Usefulness of OH Lv2 FA

Just making a thread to discuss and look at the different possibilities that come from being able to crumple from an overhead. I’m not gonna lie though this will almost definitely branch out into other random setups and mixup game.

Ultra 2 Setup:

Double Reset:

More to come soon.

Why not cancel the OH from a normal to get the reset? Less of a gap and same effect - guy blocking low gets blown up. The way you do it now leaves too big of a gap and it’s unlikely that the OH will hit.

Which reset?

The first one works so well because he’s in a force stand combo, and the second one tends to hit out of the confusion of them being rolled back out of the focus crumple from cr.MK. Are you saying combo from the crumple then go into another reset? I’d say that’s a little more obvious.

Also cancelling the normal, such as a LK to reset from FA crumple, means it will whiff. Even the heavy one starts up too quickly for it to be so meaty it works but not too meaty it whiffs.

That said, I just tested LK with manual timing versus MK and then OH straight after it’s recovered, and the MK one is actually timed perfect (I think I may have screwed it up in the video, but you literally hit the OH just a frame or two after the combo counter shows up, it’s meaty AF).

Well, your string consists of 2 combos. The first combo ends with c.lp,, then you wait and do a raw overhead which is the reset. I’m saying you should cancel the into the overhead, to leave a smaller gap for your opponent to interrupt your overheadpunch. Also why not use to get more damage, instead of

The cr.LK is cancelled into overhead, as you can see in the second run through of the setup. The reason it’s not cancelled in the first is because of auto-block, which I took off the second time.

cr.MP could ideally be used, but you are 2 frames better off if you use cr.LK, ergo your opponent gets 2 less frames to react to the reset.

Yes and no, for sake of math, lets assume you’re within range so Balrog doesn’t have to do any of the travel animation. So 23f startup. - 4 2 9 0/3 - 7 4 12 -2/1 on block, has 10f of recovery, has 13f of recovery. gives you approximately a 10f gap, while gives you approximately 13f gap. on hit, has 13f of recovery, has 16f of recovery. gives you approximately a 7f gap, while gives you approximately a 10f gap.

Assuming you cancel into overhead from the first active frame. This assumes point blank, you can probably add in about 3 or 4 frames of travel animation since after the combo most likely you won’t be point blank.

This assumes my math is correct, any gap more than 7f is a lifetime TBH, but still useful knowledge. Also CH lp.OH forces stand (little known useless knowledge there).

Labcoat balrog strikes again !

That little known useless knowledge is actually really interesting but yeah useless :frowning:

anyway, I’ve been doing the Focus after an Overhead a lot more recently, really enjoying having it as a somewhat safe option (people tend to react a fraction to slow to punish the Focus if they block)
also liking that on hit I can get a bit more of a wall carry doing, ??.rush upper. rather than just cr,mp xx headbutt.

Best wall carry is comboing into short smash, you get at minimum a 1/4 screen carry:, cr.lp, st.lp, xx, cr.lp xx lk.smash OR, cr.lp, xx, cr.lp xx lk.smash OR, xx, cr.lp xx lk.smash (character specific to a degree, e.g. it doesn’t work on everyone). You can also combo into jab dash low if you want a UKD that does more damage. I THINK you can combo into the ex.versions if you’re close enough, haven’t tested it out in a while.

Thanks for taking the time to do that math, @3nigmat1c .

For the sake of 3 frames though… cr.LK has to be manually timed into overhead as the instant cancel is too quick and therefore whiffs. cr.MP can be cancelled instantly and is perfectly meaty.

Perhaps, though, cancelling into the light variation of overhead would be best here because it is quicker but more importantly if they try and do a move with more than 7/10 frame startup you’re going to get the force stand (which I actually learnt at my local during training mode the same day you posted that, oddly enough).

Overhead is obviously not the only option here. Any EX dash punch puts you in a good spot and an instant jump in after the cr.MK reset is probably quite hard to react to at that distance.

I expanded upon your idea a bit and made something a bit impractical, but it stuns the entire cast if you nail the standing OH reset.

It’s 3 meters and the chance of actually landing that OH feels pretty slim vs anyone with the slightest attention.

j.RH, stcl.RH, cr.LK, ex.RU, cr.LP, cr.LK / hp.OH xx FAlvl2DC, Ultra 2 will also always stun. I’m not sure if I’ve said that anywhere, just making sure.

I like that yours will always stun and give the Ultra 1 benefit though, so nice work.