USF4 Body n Soul: Efficient combos. Updated 10/14!

hmm obviously it’s less damage than her easy fadc c.hp x hk spiral option but I do need to look into stun values for all these combos one day!! :slight_smile:

Well is indeed one frame faster startup but the link isn’t any easier and has the added benefit of being throw and low invincible… is definitely cool but i feel there are more often situations where Rose is looking to convert off instead…
I guess i’ve never thought about using it as a punish. It’s definitely cool but an extra 18 damage for the risk of a 1 frame link isn’t a fair trade to me…

as for bnbs, I didn’t really want to focus on those in this topic so just added her most basic. They’re pretty personal, most players prefer different things and there’s a decent amount of variation.

I would love to see some counter hit combos that use It deals a lot of damage and will most likely stun after 1 or 2 knock downs.

Glad I found this thread, I have been in the lab putting things together. Now it’s time to practice some of these.

The,, spiral combo has been on and off for me. The link just seems to run away at times. Lol

Thread majorly updated!!! Stun values, u2 slide combos and more.

Phizaroah- Are you plinking it? It’s a tricky one to get consistent. I still drop it a lot.

Genistar- I’ve got one CH combo in there and i’ve just gone and added (replacing c.hp) stun values to almost every combo :slight_smile:

Why do you end all your combo’s with heavy spiral, does it have to do with the mixup/safejump afterwards? light/medium soul spiral do the same damage+stun.

Habit :stuck_out_tongue:

It does have the benefit of faster recovery which gives more room to setup but more importantly, makes it a little safer when you screw up a link or timing…

Jazz, you listed some nice stuff man. I need this underway to end so I can come back to playing Rose again…

Military deployments suck cause you have no time to practices things or learn new tech.

Thanks Mikado :slight_smile: