USFIV Boxer Changes

Marry me, I’m a fluffy, hairy and fat italian guy ready to love you!

Thanks for your patience man!

Has anyone had the chance to try the U1 straight finish? I super curious and can’t find any footage of it.

There’s a reddit thread at which details the final USF4 changelog. The user Fabsie has compiled the changes from this list as follows:

“Balrog Changes: Mostly the same as what was in the previous builds.
LP Dash Punch on Hit: -1 (From -2)
Overhead changes from previous builds
Ultra changes so he can end with straight punch
New TAP changes: Tap takes 2 seconds to change levels for levels 1-5.
Lvl1: -0 on block
Lvl2: -1 on block, +1 on hit
Lvl3: -2 on block, -1 on hit
Lvl4: -4 on block, -2 on hit”

According to the final change log that was posted on EH, only Rog’s Super (Crazy Buffalo) is able to direct that last hit it seems. This is still quite useful for corner situations where normally you would go under your opponent as a result of holding Kicks. Most definitely will be a welcome addition to his arsenal

P.S. I’m new to the forums but not new to Boxer. I thought i would help contribute a bit to the community!

They would take away the Headbutt buffs. >_>
And wouldn’t it just be better to give Balrog a command overhead that requires no back charge? I just find it really silly that half the cast can just do their overhead, but Balrog needs a three second charge.

True. If Balrog had a command overhead it would help him quite a lot imho.

A command overhead does sound nice, but it would make Balrog a little broken. The whole mix up with Dudley is his “High or low” set ups, If Balrog had that then it would essentially make his corner pressure too good. I’m fine with his overhead being a dash for corner jab mix ups.

I doubt it would be OP, especially if they don’t make it special cancelable or linkable to anything.

It’s a high risk, high reward thing. If you manage to land the overhead you can get a free combo to ultra. Besides Capcom would have to change the look of one of his moves it make it a overhead, and all of his buttons are good as they are.

So last night my ex straight went completely through viper and to make matters worse my ex headbutt again went through an light tk. And the biggest piss off was when I ultra through a rose fireball all hits didn’t connect smh and also the ex straight last night didn’t go full distance in a Hugo match like he jumped over me I ex straight and all of a sudden it fell short and I got an ultra for that bs. This game feels really slow by the way

Viper’s light thunder knuckle will low profile dash straight and rush upper, that’s why Viper’s spam it. It’ll also stuff non-ex.hb if done close enough.

ex.ds tracks, so if they’re close to you it will fall short, from your description it seems as if the ex.ds whiffed, so you were using it to escape versus actually trying to hit him? If you were trying to escape TAP is better since it doesn’t track, but is slower.

I have no idea how to reply on iPhone! But yeah I did not know that it tracked,and yes I was trying to excape from the corner then all of a sudden stop! The viper match the ex headbutt didn’t even touch her and she whiffed it I was trying to hit her recovery frames to chip her out and I literally went through her! Same with the ex straight I went through her. I would post a vid but it seems like it’ll be to much of this and that

Wow this thread died!

I am like you guys in thinking that Capcom short changed him.

Balrog had problems that they didn’t even bother addressing because they would rather buff characters that were lacking and needed buffs desperately like Yun or Viper (being heavily sarcastic here).

Red focus does NOTHING for Balrog because why would he need it if he can just ex upper for two bars less? His damage output is disgusting and they didn’t address that at all. It would’ve been nice if they increased hitstun on his cr.lp to make the easier to combo into.

He is officially the only charge character without a crossup either. Even Vega got one and Vega has a command overhead and huge damage output.

He is basically the same as he was in 2012. He lacks a mixup game, a cross up, has disgusting reversals, pathetic damage potential unless you’re a plinking master and people say delayed wake up is great for him but it won’t be long till people come up with delayed wake up set ups anyway so that comes in redundancy IMO.

It seems every character I use has become shitter or unaffected lol. My poor Oni and poor Seth :frowning:

Fuck Capcom for being so lazy. Seriously.


He doesn’t have “Pathetic damage potential”, you do. If you can’t hit the combos that’s a problem you have, not Balrog.

Be thankful you have a problem that’s easily solvable.

It’s been a while - is there any official page/list of changes between Balrog AE to Ultra now that it’s been out a while? I wasn’t aware of the changes before, so discovering I couldn’t combo after light/medium overheads had me scratching my head for a while before I came here.

Only partially true.


Entire Change log here.

More specifically, here’s Rog’s changes:

And then there were some more balance changes introduced with patch 1.04 - for a few selected, including Balrog.

On the cr.lp > link -
So you want them to make one of the easiest links easier? Just plink it and learn how to combo effectively.

On mix-up -
As much as a good mix-up game would benefit Balrog, he doesn’t need it. His ability to play neutral and dominate opponents in the corner make him a threat. Mix-up isn’t part of his character as heavily as brilliant footsies is. Not to mention jab pressure. If you want great mix-up you’re playing the wrong character.

On cross-up -
Boxer characters don’t have cross-ups(Useful ones at least) and this is just a drawback of their archetype for lacking kicks.

On reversals -
…I give up responding to that complaint now. Just mull it over a little.

On damage potential -
You’re outta your fucking mind on that front, Balrog’s damage is one of his best features and how he can convert into it. Especially in burst if you can hit the FADC 1f.

I think it’s less about the character and more about you as a player, hit the lab and re-evaluate how you play Boxer and what you should be doing with him. I’d train plinking and execution if you struggle with it. Balrog has problems, but they’re problems that seem to be intentional or Balrog would be brilliant. Characters shouldn’t have everything available to them, they need weak points. But manageable weak points.

Am I the only one who thinks Rog is in a good spot in Ultra? Even though Red Focus and U2 are disappointing he’s still solid. At least they didn’t ruin his entire character, he still plays the same game only with a stronger rush punch and better overhead considering you can still choose between H/EX for your combo needs. It’s always going to be a gimmick but at least we got another option.

What would have been nice to me at least would have been giving his one or two more frames of advantage so you could chain it with cr.lp. Low starter would help out, as well as giving him an easier time when crouch teching and trying to land conversions.