Starting this month(w/ today’s impromptu tourney), Vambat’s will be held every thursday. the main place to meet is in the irc channel #srkvampire. I’m thinking to end it, the last week of may, or april. though, tenatively may for now.
show 9pm EST(Easter standard time, make sure to adjust accordingly for west-coast players plz.). there is a 5 minute window for entry call
rankings I believe are much akin to apex:
(number of players/your final placing)*100
with a 10% loss of points for every week.
if you can’t do the math, don’t worry, i probably will(not to sound like an ass).
if you do not have access to irc(or you do not know a site with java irc), post here, or aim message me/whomever decides to run it that day.
other rules:
have your mame internet setup tested out, and configured. an automatic dns goes should configuring be needed.
server to be played on is chosen between players
1 round check(if necessary) to see if the given server is playable
2/3 wins match, 3/5 for semis, 4/7 grand finals
no being an ass.
suspicious desynchs/disconnects will put you on vambat probation or w/e(i.e. play nice)
-when the outcome of a match is determine’d, use this as a sample example, when posting it on the irc chat:
Dai-go(bb) 4-1 gb(fel)
if you need abbreviations, dont worry… make them up, as long as we all understand them
April 19th Vanbat
7-keo, fmj, ROF (due to dnf)
Rankings(updated 4/19/07):
2855.88 gb
2283.75 jmin
981.9 kicks
882.75 wafflez
863.82 dai-go
764.82 hitaro
545.85 koh
515.52 aya
387.09 sdfjkln
386.7 rhythm1c
295.2 chibibobo
253.26 mstramado
180 BoringRyu
176.85 harem
128.5714286 keo
128.5714286 fmj
128.5714286 ROF
73.8 dandy_j
73.8 fadedsun
63.72 rushedown
latest feed(4/19/07):
Total time run:2.0 hrs
RR with 8 people