It’s tapa talk fool… Why didn’t you come get blown up last ranbat?
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It’s tapa talk fool… Why didn’t you come get blown up last ranbat?
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We should have a team tournament next ranbat. I miss those.
Hell yeah. team tournament for sure.
Anyway just watch the replay for Team Utah vs. Team Snake Eyes. Good shit gustavo. almost reverse ocv that shit.
Holy shit, nice perfect on Sako.
Mk is on off cast. Konqrr only one left
Is there anyone in utah who can duel mod sticks? I have no idea how to do it and even with instructional vids I do not trust myself. Anyone?
P.S. Eddie when you see this I would like yo buy the PS3 stick off you if you have yet to sell it.
Hey sorry to everyone who txted me. I couldn’t get back to u. So much craziness at the tourney. No one made it to top 8 from Utah. But this tourney is fun. Konqrr made it to top 8 and he’s in winners also. Hellah hype. Please watch him tomorrow at 2:15 pm Sunday.
I told you I can do it. What kinda stick are you dual modding? 360 or PS3 stick?
PS3 to 360…but I dont want any lag lol that would suck…I also have a 360 stick if those are easier to duel mod.
P.S. if you could find clear buttons with blue lights that would be sick…I wanna make a really sick cyber sub stick.
There is no lag on dual mods, dont be silly. The clear buttons with lights are a tall order, if they were that easy to do I would have them on all my sticks. Plus its hella money and time to do lights. Im having trouble deciding if my next mod should be another SE or a Hori, those $130 ones (
I need a link to the MK stream again =(
Rudy if I buy one of those for 360 can I pay you to dual mod it?
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Luan is the dualmod
Rudy is the sickartmod
Kelly! Man, you’re fun to watch. You were so close against Tony. Regroup and win it all!
Edit: GG, dude. GG.
Good stuff Kelly, so fun to watch.
Lets see you take those fans to Evo
Yeah you gotta get luan to dual mod that. I can make some sick art for it though.
Dude, I would seriously love that… Some skotbot801 / cody sickness… Should be here in 5 _ 10 days
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Bowser I’ll do the 360 - PS3 one. It’s MUCH easier. I can do light for you as well but shit will cost a lot just for part. However I need some extra cash to spend in ammunition for shootings so I don’t mind taking on the job lol.
Scott what are you dual modding? TE?
Either that or the new hori I just bought…maybe both?
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what do you mean…“light”?