USF4 Sagat

Hey there CC. Could have sworn that crouching mk did more damage…probably mixed up or something.

and yeah, the hugo match is pretty bad for hugo. This makes me more annoyed at the 3 frame ts nerf just to accommodate him when in reality it’s still duck hunt. Might as well have left the ts as it was…give hugo some other tools to navigate fireballs.

You guys think Hugo has it bad against Sagat? I played a pretty good Hugo last night and I honestly think Hugo doesn’t have a problem. He hit me with a 3/4 screen U2 off a backdash of mine that he read :frowning:

He has some tools to beat Sagat. His normals have ridiculous range and are quite fast and he can make his jump-ins difficult to anti air with anything except stand Roundhouse (which is low damage and trades a lot anyway. Plus he has shenanigans with that triple armoured move which can catch you by surprise at the right distance. Focus is way better than average too. Oh, and his hitbox is weird in that high shots go right through his head.

I find that Sagat is still strong, but the weakest point I find about sagat now is the fact that his DP>FADC is no longer safe especially considering how awful his backdash is and the fact that it starts in 5 frames. He is still definitely playable for those who are loyal to him. The TK buff will make it a viable neutral game tool and he still has his SRK(trade)> f+HK.

I will probably still continue to play him, but I have to learn to block more and stop relying on SRK as a way out.

Just FYI timing for ex TK corner ultra juggle is pretty strict, you gotta press the button literally right when his feet touch the ground or else the opponent will be too low.

Honestly the bar is probably better spent on low ex shot in the corner, SUPER easy to juggle into, zero chance of it getting dropped.

Talking about juggles, I noticed that it’s difficult to hit Poison with fullscreen EX TS into U2. She falls out of the juggle very fast and the Ultra whiffs. Anyone else notice this?

happened with me yesterday. I thought i was a bit late, however this makes sense now. Not sure if she is completely unhittable full screen, but it did whiff.

FINALLY found a good application for the new stand lk: you can get about 100 extra damage on a confirm into ultra, without the full scaling of the standard 4 hit sagat hit confirm, while still having time for a complete confirm.

on a standard confirm
cr. lk st lk xx tu fadc step kick ultra 1 - 423 dmg
cr. lk x2 cr lp xx tu fadc step kick ultra 1 - 355 dmg

on a cross up lk
j lk, cr lk st lk xx tu fadc step kick ultra 1 - 423 dmg
j lk, cr lk x2, cr lp xx tu fadc step kick ultra 1 - 367 dmg

Do Cr.MP St.Lk, it’s one frame.

You could just cut out one of the lights from the old combo though, e.g. xx TU. One might prefer the spacing of on block, but would have more frame advantage (-1 vs. +3). Btw, I usually go straight into cr.lp xx whatever after crossup lk, since it’s faster than and you barely have enough time to link anything after the

Does link into normally? is +4 while should still be 5 startup. EDIT: Nevermind, apparently close st.LK is 4 startup while far is 5. Still, I would go for the easier cr.lp for a little less damage.

You sound extra salty. I just saw a Sagat place in top 8 @ Next Level last week. His fireballs still control the screen and are still the best projectile in the game. Get over it bro. It’s not him that isn’t viable, it’s you.

He’s viable, as he has the tools he needs. We’ll see about his potential in the next few majors though. Ryan Hart dropped him for Ryu in E3 cup and Sanford Kelly covered him with Oni at Next Level.

Is anything I said inaccurate?

I think hes talking about gouken, cause best projectile in the game dunno what’s that got to do with nerfgat

no but ur highlighting the negatives to early to tell. The game is only a week or two old give it some time breh.

i find balrog got a bit harder…chucking high ts with impunity to force a TAP is not as easy and he catches u with the ex dash punches more often. i cant think of any matches that got easier due to sagat specific “buffs”.

Sagat RIP

Damn. After playing Gat for a week solid now, I have to say he’s a bit worse off than AE and it’s not because of the TS nerf.

The step kick trade is now basically free to a jump in, at certain ranges you’ll get your (reduced damage) step kick and half the Ultra because it whiffs, basically pissing the bar away. The more I play gat the more I think Ultra 2 may be the way to go now and I’d never thought I’d say that. It’s a sad fucking day when the two step kick juggle that is extremely spacing dependant is barely making a scratch on the bar. Now it could be argued the trade was bullshit in the first place, but you were never meant to jump on gat and that was the pay off for being such a scrub.

Gat’s damage is at an all time low and the shitty bnb buff is not good enough. The king needs either his Tiger uppercut buffed or his back.

I went into this with a solid mind and a good attitude but I think the King might be dead.

Some people are overreacting **WAYYY **too much at Sagats USF4 iteration.

Sure, he’s not TOPTIER by any means this time around but he can definitely still be played exactly the same as he was in previous iterations. None of the new characters are a problem for Sagat imo. They seem like they’ll all by even or positive for Sagat.

Same BnB combos, same matchup strategies. With DWU, there’s less BS 1-knockdown GG which is great.

TU > For. HK > Ultra 1 dmg nerf doesn’t really make much sense IMO, but even with the dmg nerf, sticking the opponent in corner feels nice as it should have always been.The additional nerf is that sometimes the Ultra will whiff or not get all hits now on some characters (Guy I know sometimes happens)

The hard matchups will be: El Fuerte (bs 200dmg EX in move - gonna get nerfed in next patch most likely anyways), Viper, Evil Ryu, Fei Long & Yun imo.

PS: >HK Tiger Knee > RedFocus > cr.MP Hk Tiger Knee is pretty cool.

I think that Ultra 2 is the way to go regardless of matchup now.

rolento even or positive for sagat? lol. and i have my doubts about elena