Matches on ps4 also “hangs” a little bit when someone joins the lobby while a match is going on. Kinda annoying.

btw, I discovered that the ps4 always record the last 15 mins. So if ppl rage quite, just push the share button and save clip.
We should make a wall of shame for rage quitters.

I play on both Xbox 360 and PC, would it be worth it to start playing on PS4?

Does anyone experience some extreme slowdown online? like someone will knock me down and the lag gets so bad that the game just stops. My opponent almost recovers first and lets me recover but i momentarily can’t do anything and i get hit again. happens alot when I play rolento especially

Ryu’s BGM is still louder than the rest in online matches.

yes. it’s stage related. training stage is fine for me. most people are a bit dim though and don’t believe me when i say that there’s stage dependant lag.

this happens on all USF4 versions somewhat.

on xbox 360 you see it alot when people are playing with wireless. on pc you notice it when people have the wrong settings or a weak computer.

Is it me or does the Replay channel not work AT ALL in this version? Like I legit sat there for 10 minutes while the game jumped from lobby to lobby without finding any replays to watch, tried both Elite and Regular channels

ye, for sure

yea but on the ps4 it’s worse than ever. i still can’t believe i’m playing 3/4k pp players that haven’t worked this out and insist on playing a lag fest on any stage other than training stage.

The game doesn’t lag on any stage other than training stage though. It only lags on certain stages.

Drive in at night, crumbling laboratory, volcanic rim, most/all of the sfxt stages and some others can lag.

But stages like morning mist bay, overpass, old temple and others are fine.

Fuck staring at training stage for hours at a time.

I just got PS4 yesterday and played some USF4 on it, here’s my review.

Really really really bad players at 0-2k pp.

Lag everywhere and every stage… everyone is playing on WiFi.

The graphics look better than Xbox 360 and almost as good as PC.

The input lag is not that bad, but its there.

Lots of players to play in Ranked and Endless.

Also, everyone shows up with 0 bars until I actually join their room. Is this normal or something messed up with my network/router?

Confirming that I’m really bad. Can’t really tell if I’m getting any better : /

I have a list of a few already if you want to start it :slight_smile:

yo does everyone have 0 bars until you join them? any way to fix this ? is this a common problem?

should be getting a ps4 in a few days. can definitely confirm then

I wanna tell u to save your money for real.

So many players…

Hey guys I am form the Carolina’s and trying to do some 1st to 10s with however is down. I need some help with specific match ups. Right now I am setting up a twitch account so maybe I can start streaming my progress.

I main Honda and i would like to get matches in with the following:

Everyone else I am ok against, I was just looking to get more comfortable in those. If you don’t play them and still wanna do a 1st to 10 let me know I may still be down.
My PSN is AyzoRamon. add me and message who you play

Thanks guys

Been playing this recently and can echo some of the pains.

  • I swear I am on the only one online who has stable internet. Opponents internet strength seem to change from screen to scree,
  • Lag is prominent in most matches.
  • Have not had any sound issues
  • The games seems far slower the the 360 or PS3 versions.