V7: The SoVA (Hampton Roads) Thread


Event: Blackula’s Ranbats - Season 4 Finale SF4/T6 Singles
When: Saturday March 20th 6PM
Where: Blackula’s Castle Chesapeake, VA.

Event: Kangarou’s FREE Bi-Weekly - SF4 Singles Tourney!
When: Saturday March 27th 3PM
Where: Pembroke Mall GameStop Virginia Beach, VA.

i will try to make it anyways , missed to many alrdy

All vids from the last two ranbats are now on You Tube. Enjoy.

SSFIV Launch tourney in Richmond! Saturday, May 1st.
Also doing arcade tourneys in other games: CvS2, Hyper Fighting and others.


okay so dudleys ex cross cutter looks as if it puts you in juggle state (yea wtf!?)
and abel new ultra ahahah baits jumps so well you have to see this video
starts at 3:06

can someone give me a ride to the Ranbat???

if you go bring my stuff and give it to Nick or joe or Andrew C

DBC rode the bus over here.

Couldnt make it to the ranbat. but for those interested, MrFeatureMatch has a few ppl over playing SF4 in his room. (we’re room mates so if you know where i live then you’re good)

Event: MrFeatureMatch’s Casual Matches
When: March 20th 7pm
Where: Norfolk VA. (Same address as randumbcat)

Mt. Pleasant Gamestop Sunday tournaments are starting up not tomorrow (today), but the next Sunday the 28th.

Up for grabs is a copy of SSFIV when the game releases. It’s a series of 4 tournaments I think? Dsinnie and Nick have more details than I do.

is there a second place prize?

of course…

the pleasure of knowing you lost to me…

Someone let me knwo details as soon as you get them so I can update first post.
How many tournies?
Start Time
Fee? (assuming its also free as most gamestop tourneis)
Whos’s running this?

I can cover this, and I didn’t even know about it, 4 tourny’s, starts at 2, probably free, and there is a good chance I’m running it… Like it always has been.

cool, good stuff. i wouldnt have known. ive only been to 1 of the mt pleasant events.

Update EDIT: Updated first post


Event: Kangarou’s FREE Bi-Weekly I - SFIV Singles
When: Saturday March 27th 3PM (Every 2 weeks)
Where: Pembroke Mall GameStop Virginia Beach, VA.

Event: BabyPuncher’sFREE Series (1 of 4) - SFIV Singles
When: Sunday March 28th 2PM
Where: Mt. Pleasant GameStop Virginia Beach, VA.
Prize: SUPER Street Fighter IV

hmmm next week…might make it to one if not both.

Updated first post with a few more tourney’s, Lucky’s in NC and Renegade’s in Richmond

ok I got the low down from my Boss, Every sunday, starts at 1pm not 2, 4 weeks, still free (BUT he really wants the people buying the game to RESERVE it at our store and not the other stores thats why hes giving out a free copy) Our GS is in chesapeake, we go by a point system so the 1st place gets 5 points, 2nd gets 4, 3rd gets 3, 4th gets 2 everyone else gets 1. We have 360’s and ps3 set up. still Free. I think thats it, most of you have been to our tournys, when I’m there to run it I can run a real bracket, if it someone else I think they just bullshit brackets still so someone might want to take charge if im not there.

is there a 2nd place price? like a cviper doll cause thats all i really want at this point

I’l see what I can do, and you already won a copy of SSF4 havnt you? I Might invest in a Guile Doll instead.