VA seven cites Thread: OH! OH! OH!

where are the results :’[

Sorry! I’ll find the brackets!!!

but here is a tournament wayy closer to you sir

Jan 21st

YES! mvc2 AND 3rd strike. thank you jinmaster bows in honor ggs at the crown tourney.

shawn i know u were back for holidays and didn’t come to my thur. night game to donate?? shame shame lol. Btw if any of u guys play poker I run a No limit holdem 1/2$ blinds 100$min buy in 250$ max every thur night 8pm. usually 2 tables full around 4-5,000 on tables dedicated dealers, free booze,drinks,food provided. Hit me up if ya’ll are interested. Shawn can tell ya its a good legit casino rules game. ya’ll can email me at if interested.

damn it jinmaster u r EVERYWHERE i cant go to a forum without u beening there…lol

Hwoarang Speed

Is Lynnhaven mall close by Virginia beach Blvd?? Id just move from Seattle here two weeks ago and now attending school near lynnhaven mall near virginia beach blvd. I hope that’s the one you’re talking about …so i can stop by sometime. I play marvel too.

its like 5 or 10 minutes from Lynnhaven… if you guys post up a gathering over there… ill come up and play marvel with you all… :wgrin:

Yes, Lynnhaven mall is VERY close to Va beach blvd. If you want to hook up for some games, hit me up on AIM: Det Jinmaster or just post up or pm me your cell or something.


Anyone going to that magfest thing?

what is magfast =\

and good shit to jinmaster for getting 3rd at clash, you own tekken :pray:

Magfest is da bomb. I’m going myself…if I get over being sick this quickly. it’s a BYOC game convention, just play games and chill.

hmmm do u get to actually play? or is there too many people? and are the people any good? (mvc2) :slight_smile:

kris!! man yes im back and i still get ur texts every thursday… as soon as i get it i say to myself ahh the cox game

only problem is im a very very boke college kid…i owe lots of money right now and dont have a job, trust me i want to come but cant… for those who do play poker, its a very well worth it trip, even if u have to drive a couple hours…if you think ur good go to it… good players, good environment, and kris is the best host possible and has always treated me and my friends fairly as well as every1 else…

on a side note. hey VA heres a riddle… what does Seattle and VA Beach have in common?? :smiley: (foomy u cant answer)

sova might become a huge threat now, careful careful everyone

Have you been to Lynnhaven Mall yet? I was up there earlier today…the girl selection in that mall is also pretty good, I mean you get every race! I was playing some mvc2 for a while…nobody else was really playing much.

Sure, if you like jailbait.

Anyway, I got a DC adaptor for my stick, so I can play MvC2 on console now. We should get together and play sometime. But if there’s any kind of announced gathering at Lynnhaven, I’ll go.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I’ll be at Lynnhaven tomorrow if anyone wants to come by and play some MvC2.

I don’t think people play mvc2 anymore…:wonder:

What needs to happen, is that putt putt place by Military Circle Mall needs to reopen…

I was wondering if anyone is playing in VA Beach sometime at the end of this week. Im from North Carolina and I plan on staying for a few days. I dont know what arcades they have there if any at all. I can play console as well, but Im just curious what the scene is like out in the VA Beach area.

oh nose its me, just thought id pop by


Im running a BIG Richmond tournament on Feb 11th

I hope a SOVA team can make it here, RICHMOND is VERY close to SOVA!!!

I have 100 total people coming to compete in Smash, DOA4, T5, Sc3, 3rdS, and Mvc2

