Upper Web-Zip Usefulness

One of the things I’ve always noticed about Spidey is that he has this weird upper web zip on the ground that doesn’t seem to really do much. Every other direction seems more useful and the upper web zip doesn’t take him higher than just a normal jump. But if there’s anything the SRK forums have taught me in the past while it’s that just because it seems useless doesn’t mean it is.

Is there any practical or strategic use for it?

well I remember a while ago, someone had a vid of one good way to use it. First he ground web balled, then he cancelled the web ball into the up zip, then he threw out an air web ball, then he air dashed. I think that i can be used pretty well for that kinda stuff and also to get away quickly, because you can do two airdashes instead of one when upper zip instead of jump.

Ah. I’m not exactly sure how that works, but that sounds interesting. I’d love to see some footage of that.

ok I’ll try to find that video. I wouldnt make a video myself because the only camera I really have is my ipod the laptop, but then it would look like crap. I’ll search around for it

This is the video.
It isn’t super amazingly fast, but it could be pretty good zoning tool with Hidden Missiles. Well, pretty much everything can be a good zoning tool with hidden missiles haha

It also helps keeps you unpredictable too, which is good enough on its own. You also can call assists from higher with wall jump, upper web zip, (air dash) assist iirc. I’m a fan of get up fairly high with it and using a ghetto foo-dai against people dumb enough to stay right under me too.

It has its weird uses I guess. I think there’s a TAC combo with it too or something :lol

I just remembered, there are some pretty cool and impractical combos with the upward web zip from the ground. In the corner, you can do a :l: spider-sting and cancel it into upwards webzip before he leaves the ground. then you hit j.:h: as soon as possible and do a :l: web swing xx :m::m::s: kind of slowly and you can follow the combo on the ground. There are other things to do in the air after the web zip, but they are still incredibly impractical because they are corner only.

OH, I remember seeing something like this a while back. Can’t remember there being an upper web zip but there probably was.

Neato! :smiley:

You can use the web zip to cross up with a crouching heavy cancel. I have made a video demonstrating this. The video is pretty crap, I recorded it as soon as I discovered you could use the kara zip cancel. Probably should have made a better video but here is a demonstration of the tech (I apologise if this has already been posted somewhere).

Oh, I have misunderstood this thread sorry about posting the video here.

does this work on most characters?

I use it to lock down if people try to jump or in in the corner where it’s useful on big characters. I also know backed up with an assist if for a full screen overhead. Of course I use Sentinel assist so that might help.

Just the larger characters. You can get it two work on all characters if you’re in X-Factor or if you have them higher up in the air. It’s basically the gist of my combo that led into the Web Throw “Infinite” back in Vanilla.

I got it to work with Iron Man, he has been the smallest character this has worked with for me.

For some odd reason Spiderman can air dash twice after using the upward webzip…

Ah, I never noticed that. Good to know! :slight_smile: