Utah Thread: Not everyone is Mormon......just the majority

I believe MAGO2DGOD is a tier whore so no way he’ll be using ken. Pretty sure he’ll be using fei long or sagod.
Anyone want to do some casual on wed night while watching 801 crew represent in socal?

Cabibi, it will be at my house for MK. My only change is spin has slightly more recover.

I am going to go apeshit on all of SoCal. Kung Lao/noob ready to go. Got the raiden matchup down.

How was the lake with mom?

All this Luan and his mom talk sound like Principal Skinner from Simpsons and his mom.

Principal Luan 87

Just got tapa talk… Back to trolling during work :slight_smile:

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New smash bros on the new Nintendo console, Lets see that at evo with Skullgirls and Clay Fighter 63 and a half.


Stop trolling Luan with talks of u showing up to casuals.


Is ae available yet?

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It is for the 360

PS triple users will have to wait 'till tomorrow for it.

Casuals my house 6 pm

I’m rsvp’ ing right now

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@ Andy… MK casuals or SF?

@ Josh, Spin is huge though… totally changes the wake up game. I think your hat xray chain is going away too. but yea keep me posted on the casuals, this online thing is killing me.

Two sf4 and 1 mk9 setup.

AE is out on PSN now. Just search for “Arcade Edition” in the PSN Store because you can’t find it through add-ons.

Anyone else getting bored of the Evil Ryu / Oni army online?

I’m coming july 1st weekend get ready gus.
First to ten ssf4
First to ten marvel baby

you’re staying with me right?

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I would have came to casual today if I knew about it. Tapatalk still doesn’t work on my iphone with the updated version. And no Thanh I went shooting at utah lake with some friends.

Good luck at the tourney this weekend guys I will be stream monstering it up. I wont be available on xbox until about mid august until then my abel/vega/Eryu will be waiting.