Upstate SC: We're so good we don't even have to PLAY. And out-of-towners post FOR us

I don’t know if MvC2 will be a great benefit or not. The game mechanics are basically there but from what I have seen and heard it feels like something different. I’m actually playing some TvC on the Wii as it “looks” similar in play-style to MvC3.


mvc3 felt nothing like mvc2. i would say learn mvc2 anyways because it’s really a great game. :slight_smile:

no… just no haha.

Im about to play some manly games like CvS2 and Third Strike, and Hokuto no Ken… and some other fun and Silly games… that aren’t so manly lmao. Just can’t wait to get my new case for me stick. So i can play these great games again. I like them much better than ssf4… haha.

filldoh: you should try TvC, it’s much closer than MvC2 in terms of layout and general appearance. Honestly though, I don’t think either one of them is going to give you THAT much of a benefit.

Countdown: 32 hours to BABY SMACK! WHAT?!??!?

baby gonna come out with a beard and backwards hat… i’m tellin u. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol!! fingers crossed bud!!

Mike Hagger is in Marvel now all is right with the world. looks like the list is completly true.

enjoy the snow bitches!!

So apparently, the entire country is having a snowstorm?

For those of you that don’t Facebook, Ashton was born at 8:19 AM on Friday, 7 lbs, 6.2 oz, 19.5 inches. He’s seriously the cutest baby I’ve ever seen, and I know that I’m partial, but I’m not kidding. So yeah, I’ve got a little trainee like Ted now :wink:

Congrats Kyah!

My kid can beat up your kid!

GIVE US TIME!!! :lol:

Why did you not name him Nightwolf


congrats Kyah, just think your kid will think MVC3 and SSF4 are old school.

Sorry for being late, but congratulations on the baby, Kyah!

And yes, your kid and Ted’s kid must duel on the gaming battleground! I COMMAND IT!!! LOL


Guys, do the math - Alex will be in college before Ashton is old enough to even UNDERSTAND what “frame data” means :lol:


Yea i am getting up there at 33 I need to take care of it, only problem is once youve been together over 10 years sex comes more infrequently than a killer instict sequel.

JK after a woman turns 30 they are ready most of the time(kinda like guys at 16) so there is a lot to look forward to guys. btw early pic of Kyah’s kid

edit: sorry this cant be kyah’s kid as he is playing on a Jap stick. you need to get him a onesy that says Happ only


SC Battles IV: SSFIV, SSFIV 2v2 Teams and BBCS ? Columbia, SC [January 29th 2011]

The tournament is no long a SSFIV teams qualifier, but the hype will still be there!!! It would be nice to see some of you guys come out. I was never around during the Quantum X days.

u my boy buck! lol