost of less damage.

Wheel Kicks:

QCF+LP is -4, MP/HP versions are -2 but in 2013 they are going to be -3 on block (and unlike what I originally thought, the disadvantage is the same no matter if opponent blocks standing or crouching). However right now as it stands, if the opponent blocks Wheel Kicks crouching, only the 2nd hit will connect leaving an unsafe gap. In 2013 the hitbox will be improved though so it’s safe to assume both hits are gonna come out even if the opponent is crouch blocking.

Twister Sweep:

HCB+HK (3x low) is -10 on block. Some characters can even walk up into cross-rush. The overhead ender is even worse: at least -12 on block. HK Twister Sweep is great when you know it’s going to hit because it leads into a safe jump/cross-up mixup. But on block they can backdash or reversal between low hits (low into overhead is a true blockstring. A super unsafe true blockstring).

LK/MK version and 4 hit version are sensibly the same I think. I’ll test later to make sure… edit: Yup, all around the same disadvantage.

All versions are still unsafe even if you switch cancel.

Hand Stand:

All Hand Stand moves are punishable on block except for Front Stinger. In 2013 though Helicopter will hit crouchers so it could be safer. Maybe a new way to frame trap + safely switch cancel.

Front Stinger is +0 on block (If Christie’s cr.lp is 3 start up).

So I’ve been meaning to ask Vulcan, now that it’s not month 1 discovery, can a noob develop a solid gameplan with Christie? I love the ability to safe raw tag with her from many combos because I am not too keen on TCs yet, but I need a bit more to work with in my “christie for dummies” style.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk 2

Yeah I guess a “noob” could have a solid gameplan with Christie. But that noob would have to use Christie as anchor and not on point. Because playing Christie on point would require a player to have solid fundamentals and footsie knowledge. Something I doubt a noob has. :stuck_out_tongue: Hell, I consider myself somewhat high level and I have to admit I struggle with Christie when I’m not in their face. Especially vs heavy zoners and jump happy players.

In 2013 both her anti-airs and counter-zoning tools are getting buffed, so I guess that will make it easier to use her on point. But to play Christie on point you need to understand the utility of each poke/buffers and you need to use her stinger feints + stance cancels to win footsie battles/spacing wars at mid-range.

But for example, if you have a point character good at bringing Christie up close via cross-rush or switch cancels, then Christie can do her magic pressure and you have full control of whether you want to keep her in or tag back to your point.

That’s kind of how I play Christie: I use Yoshimitsu to bring Christie in their face, then I either go for a safe jump setup, a reset or max damage into CH store or launch back to Yoshimitsu to protect the life lead. Simple but effective.

I thought Front Stinger from Hand Stand was pretty safe on block…I have to check again.

Yes you’re right. I completely forgot about that move lol. I was just thinking about Helicopter, Batacuda and Perchflop Kick.

I think Front Stinger is +0 or +1… I need to check.

So I looked around for info and spent some time in training mode and think I have my ideal noob based gameplan for Christie. I call it “damnit I don’t wanna learn links yet” and my tactics with my point Guy are remarkably similar >>. Her various target combos give me the ability to have a kind of pressure game I am used to (mashin’ strings) and also to hit jab and not go into cross rush for damage/be unsafe (I am probably only Christie using her 1-2, at least until 2013).

That does remind me, does Christie have any blockstrings through her normals I should be learning? Most of the time I see you just varying her chain strings but I feel that’s because you have the mad reads to run the inherent risks.

Honestly, I find it hard to hit confirm with just cr.lp, myself unless I’m jumping in first. But that’s mostly because it’s online I think. The ideal hit confirms are: cr.lp, cr.lp, and:, cr.lp, I think they both are 2 frame links but I drop them so often online that I almost gave up trying to go for those when I play. So instead I built my gameplan on mixing up her various tekken strings and doing chunks of small damage here and there.

If you only look at the damage I do, it’s not very impressive. In fact I often give up on more than 150 guaranteed damage just to be able to keep my opponent standing and guessing. That doesn’t seem like a very smart thing to do. But when you take into consideration the amount of meter I build and the gems I activate while doing those block strings and the fact that they are continually being pressured as opposed to getting knocked down, then it all makes a lot more sense.

Hit Confirms:

  1., cr.lp, xx
  2. cr.lp, cr.lp, xx
  3., cr.lp, xx
  4. s.lp, s.lp, cr.lp,, xx

Footsies/Mid-range buffers:

1.,, xx

The great thing about this string is that it’s special cancellable. So if they get hit, you special cancel into Wheel Kicks or cross-rush. If they block, you can special cancel into DAS (Double Arm Stinger), CADC or Handstand. A very easy way to safely buffer hit confirm at mid-range.

**2. ** xx s.hp/DAS/CADC/Handstand. has more range but you can’t special cancel it. If you buffer a chain and they block, then you have to EX CADC to remain safe or mixup EX DAS/EX Twister Sweep. Alternatively you can go for the launcher and switch cancel it. Because of the pushback your partner will be able to stop his run short and turn the situation into a +frame advantage.

Tekken Strings:

1. Rasteila to Circle Kick

cr.lp,,, hk xx something. The last hit is special cancellable. I personally like to cancel this into MP/HP DAS, CADC or Handstand cancel and go right into,, xx something.

The opponent can backdash before the Circle Kick (hk) hits, but if they do you can often still maintain pressure.

2. Rasteila Chibata

cr.lp,,, lk xx something. The last hit is a double overhead and you can special cancel either hits. I like to cancel this into HK Twister Sweep to setup a safe jump but you can also cancel into Wheel Kicks to combo, EX DAS / EX Twister Sweep xx switch to reset or Handstand cancel into another Tekken String / jump cross-up.

The opponent can either jump out or stick a limb out before the Chibata (lk overhead) hits, but if they decide to backdash then it will catch them.

3. Rasteila to Heran Bago

cr.lp,,, mk, hk. The last hit causes a wall bounce that leads into a new 300+ damage combo. You can easily win a lot of matches by just abusing this against players who don’t have a clue that the last hit is an overhead. But more knowledgeable players will be expecting this. As a result, most players will stand block whenever you go for any tekken string because the overhead enders are the most dangerous ones. But you can also take advantage of this fear.

If the last hit gets blocked, Christie is -2 I think. If you feel like making a Jedi read, this can be a good/logical time to throw a random raw launcher or EX DAS. But otherwise, your offense stops here and you need to keep blocking or to hopefully start your offense again.

4. Thong Bikini to Low Kick 2

cr.lp,,, mk, mk. This is Christie’s only tekken string that is a true blockstring (but you can delay the last 2 low hits). This is by far Christie’s worst string because it doesn’t lead into anything, it’s not special cancellable, it’s unsafe on block and negative frames on hit. But ironically, the fact that this tekken string is so bad also makes it the most unexpected string. And that actually makes it kinda good in its own weird way.

Why is it good? Most knowledgeable players will expect you to end with an overhead more often than not. So when they get hit by this string they are a little clueless about what just happened. The outcome was not the one they expected and they almost always freeze/hesitate for half a second. This hesitation is enough to turn your disadvantage into +frames meaning you can often go right into another Tekken string. This works for the same reason why CADC > throw works and why 20 startup overheads still hit even the best players. Because even though you are technically in negative frames, it takes a bit of time for the opponent to analyze what just happened and properly react to it.

Oh yeah, I forgot to talk about this.

Most of Christie’s tekken strings are vulnerable to reversals because they have gaps in them. So one way to go about it is first inform your opponent that your strings have some gaps. Then after being pressured for a while they will be tempted to reversal.

If you think your opponent is mashing on DP, I suggest stopping your string at Rasteilla (cr.lp,, This will put Christie out of DP range so the opponent won’t even be able to switch cancel on block and you’ll get a full punish. Just doing this from time to time (even if you don’t manage to bait the DP) should be enough to discourage them from mashing in the future.

You can also cancel cr.lp, mk into SFSC (stinger feint stance cancel) which is roughly the equivalent of a quick CADC backwards except it travels less distance. Opponents who try to DP or poke your Stinger will whiff and you’ll get a whiff punish.

Thanks so much Mr. Hades. Might need to put a lot of this into a time capsule for when both my opponents and I get better, but there’s a lot of immediately relevant information in here. I had no idea the MK, HK ender on her string ended overhead which answered my next question how in blazes are you hitting it so much?

You say to use as a footsie tool and such, does that mean even though the first hit whiffs on crouchers the second one is fast enough to keep you pretty safe? I have been too afraid to use it outside punishers.

As for the "hidden move you found in Christie’s twister kick, I think all that is is the “press repeatedly for followup attacks,” in action. And being a pessimist, I wonder if the expanded hitbox on Wheel Kicks does not mean the first hit will hit crouchers (normally that is the phrasing in the notes), but instead just make LP and EX comboable from fulldistance which they currently are not.

So does the Perch Flop buff make Stinger an even better neutral footsie tool? I wonder if one can do a stinger and if the opponent jumps in to whiff punish it on reaction, the stinger can be canceled into air invuln perch flop and punish them. If it can then that along with the usual pokes should amount for some very interesting corner pressure that operates well outside many characters’ poke ranges.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk 2

Yeah for example when the opponent neutral jumps on our wake up in anticipation of EX Stinger, we can cancel it into Handstand xx Perchflop Kick or Helicopter to anti-air. That’s true and it’s something I need to be doing more.

The only problem with that tech is that we would need to have Jedi reactions. Since Stinger can only be canceled into Handstand during it’s early animation. I guess one trick would be to buffer the qcf motion everytime you do a Stinger. That way we only need to react by tapping a kick button.

EDIT: And btw, Front Stinger is +0 on block (if Christie’s cr.lp is 3f).

All versions of Twister Sweep seem equally punishable. LK version is the only version that you can switch cancel on the very first hit, but even that is punishable since the opponent can reversal between low hits. Low > Overhead xx switch is also unsafe.

Yeah I didn’t imagine me doing the read consistently but really if you manage to do it once they’ll be scared shitless and heavily damaged by 3x perch flops, pardon my french. Also if you end up doing the stinger feint and they did not jump it is not the worst thing in the world especially if you are distanced.

I also really assume that c.lp is 3 frames, but if you want to be completely sure you can test stinger with s.lp, which has been confirmed to be 4 frames. Speaking of I was really psyched for the lp buff given its range, speed, and cancelability, but I guess if isn’t scary to use in footsies then it doesn’t open that many things up besides a 3 frame punish from a much further distance than c.lp.

I’m so happy I took the time to ask for you for newbie Christie tips. I was sliding down to 0bp before then and now I feel like I can get to C rank real soon.

Recently, I randomly decided that I would learn Christie. I have no idea what prompted it, but it happened, and now, I’m enjoying the crap out of her. She’s not very high damage, so I’m pairing her with Julia or Xiao. I honestly didn’t anticipate that I would actually stick with her, but she may become a main!
However, I’m not winning with her, and that’s probably due to unfamiliarity. That and Handstand keeps randomly coming out, which is annoying as all hell. So, she’s going to continue getting the trial by fire!

Just something I noticed with her. Neither her nor her move her forward, BUT, if one does directly after, then she moves forward. Hooray!