Figured I’d share my issue and solution in case anyone else comes and searches for help.

If you’re wanting to play in a different region, you’ll need to create a new account. I’m living in Korea. On XBL, most Koreans switch to the Japanese server. Currently, you cannot change your PSN account’s region which makes playing on the Japanese server virtually impossible (you would have to hope for someone in Japan to be willing to play outside there server).

Since PS4 requires a Playstation+ subscription, you’ll need to create an account in the region you would like to play and pay for a new subscription.

If anyone is curious how to create a Japanese account, you can Google for guides or go here,

Good luck!

To njck cannon… Thanks for pointing that out.

I’m an English guy with a UK PSN account living in Japan, and now I can’t play against any of the online players here!! That’s crazy!! There’s no way I’m paying for another PS+ sub just to get on the Japanese servers… Omg I’m so angry… The only matches I can find are NO BARS Europe servers. I’ve wasted my money :frowning:

Could Capcom change this?? What’s the point of online if we can’t play international players??

Back with my test results.

120 tests recorded at 120fps on my Galaxy Note 2 gave me 5.458677685f of input lag using an EVO monitor(10ms input lag Bodnar tested) and TE2 PS4 stick.

Same exact test using a Dual Shock 4 gave me 5.41221374f of input lag.

If we need to see a video of my tests, I could upload something, but I’m lazy and would rather not. Can some more people test maybe?

When I was playing it last night, it felt like there was only 1-2f of input lag and my tests kind of confirm this. This XIM4+PC keyboard test seems kind of “iffy”

even if the input lag gets address, would that lag still exist for the people on ps3 sticks? or would be force to buy a ps4 stick to lower input lag?
or to early to tell ?

In my opinion u will be forced to buy a ps4 stick to lower the input lag as it is most probably caused by the lab zero drivers…

Hm, need to see about buying some light up buttons so I can test this myself

Wonder how long before they announce a patch. Gonna give up wondering and stick to pc if they don’t say something soon. Guess I should count myself lucky that ps4 sticks work on pc.

Too early to tell imo. I think Capcom should post a recording of their own test. If they claim that they reduced the input lag then the only way they could’ve known that was by testing it. A video recording of that could at least help put people at ease for that aspect.
Other people testing would help paint a clearer picture as well. The more results we get, the better we can draw a conclusion on what the input delay is and under what conditions it may or may not lag.

I’m wondering if the fireball disappearing glitch on a few characters is due to a driver glitch? If so, at least those bugs shouldn’t be that hard to fix. I’m betting that Juri one is going to be a bitch to track down and repair though.

Either way, I’m glad that the remaining Pro Tour events are staying away from the port.

To be honest, this almost comes across as a blatant false advertising case. (input lag and tournament standard were both promised Day 1 items) I kinda want Capcom/Sony to issue a general recall/refund until they can get their act together and get this port working to acceptable standards.

At the risk of sounding like a port defendant, until we see more tests I think the “input lag” complaints should be dropped. It’s evident that more testing is needed. Gilley has tested this twice now showing it more or less matches Xbox 360. I’m guessing it’s a driver’s issue for the “relic” sticks.

I’m also pissed about the trophies… such a lazy job to leave the trophy list the same as the PS3, including “DLC Trophies” for AE and Ultra when you can’t even switch the game back to SUPER or AE.

How much time and effort would it take to just create a new list for PS4?

This shit is hilarious I can only laugh at all you people who bought the game

This thread went from " I’m selling all my other consoles just to play this, all other consoles are obsolete now" to fuck this game,fuck sony fuck capcom, fuck everything. LMAO!!!

Laugh at the game, not the victims.

But it’s a combination that makes it amusing. All the people who feel fucked over and are going in because the game did not deliver are hilarious.

Having said that, I do want the glitches to be fixed via patch and the game brought up to arcade/tournament standard because it would be convenient not to have to switch consoles whenever I want to play SF4. Still haven’t bought the game though and won’t until it’s verified that there aren’t anymore glaring issues on this level.

I guess so. When Evo announced they were doing PS4 Ultra I got rid of my xbox stick and bought a PS4 stick. I’m not super amused at the prospect of not having a stick for Evo. On a lighter note, I’m having fun trying to find stupid glitches, reminds me of Halo 2 when we would just try to break the game and get out of the map.

i don’t own a PS4 nor do i plan to, and i still think this is bullshit. if it was Capcom/Sony’s desire to make this the tournament standard and this is the result, i have lost a lot of trust in them.

Controllers are also getting lag

Well then the lag isn’t universal. Maybe it has some weird feature when used online that adds some lag. I believe people are experiencing lag, but I also believe that the game has been made to 360 standards. Seems like some need a patch in order to experience the intended lag that others are already having, instead of just bumping the whole game down a couple frames.

Well I’m not sure what com used, but with as fucked as this port is I would not be surprised if the lag varies by stage, multiplayer, or just completely random as fuck per console lol.

Something is definitely weird and we need more tests, because Gilley has different results from displaylag, and then some people don’t feel no lag and others feel some or massive lag. Seems to be different from everywhere.