URCC17 - White Plains NY - SFV, SSB4, Melee Tournament 4/8/17 with over $1150.00 in cash prizes

Undiscovered Realm Comic-Con - April 8, 2017 White Plains County Center, White Plains NY

Info and registration: https://smash.gg/urcc17

We’re proud to announce the return of Undiscovered Realm Comic Con’s gaming tournaments! We’ll be handing out at least $1,150 in prizes to the top players in three different games, and you can enter the game of your choice for free with your ticket to the con ($28.00 + Service Fees).

*Winner of each tournament will also win FREE VENUE for the upcoming Defend The North tournament on July 28th - 30th, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in White Plains NY - http://www.defendthenorth.com
Tournaments for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Street Fighter V and Super Smash Bros. Melee will be held on Saturday, April 8 only.

Each tournament will have a player limit of 128, and we will be taking entrants on a first come first serve basis. Entry into another tournament after the first pick will be $10 each. All three games will have their own staff and tournament matches will be recorded!

All games will be streamed live as they happen.

***Please note that you will need to bring YOUR OWN controller for tournament as controllers of any kind will not be available. Please also check the general rules for the tournament and the rules for your specific tournament for the type of controllers that you can bring.

  1. Smash Wii U (singles) – Prize pool $650.00

  2. Smash Melee (singles) – Prize pool – $250.00

  3. Street Fighter V – Prize pool – $250.00 + $100.00 pot Bonus from Defend the North = $350.00

Running Tournaments in SFV and SSB4 and Melee. At least $1150.00 in cash payouts.

Location: County Center Gulf, 198 Central Ave, White Plains, NY 10606

Register at https://www.smash.gg/urcc17

You get free entry into one tournament of your choice with a paid ticket into the convention. The Price for a ticket is $28.00 plus service fees. When registering, you must pay venue fee and select one tournament to enter. This will cover the cost of the ticket into the convention

Smash.gg Link: https://smash.gg/urcc17

FB Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/794203917400469/

Addtional Links: (Undiscovered Realm Comic-Con Website) http://undiscoveredcon.com


10 am Setup Noon - Tournament Starts 7pm finish time


Westchester FGC (SFV) - https://www.twitch.tv/WFGCNY

House of 3000 (Smash Bros. WiiU) - https://www.twitch.tv/houseof3000

Smash 914 (Melee) - https://www.twitch.tv/SSB914


Spectating: $28.00 + service charges

registering for a tournament charge breakdown:

Venue Fee: $18.00 Wii U Singles: $10.00 Street Fighter V Singles: $10.00 Smash Brothers Melee: $10.00 (plus service charges)

**Directions **



There is plenty of parking at the venue. Please check here for parking information: http://www.countycenter.biz/parking/general-information.html


Winner of each tournament receives free venue to Defend the North

Cash prizes for First, Second, Third Place (60/30/10% split)

Tournaments with 64 or more players will payout Top 8 + 1st Place – 50% + 2nd Place – 20% + 3rd Place – 13% + 4th Place – 7% + 5th Place (tie) – 3% + 7th Place (tie) – 2%

Tournament rules

Double Elimination Bracket (Lose twice and you're out)
Best 2 out of 3 games per match for all matches except Winners, Losers, and Grand Finals
Best 3 out of 5 games for Winners, Losers, and Grand Finals

Smash for Wii U Rules

Pausing during a match will result in a forfeit of the current stock
If match ends in Time Out, the person with the most stocks/lowest percent wins. Sudden Death must NOT be played.
If match ends in the form of a suicide kill (Kirby/Dedede Swallowcide, Ganondorf aerial side-B) The person who initiated the killing move is the winner.

Starter Stages

  • Battlefield (Miiverse)
  • Final Destination (and Omega)
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Smashville
  • Town & City

Counterpick Stages

  • Dream Land 64
  • Duck Hunt

First stage is decided by stage striking starting with player one. Player one strikes the first stage, then loser strikes twice, and player one will strike the final stage. (1-2-2-1)

The winner of the each game will ban one stage from the full list and the loser will be allowed to choose their counterpick stage prior to selecting their character.

There are no bans in Winner, Losers and Grand finals since it is best of 5.

Street Fighter V Rules

  • 99 seconds

  • Best 2 out of 3 rounds per game

  • Winner must keep the same character

  • Loser can switch characters

  • Pausing during a match will result in a forfeit

  • Banned stages: Kanzuki Beach No macro-capable devices

Smash Brothers Melee Rules**

  • Game version: US Nintendo GameCube
  • Game Settings: 4 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, No Items, Pause Disabled, 2/3 Games
  • Starter stages: Yoshi’s Story, Fountain of Dreams, Final Destination, Battlefield, Dream Land.
  • Counter-pick stages: Pokemon Stadium.
  • Wobbling is legal. Freezing and infinite stalling are not legal.
  • First stage is decided by banning from the Starter Stages in P1-P2-P2-P1 order.
  • Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
  • Following stages decided by winner banning one stage from all stages and then loser choosing.
  • Any matches that are best of five, there are no stage bans. You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.

Any questions or concerns should be brought directly to the attention of tournament staff.

All info can be found at https://smash.gg/urcc17