It alleviates the matchup but Trish isn’t completely helpless vs vajra. As long as she is mobile and aware if your assist usage she can overcome it.
Not that it doesn’t help but it’s not an “I win” button.
It alleviates the matchup but Trish isn’t completely helpless vs vajra. As long as she is mobile and aware if your assist usage she can overcome it.
Not that it doesn’t help but it’s not an “I win” button.
I think Hawkeye with Strider assist is the perfect counter for Zero. I am scared just thinking about it.
Hawkeye with either Vajra, Eye of Agamotto (as a defensive tool), Hidden Missiles or Lariat is pretty tough for Zero.
I just picked up Zero again in this game, and one of my buddies keeps bopping me with Doom/Strider/Sentinel, and Doom/Strider/Ammy. Every time I go for buster shot, I get kicked out of the air by Vajra, and it’s either Zero gets turned into cheerios, or I’m put in a position for him to call the dog assist on my wakeup and forced to eat Doom or Strider mixups.
Also, what to do against Strider’s pressure and speed when he’s backed up by Plasma Beam, Cold Star, the satellite and always looking to hit me out of the air with Vajra? What should I be looking out for when faced with Strider/Doom? Plz halp. :sad:
Strider assist can be a Nightmare…
against it, try to keep moving in the air all the time, he’ll whiff a lot if you do, j.H in reaction will beat it clean if you see people calling.
m.Raikousen into buster cancel can hit strider out of his assist a lot of time.
Matchup is HARD against it, specially with characters that can control the airspace and limit your moving options.
If strider is on point, you can punish Vajra with Throws.
and try to block it in the air so you’ll have some frame advantage to punish.
This is probably all I can help you without information about which assists you use for Zero.
I’m having a real hard time against Spencer + Strange (bolts of Ballsack)
He calls Strange, then jumps and uses the zipline to prevent me from getting away from strange’s assist, and as this assist stays forever on the screen he manages to get near me to mix up with that damned overhead (it’s fast as hell) and low attacks, and once Zero takes any hit on the ground, he just TODs him and Zero is history…
I tried to pushblock his first attack by the end of the assist active frames, and that gives me a litte space, just to make him start again…
The rest of my team is Firebrand (Demon Missile M) and Arthur (Daggers)
Both my assists are beaten by Strange and I really don’t know what to do…
When exactly should I grab Spencer during his movement? If I block the zipline he comes straight into my face and I can’t manage to get that throw to work.
Well, any advice is welcome.
Against strider assist keep lightnings out in the air to protect yourself and don’t call assists on wakeup if you keep getting bopped.
To throw spencer, watch fir when the zipline hits the wall then jump up and throw j.C option select. It’s best against spencer to stay above him and snipe him out of the air with buster.
Staying above him is exactly what I’m trying to do… and exactly what this guy is managing to not let me do… lol
Doing lightning isn’t a great idea cos of the startup and cool down time, it’s fantastic against Skrull for example though. If you know they’ve called Strider at X time you can command dash on reaction, or block Vajra then command dash (At super jump height). Vajra has trouble tracking if you simply super jump across too, try it.
As for Spencer, he shouldn’t be getting time to lock you down on the ground- take to the air where his assists can’t get you either and he’s significantly less threatening. Once you’ve found an opportunity to force blockstun on him you’ve got your opportunity to open him up with Arthur assist. That’s just 1 thing you could do though.
I make it a point to snap in Strider. Shit is almost as annoying as Commando was in MvC2. :\
And since his health is peanuts what you get on the incoming mix-up is often enough to kill him, even though those combos typically aren’t optimal.
Got bodied hard by a Wesker/Strider duo earlier. I mean j.H/j.d+H and command dashes can only maintain the assist for so long, particularly with Wesker getting in your face, and even if I did take out Wesker (and the Sentinel in between), I got blown up by Dark Strider. So yeah I’m adopting the snap that dude in and kill on entry tactic
Rush Spencer down from the start. Don’t give him the room to start his strategy. Once you get him in blockstun, setup a L/R mixup with Daggers.
Whenever I’m having trouble with someone that can cause my zoning/lame some trouble, I come back and just rush them down hard. It’s usually the answer. I feel like a lot of us completely abandon Zero’s rush game because we’re so used to keeping him in the air for safety.
Guys, I need help with the Hulk match-up I realise it probably shouldn’t be a particularly tough one but I kind of struggle with it
What in particular should I avoid and what tactics should I abuse the most, in you guys’ experience? Here in Portugal we have a pretty fierce Hulk user and I constantly get destroyed by him so I’d like some help on this. Thanks in advance!
Obake yeah?
Watch out for his frame traps, once he’s put in the corner it’s really difficult to get out provided he’s got a good assist to lock you down. Ideally you wanna create your distance straight away, be it by super jumping and shooting 2 or 3 L Busters in the air or just back dashing, from there you want to mix up your offense with Hadangeki M and Hadangeki H (because H hits twice Hulk can’t charge through it at all). With that you want drones or some form of beam assist to lock Hulk down in the corner, don’t be afraid to use H Sentsuizan to dive away from him hell, 70% of the times a good Hulk has tried to punish my H Sentsuizan TOWARDS him with a Gamma Crush but it either misses Zero completely or it hits once and sends him flying in the opposite direction (thus avoiding all damage from Gamma Crush).
The whole idea is to create your distance, don’t EVER challenge him in melee combat without an assist backing you up. Dwindling his health down to 1 million shouldn’t be too hard, then you want to slowly mount your offense I found plasma beam + M Raikousen worked great against Obake or Hulks in general because Plasma Beam will ALWAYS hit Hulk out of anything the only time this isn’t the case is if Hulk has Drones out.
Zone him out, and mix him up safely until you’ve got a hit and kill him. What assists is he using btw?
May depend on his assists. Overall, you just run from him and stay patient. The only time Hulk beats me is when I get impatient and hit a button. Stay in the air and pelt him with Busters.
Yeaaah, it’s Obake, hate playing against him :C he’s still running his Hulk/She-Hulk/Spencer team which he’s had for a long time now, I think he only changed Spencer to Sentinel temporarily when he attended SVB. I guess I should just learn to play patiently but I’m so bad at being lame, I need to work on it =( thanks for the tips by the way. Hopefully there’ll come a day when I’ll be able to stand up to him
The hardest thing about being lame is feeling lame, if you know what I mean. I’ve found that not giving a crap about how I get the win and what other people think help a lot. When you think about those things, you tend to go in and fight “the right way” to earn a “good” win.
That’s when Hulk bodies you.
The few times I get hate mail when I train a bit online, it tells me I did something right. Whether it was zoning, rushdown or just being outright lame. I did something that didn’t allow them to do what they wanted to do. That’s the point of the game.
The other thing that hurts when trying to be lame is muscle memory. It’s soooo easy for me to do j.Hienkyaku > j.H and it gets me in trouble with Hulk a lot. I just make sure to play the opponent and not the pattern and stay patient.
Don’t go in on hulk unless you have a good assist that can lock him down first or be sure that you can approach safely. Before the match starts always move back or jump back. Also primarily zone until you can get the first hit then approach. I played on Option Select stream last monday and the hulk player there is the best i’ve ever played. Here’s the times to watch so you can know what to do. Also when ur in the corner try to push block smartly and try to dash through him or in the air. Also make use of also all your air mobility options even the medium lightning to get over hulk very fast. Also zero has to much low life to go for a soft/hardknockdown mixup/reset because they might wakeup gamma super the meteor one so i wouldn’t risk doing that.
Watch at 27:24-47:33 (hulk play ends at 35mins)
1:20:46-1:47:47 (played again at the start of this set too)
I need some help with the Skrull match-up. I have a friend that bodies me pretty bad that uses Wolvie/Skrull/Sent. I just can’t punish all of Skrull’s bull sh*t with the Sent. drones behind him. I play Zero/Vergil/Dante. Any help would be greatly appreciated.