V7: The SoVA (Hampton Roads) Thread

I love the shock and awe in they way he says “NO!”

Yea I remember that…he screamed NO with such conviction. priceless. Voted +1

So, I don’t think I need any more proof than this to show that Capcom actually hates Cammy and Fei Long. Fei and Cammy’s Ultra 2 get armor broken, require the opponent to press a button, and can’t be comboed into.

Hakan’s one slick dude.

Oh god I fukken lol’d so hard right there.


thats cause you have alot in common with sweaty shoulder guy…

I could say the same about you.

So do you.

Like, you both lost mms to me.


I’ll get it back…

3s? Ft(X number of matches)


$buffalo chicken sammich? name my prize

3s, ft3, if I win I get your avatar.



@ 1:27

Crossup with j.LK which is one of the worst crossups in the game without a setup. Maybe it was a fluke or something but I believe they gave Cammy a better natural crossup with j.LK. She connects this crossup multiple times during the match which is REALLY hard to do just ask DBC.

@ 2:33

U2 connects. Chun jumps in with HK and whiffs so either she threw a c.LK to catch her low or tried to crouch tech a throw. Chun’s c.LK is 3 frames out and it gets caught by Cammy’s U2. The fastest Ultra in Vanilla SF4 is Chun’s at 7 frames. So my assumption, until we see some frame data, counter Ultra is instant or 1-2 frames. Better than nothing but I think it has potential. Although counter supers sucked in the past, Remy’s SA3 counter super actually had start up and it was a counter super combo not a grab, which may make a counter Ultra useful against some Rufus/Juri divekicks and Viper flamekicks cause it would catch them Rose Shamwow style.


@ 0:56

Makoto is on the startup frames of her s.HP which should be pretty fast(at least it was in 3s). You can see Makoto in the starting animation for s.HP and Fei does U2 and catches her with it. Also before and after the screen freeze, Makoto LOOKS like she’s stuck on the exact same frame. So counter Ultras are incredible fast, so done on anticipation on links and shit it makes some combos risky. Counter Ultra might be effective against crossups during wakeup games since it’s a counter Ultra grab as well.

Jesus Christ I can’t stop fucking laughing, and it’s got nothing to do with Hakan.

Oh thank God for that! Put that weak shit in the back.

I saw the pre-order bonus that comes with the game from Gamestop…

This’ll be the first bonus that I’ll have to ask my customers whether they actually want it or not.

Sure why not. =-)

GGs Black Irish last night, sorry I had to run…

I hit training mode for a moment last night, and I came up with some sweet stuff that I’m going to enjoy trying out today at Jamie’s (Aimforthefeets) :smiley: Feeling immensely confident in my Seth now :smiley: Come out if you think you can hang ;} (Or if you just want to get some practice!). Hope to see you all there.

First pg Updated


*If there are gatherings/casuals/sessions, let me know so I can post for everyone.
Contact Info @ Bit.Ly/SoVAPlayers

Event: AimForTheFeet’s Casuals
When: Tuesday March 23rd 7pm (Call ahead)
Where: Norfolk, VA 23507
Format:SF4/T6 First to 3. Loser passes the sticks.

Event: Randumbcat’s Wednesday Whopper Battles
When: Wednesdays @ 7pm-1030ish (Call ahead)
Where: Norfolk, VA. 23505
Format: SF4 First to 3. Loser passes the sticks.

So I’m giving Tekken another shot. I’ll have Tekken 6 in my possession sometime this week. I haven’t played it since T3/Tag days and STILL don’t understand how this game works.

Also, who is Mr. 720 and what happened to him?

Vince - get up with aimforthefeet whenever he has gatherings and let him know that you’re trying to play again