UPDATED "I don't even need my sword for such an easy fight" - UMvC3 Zero Matchup Thread

Tip for fighting Strider assist:

When you see the assist call you can react with :h: Ryuenjin before the startup finishes (before Strider disappears completely) and it will win every time. If you do it too early (before the animation starts) you get hit, if you do it too late (after he disappears) you trade.

Anyway, the beauty of this is you get an almost guaranteed kill on him if you have 1 meter and XF (which you always do at the start of the round).

After the Ryuenjin connects, delay a little for Strider to fall back down, then release level 3 buster, :l:-Raikousen xx Rekkoha XFC, j.:m:m: xx :h:-Raikousen, land, slight delay, release level 3 Buster, Strider dies.

The problem with this is the point character can get in your way, the saving grace is you have a giant pillar of rainbowy death protecting you until you go past it with the :h:-Raikousen, and then you have buster to protect you on the way down.

Ok guys so tomorrow I have a kinda important tourney, and I need tips vs certain chars, just to be sure, I hope u can help me :smiley:

  • Hulk
  • Dante/Wesker + Drones
  • Taskmaster
  • Viper

PD: oh yeah, I use Love triangle mainly and sometimes Flocker’s team.

I’m having real trouble against Vergil. Guy I’m playing is using Vergil with Hawkeye assist and timing his teleports perfectly so that he is completely safe. If I crouch under the arrows, I can’t punish the teleport or my hurtbox will get tagged by an arrow going overhead. If I neutral jump H on reaction to punish the teleport, I get blown up by arrows. Only time I’ve ever been able to beat that setup is by neutral jumping, back air dashing then coming down with H, and if he can predict that’s what I’m gonna do, he’ll just delay timing on the Hawkeye assist to blow it up. So what are some general things I can do against Vergil, either to keep him out or to punish some of his unsafe normals?

Hey, that’s like my ratio against you! :wink: All the matches that i’ve played you in have come down to the last character and sliver of health like every time. O_o

I use missiles, so when he makes a mistake he gets hit by them. i use the buster a ton against vergil as well, his normals have more range than yours i think.

Posted in the shit thread accidentally.

I’ve been playing someone who is arguably the best Firebrand in the world (Zak Bennett) and I have to say, it’s really not a bad matchup it’s about even if not SLIGHTLY in Zero’s favour, reason being Zero can snipe Firebrand out of the air if he tries to zone him out (characters like Morrigan and Trish are A LOT harder to snipe with Raikousen Buster Cancel).

The area where Firebrand beats pretty much everyone in the game are his normals, I don’t know why the vast majority of people don’t realise this but his normals are plain stupid they extend far more outwards than they look like they do and they’ve got A LOT of priority, I mean more priority than Dante’s god damn hammer at times.

Also, I’m beginning to think Morrigan is an even matchup if not in Morrigan’s favour she’s just god damn good now it’s not even funny. Tri dash j.S puts you under tonnes of pressure, there’s only so much you can attempt to do by super jumping and shooting down busters or whatever to close the distance whereas she can fly to the top of the screen, stay there for a good while AND spam fireballs in every single direction. Something no one else can do in the game.

Plus she can unfly on reaction to block 2F+ hypers? Just…Madness.

whats up zero mains.

In my tournament yesterday, I was facing a team of dante/wesker/magneto.and then he switched to magneto/wesker/sentinel for grand finals

I don’t think dante was ever a problem, but when I was facing wesker, he would wait until I did standing H, and then he x-factor command grab with wesker. sentinel saved my ass once, but the other time I lost zero, :(.

How do I avoid this situation? please discuss

hulk- BE PATIENT! all hulk mains eventrually use that invincible super or s, in which they are complete free for about a 600k combo. BE CAREFUL ABOUT USING ADVANCING GUARD. kinda like captain america.

dante/wesker drone- oh boy. your main goal is to make sure sentinel NEVER COMES OUT. level three buster him, and just beat dante and wesker with assists and normals. IF sentinel does come out super jump the hell of their, lightning H, buster, and I BELIEVE teleport down should be safe.

taskmaster- eh, be patient and use your buster effectively. You will be fine.

viper- oh f*&^. this character…what do you want to know exactly?

Always have buster charged I guess, I tend to shot lv3 buster everytime they activate x-factor…OH also, do strings so that u dont end up right next to him as well (easy for zero).

also I did poorly in that tournament, due to many factors but also to my lack of matchup exp, I fought a Haggar team, and this guy would jump towards me at the start of the round and either do, lariat, pipe, jump pipe, jump command grab or jump reg grab, all of them would lead to my death, and I honestly dont know how to get out of that situation, I mean, Im not even sure if super jump would work or i would get scooped by the pipe. Also Im starting to re-think my team, and go for something more like Zero/Doom/Vergil. U guys have any tips to deal with this Haggar mixup?

What’s your current team?

I faced a haggar like that online today, i was using Zero/Doom/Strider (a new team i was experimenting with, Vajira works wonders for doom, and for zero), i tended to try and keep my distance, using the buster where necessary. Make good use of your assists, buster > sword wave M, and Twin Dream. I’d teleport where necessary to stay away from him.

Any tips for fighting a hulk using sentinel drones, jam session, and grabs? I faced one earlier today once and got destroyed.

Wesker matchup is so darn easy i don’t see how anyone has trouble with it. Every wesker i play plays rushdown and it’s easy to catch him with a buster or a lightning, or just throw out a j.H randomly.

Also experimented with VS Trish matchup with strider dive kick assist and missiles assist. Makes it about even, and negates the stupid zoning tactics that she has.

Against Wesker, think about it- he can’t do anything to you cancelling s.H into H Hienkyaku it stops punishes from XF guard cancels in most situations + you get the chance to move around and reposition. MOST of the time that you do this, you’ll have a full buster charged so if they clock on to your tactics and try to random hyper you while you’re in the air? All it takes is letting god of the buster to stuff Wesker.

Otherwise cancel s.H on block to Buster but I’m sure you already know that.

I dont mean as, general strategy vs Haggar, just the initial mixup he does, I ate it 2 times and my Zero got killed right away, I couldnt do anything.

I’ve never faced a Haggar like that before, ask Thanh, he’s faced haggars like that before.

I’ve got a buddy that plays Haggar on point and I dunno, I push forward and right as FIIIIIIIGHHHHHT shoots across the screen I start walking back just enough to get out of regular throw range and down back or up back. Anything he can do at that point can be reacted too. Once he gets used to that, I may start off with jump and F+C option select. I never really have a problem with that moment in a match.

Make sure you charge buster before the fight.

On that note, I drastically wish they would do away with that immediate throw bullshit at the start of a round. Makes it stupid.

Vs Hulk w/ drones and jam session:

More than likely he’s gonna get in your face with j.C/s.C with drone assist. If hulk walks towards u at the start of the round, back up and have your buster charged. Keep push blocking till you can super jump out. Spacing is very key here. Hadegeki and busters will keep hulk from closing in on you. Don’t try to mash anything when u get up cuz hulk will beat u out with s.C.

Vs. Haggar:
I would treat this matchup just like the Hulk matchup. Becareful if you’re trying to do an ambiguous crossup cuz he’ll just lariat u out of it. Once he gets u, he’ll xfactor and its good night zero. Some Haggar teams won’t even have to xfactor to kill zero.

Another note about haggar. His jump pipe has a huge arch like sentinel’s frying pan. So don’t sit under his ass thinking u can get him.

I have problems with Deadpool + Doom (missiles)… In fact anyone with doom (missiles) or Strider (vajra, but I realize thats already a lot of stuff about this)… Any tips to fight doom missiles assist?

the best tip against hidden missiles is to blast doom with lv3 buster anytime he enter the screen…

you’ll have to play safe and keep moving, if they call doom, blast him… do it 2 or 3 times and they’ll start to fear calling that assist.

This matchup depends a lot on who’s the point character also… but doom stays a whole year in the screen, use it, and punish him.

Hey guys I’m having lots of trouble dealing with spencer/doom(missels) and spencer /sent(drones) and it’s worse if all in the same team, with spencers improved ziplline it’s so hard to get him out of your face. Usually against sentinel and doom teams i wait to hear for their assist and snipe them with buster but with spencer constantly in your face it’s very hard. Also it’s pretty hard playing against spencer considering his zipline can cancel out your buster and if you go for a grab then you still lose your buster, or worse they break it and you’re left busterless…

I’m running Zero/Dante/Frank(shopping) [Prefer this team]
Also could use zero/doom(plasma)/ dante(Jam)

Spencer with Drones/missiles isn’t so terrible. A beam assist will clear out drones and Spencer can be thrown or Doom punished with Buster if he tries to Doom/Drones zip in. usual advice applies here. If you can’t prevent the assist call try not to be where Drones will be. Try to hit doom before too many missiles come out. Otherwise you will eat the mixup.

I play a good Haggar with Zero/Doom/Strider regularly. For the initial mixup I don’t risk it I just run. Up back at the start and dashback at Fight.

I pretty much conclude you can’t push any buttons on Haggar and can’t super jump. Use Zero’s movement to weave around the stage, shoot lightning x buster when you have space to chip/pressure haggar and his assist. Use your assists to fight Haggar and Zero to punish his assist calls when you are out of throw/pipe range. Haggar has very few options to punish assists. Use them to fight him and if he takes the bait to attack them sogenmu up and punish him safely from a distance. Everything he does on ground leads to lariatxpunch rush which is invincible for way too long.

Do not trade hits. Pipe trades into dead Zero, even on lvl3 buster connects.

If haggar super jumps its a perfect time to lighting m underneath him for mixup/chip/escape. also dodge his assist/punish with buster after lightning.

There are spots where you should push buttons, when pipe isn’t a threat. When you connect murder him with air resets or lightning loops. If haggar falls or survives a combo be careful how you follow up. LariatxPunch super is invincible for so long. You can’t run up and s.H like you could in vanilla or c.L.

I have a very bad record against this Haggar. Like 5 out of 50 :frowning:

Funny with Hawkeye. If you super jump in the air lightning m x buster is really great cover for the arcing arrows that normally reach up and swat you out of the sky. Without meter Hawkeye becomes much less scary then.
It was at the point I was out zoning hawkeye and he was out rushing zero :slight_smile:

How do you guys handle Ammy? A good buddy of mine plays her and it feels like I can’t ever touch her with Zero. If I decide to play a zoning game with Buster, she turns on the projectile counter and paper, and if I decide to go in, her normals feel like they rival Zero’s. If I approach from above, Zero j.H often whiffs on her and I’m also in danger of getting countered. If I approach from the ground, midrange s.M loses to Ammy f.M HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, and up close I lose to her jabs no matter what. Am I missing the right normals to attack her with?