Monday, 16 Mar 2008
Mission Valley Mall
San Diego
Headed out to eat at Joe’s Crab Shack with wife coming up off I-8 exit near mall.
Proximity to the local Tilt was so close, had to squeeze in a few minutes (first time for better part of a year against anyone) on what had been for the past two months, arguably, a shitty cabinet.
Inside the mall three people hovered around the machine.
One was wrecking shop (apparently, with 4-8 wins to his name) with C-Guile(3), Vega.
I drop 50 cents and play C-R4 Ryu and get my ass handed to me.
Next time up I switch to C-Guile, Ken, Cammy(2).
Normally low/lower tiers but only N-Nako rocks, Terry’s really rusty as well as Hibiki. His Guile falls to Ken, who in turn falls to his Vega. I eventually win with Cammy but I’m disappointed at how shitty my execution is; my dragon punches are not out on a dime, having trouble hit confirming to supers with all of my characters. I rely mostly on steady background pressure with booms or dancing back and forth with Ken/Cammy sneaking in a few pokes here and there, and when opponent inevitably jumps they eat an unblockable anti-air super.
I figure that’ll do as my ghetto game plan for the night.
I play someone a few matches, him sporting notably C-Ryo, sometims Chun and after a few losses Haoh. Eventually beats me after 3 matches, but I come back and win about 4 more before the local grounds keeper comes in with C-Ken(2), Blanka (2).
His Ken was pretty aggressive. In your face style. Destroyed my Guile in the space of 15 seconds, though I managed to get a full super bar somehow. Ken fared better but still lost. Began panicking, missed numerous shorts to super, though thankfully still had shorts to lvl 2 down pat with him. Cammy finally offed his Ken, but only after loosing half life.
His Blanka was aggressive as well, but Cammy fared better at forcing him to stay back, snuck in some aggressive throws and s.HP’s, punished with far s.HK’s and RC short arrows. Eventually though I was cornered but I realized something that may help me win the match, I was lower on life than Blanka, but he kept attacking all out. Hanging back may have helped him win the match, but I figure he was going for a guard break so he can land that super.
And super he did, after a pause in a block string he lvl 3’d, probably to catch my reprisal far s.HK and it ended up blocked. I punish this but my shoddy execution results in failed xx super. I try to hold my own defensively as Blanka continues to wear away at my life while I punish openings and eventually Blanka’s life is lower, but once again our meters are both at least lvl 2 or 3.
He goes for super again but it’s blocked, and this time I threw caution to the wind and just went for the reversal lvl 3 spin drive smasher and won.
I was impressed with his Ken vs my own. It was impressive how his tricks and near perfect execution fell to Cammy’s brain-dead turtling however.
Further, was impressed at how the cabinet was functioning properly.
Made a mental note to return (in about another years time, deploying again) but had to leave as it was getting late, and the wife and I were hungry.
Post your various ramblings here, or local scrub bashings or top player challenges (along with your defeats), or just ignore thread and move on