I haven’t talked to Andy yet but likely second Saturday in July for next tournament. Road to Evo casuals coming soon.
Anyone down for some drunken MK casuals @ my house tonight?
you should have it the first weekend =)
or some huge casuals haha
Thanks for your support everyone.
My wife had our baby last night Time to finally get some sleep… RevLA + Baby = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
most likely. I am going to order a new harness for it soon.
Whoa! Congrats, man. #4, right?
3rd actually, kelly senpai! you badass!
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We talking about number of kids, no?
Dude, I think it’s actually his 9th. Second greatest day of Kelly’s life he told me, the first being getting 3rd at MK9. He should’ve gotten 2nd though! So close.
This weekend was a blast. I realize how good the competition is out there and how retarded C. Viper is.
EVO is next and should be a blast.
I’ll tell you guys all the stories at the next ranbat. Best part of the trip was E3 and having 4 setups in our room. Mago was stealing ppl’s money in our room.
PS Phil not sure when next ranbat will be. I’ll let you know though.
So, I’m probably going to be able to go to Evo now. Problem is, everything is kinda dunno right now. Brian might have a ride for me, but thats just if his car hasn’t sold. And Kourtney doesn’t know if she can get work off, so I don’t wanna get a hotel by myself since brian wants his own hotel to fuck in, which I don’t disagree. Me and Kourt will if she can get work off.
So I guess I’m just curious if anyone has an open slot that would take me a long as a just in case kinda thing. I’ll pay my share gladly for gas and hotel. But again this is* just in case*. Its stupid but, I wanna go so I’ll even drive down on my own and get my own hotel. Or sleep in a garbage if I have to.
@Dana, yes #4
Who am I rooming with @ EVO? Also, is the airport close to the venue? I’m too lazy to google map it.
COngrates Kelly, Great job in the tourny my friend it was a pleasure to see you kick so much ass. Coldviper I may have room for the evo trip I am still tyring to put the money together for it, I will let you know if I 100% committed.
On another note I would like to let everyone know that I am getting ready to host the Utah streetfighters either for a ranbat or just a casual BBQ, stay tuned.
America, land of the FRAY!!
We got exposed. Everyone did. Even Hsien Chang.
Trip was GDLK. I found out that I can absolutely lose to Akuma, but I’m impossible to beat with Ryu.
Abel, peace out, learning Makoto now. XBL should be up by Sunday, add me. ii Strider LL
Hey anyone interested in buying my 60 g PS3, its backwards compatible and has very low hours on it. I bought this for Tekken 5 so its got about 1000 hours on it or so, that is the only game I really played on it. It works like a champ. Make me an offer if you are interested.
Konqrr, I thought you were rooming with me? I will have a car. I got a really good deal on a room at the venue.
Wasn’t sure, too much shit going on. Sounds good man. My flight leaves on Thursday @ 1:50pm or something like that. When will you be there Josh?
@TL, I’ll trade you my broken 60gb for your working one haha
Casuals Friday 7-11pm my place. Mk9, ssf4, mvc3. All xbox. Bring your own controller/stick. Please let me know ahead of time if you coming so I can have the right amount of setups.
What’s for dinner?
I am selling a MVC3 TE stick for the PS3. Never been used, never taken out of the box. These retail for 160 dollars w/o tax.
I will sale for 140 dollars. Remember EVO only uses PS3.