Hmm, interesting. Had forgotten about her standing fierce mid-combos, need to re-test my combos.
I have a bit of an issue with Christie being one of the few Tekken characters without a reliable anti fireball. I know her EX handstand is projectile immune but I mean come on, it doesn’t close any gap. How good can a projectile immune stance be if it only can counter from point blank range?
Yeah, her anti-fireball game is pretty shitty.
cr.MK goes under Hadokens. That’s enough for me.
EDIT: Looks like you can also avoid projectiles with Stinger and Twister Sweep. Unfortunately, those moves only hit around sweep range. But at least you can build meter while avoiding projectiles this way.
Chun Li and Guile are going to be a bitch though…
Haha, that is awesome. that was my way around Hadoken’s with Chun Li (her Cr. Mp goes under them too)
I’m liking what you guys are saying about Christie. Looks like I may be coming back for her and Dudley.
So, what bnb’s do you all have for her so far?
In the video thread gridman shows that christie has a mini vortex because even if they roll there still in range for her to start her 50/50’s that end in a knock down
Can you link to that video please?
It’s at 28:00
It’s a pretty weak vortex though since it’s useless vs backdash, gets blown up on block and loses to reversals and alpha counters. Not to mention you don’t really get much damage out of it (between 140 and 184 when the risk is losing half your life).
Right now I hit confirm usiing, st.lp, cr.lp, xx LP/EX Wheel Kicks, cr.lp, xx HP Stinger (301/349)
And I punish with, cs.hp (2 hits) xx LP/EX Wheel Kicks, cr.lp, xx HP Stinger (387/451).
I’m confused. How are you following up LP stinger if it knocks down?
You quoted me while I was editing my post. I of course meant LP Wheel Kicks.
Lol. Thanks.
What is Christie’s most reliable anti air’s? I haven’t been able to play that much and what are your bnb’s after launcher as well?
C.HP looks like a really good anti-air; it can even hit people from behind sometimes from what I’ve seen. I’ve been wondering if Christie had any sort of invincibility on any of her specials that I might be missing here. I haven’t found anything with her normal specials. The EX versions of them don’t seem to yield much either. HP and EX Stringer seem like they can avoid some stuff due to the backdash animation before it hits, but, I don’t know if that’s really something to rely on in a tough spot.
EX Handstand goes through projectiles, though you’re kind of stuck there without any way to move forward until you get out of stance.
Edit: So I made a really quick video showing off some stuff I use with Christie, I figured I’d put it here and in the video thread so people can use it for inspiration or whatnot, nothing really fancy, just basic stuff that gets the job done for me.
This is actually my first time doing anything like this as far as learning videos for characters goes, so I apologize if anything’s unclear.
All the ways Christie can keep the opponent standing for a mixup reset follow up:
-ABC chain ending with s.hp xx Switch
-Rasteila Chibata (c.lp,,, last attack hits twice so you can tag cancel it xx Switch
-Hit confirm into Island Mirage ( into Helicopter/Batucada xx Switch
-MP Wheel Kicks xx Switch
-EX Twister Sweep or EX Batucada xx Switch (Christie remains on screen for a while which allows for funny and interesting sandwich situations) goes under hadokens too, its great to move forward
If you get knocked down, what are some good options for Christie on wakeup? It doesn’t look like a single one of her special moves, EX or otherwise has a single frame of invincibility so it looks like backdash/block/ultimate are really her only viable choices? Did I miss something?
It looks like her target combo… What’s it… It’s like, The one that ends in the wall bounce…
The first hit looks completely safe on guard. Also. The gap created by the two hits can be mashed through but against ryu jab I always got counter hit… Still get the wall bounce though. Same for dps. Can be launched and invincible moves will beat it (ex.shoryuken).
Looks like a decent move. Wonder if we can tag during it safely. It creates a fair amount of block stun.