Urien PSN Tutor

So I’ve been denied my right to play Ryu with the guys I usually play with. I play rushdown with him and can’t play anybody else (other than the shotos.) I need help to smash some face with Urien, anybody up for the job?

My psn is KrayzieKT.

Tell them to man up and play Ryu anyway? :slight_smile:

Really though, learning Urien is just like learning to play any other characters, practice bnb’s and play more matches.

I never got a notification for your reply, my apologies for the (very) late reply. I would if I wouldn’t get kicked out after winning a match :V.

Either way, Urien is fun and it feels satisfying to win with him. I’ve been practicing BnBs and stuff, still can’t do tackle tackle headbutt, unfortunately. But it would be nice to have somebody to give me pointers on what to improve if possible.