UPDATED (3/10/2012) "This will be over in a nanosecond" - UMvC3 QuickQuestion/QuickAnswer

I have no idea why but when I started off learning Zero’s combos I could actually connect Raikousen after Buster cancelling, now I can’t :confused: what’s the timing for it? I know it’s after the Buster shot but they keep popping out for me.

After you do the charge shot, immediately raikousen. If your doing the charge shot right the oppenent should pop up and give you that small window to perform raikousen. I’d just practice connecting the lightning first. Just break it down. :slight_smile: you can do it. Just takes time, an once you get the timing down and you embed it into dat muscle memory then it’s all gravy. :slight_smile:

Can someone give some tips on safely approaching and opening people up with Zero I feel like everyone blocks whatever I do.

That’s when mind games come into play. :0

A couple of questions, actually. I feel that my Zero is actually getting better but I can’t pull off the lightning loop for the LIFE of me. Is there a really easy explanation to get this down? I’m assuming that during the lightning loop, you’re charging with M or H, right? And also, what are his midscreen and corner bnb?

I’m dropping Wolverine from my Wolverine/Frank/Wesker for now so I can get better with Zero. Wesker and Frank are a nice duo together and you tend to learn a LOT quicker about playing a character when they’re always on point. Anyone also wanna recommend me pointers on team synergy, feel free as well. I got soo tired of getting blown up by Zero players that I wanted to jump on the bandwagon to figure out how to try and stop this character myself. HAHA.

There’s no easy explanation on how to get it down. You have to put it in your muscle memory by repetition. I asked in this thread earlier if someone would give the exact inputs of the entire loop, but no one has done that yet. Once someone does I think reading the inputs and breaking it down will also help you as well. ;-;

Here are the inputs

Full combo into hard knockdown…
Jump, QCF+H xx LV3 Buster xx DP+L(Hold L), land, QCB+M+H, jump, LV3 Buster xx DP+L (Hold M), TK DP+L, TK DP+L, jump xx LV3 Buster xx DP+L(Hold M), TK DP+L, TK DP+L.
From there you can do another Sougenmu and do it again or you can do DP+H

You can hold H instead of M if you want. It doesn’t really matter.

Pretty sure I’ve seen the lightning loop notated before. Well in pure notation after a knockdown:

OTG j :qcf::h: Lvl 3 Buster :dp::l: (keep hold of :l:) :qcb::atk::atk: j.Lvl 3 Buster :dp::l: (charge with :m: or :h:) TK :dp::l: TK :dp::l: (wait slightly) j.Lvl 3 Buster :dp::l: (charge with :m: or :h:) TK :dp::l: TK :dp::l: j.Lvl 3 Buster :dp::l:… from there if they haven’t died yet then :h: Ryuenjin or start the loop again depending on the opponent’s health

Edit: lol Ninja’d

Yeah I’ve written it down 3 times (really ought to slap it in the Combo thread OP) and I know Avarice has too.

I’m trying out a team with Zero/Chris/Ryu in that order. What are some good assists I can use?

Yay! Thank you! Yeah that should definitely be adde to the OP. :0

Can someone that plays Zero with a pad explain what layout you use? Does anyone have any tips for Zero/magneto/wesker? im using disrupter assist and otg gunshot or should I use jaguar kick

Any pad players that can do the lightning loop? When do you switch charges?

I’m using a PS3 pad and using L2 to charge but I’m willing to change

Ryu Tatsu
Chris Machine Gun
Zero… pretty much anything, you wont need it (unless you find use for it)

With Chris: Learn to Lame play. Super Jump D+H, QCF+H is annoying to a LOT of people. If they get to close, punish a reckless move with a good combo string. Chris is so strong you’ll almost never need to waste meter, so he’s a good battery, and most Ryu’s use all their meter quick.

With Ryu: Learn to use his Donkey Kick. (RDP+H) It will give you a wallbounce and extend combos. you could even go Dejin Ryu while they’re bouncing on the wall for a little extra extra. Don’t be afraid to not end and air combo in the air, you can get a great potential mix up on the ground after you end it there. I recommend in the air to just go for the basic MMHS, and as soon as you land do a light tatsu, and Full blast hadouken cancelled out of it straight down on them. from there it’s all up to which way they recover.

Assist use W/Zero: Gun Fire is your “Get In” tool. It comes out kinda fast but lasts long enough to capitalize off of someone getting hit by it. Teleport Mix Ups are the key to using it. The Tatsu is basically a way to “Steb Ender.” I wish it was as good as Akumas, but It can be used just as well. after a full relaunch combo, call Ryu and OTG, then right as the tatsu ends, Air Buster into Lightning, then Tiger Knee Setsuizan to re-Hard Knockdown them. Rekkouha from there. add a bit more damage and teaches you TK’ing and more than just OTGxxBuster -> Lightning.

I hope I helped any If at all!
apollogize for any terminology that seems “demeaning” but it’s more of a teaching thing than a “oh he’s never played before obviously” thing, promise haha.


Also updated this thread with a few things. Kept all the vanilla questions and answers in the front page in a spoiler so people can still go back and see them if they like.

I’m pretty sure this has been asked many times before, but I’m just going to throw this out there because I’m just a fraudulent lazy bum ._.

For the lightning loop, when are you guys timing the jump to buster release after you guys activate sougemu after a hardknockdown buster cancel+lightning? I can’t seem to get that timing down consistently sometimes I jump too late and the buster hits but the raikousen doesn’t. Would buffering super jump during the sougemu animation help with this?

I hold up back during the animation, let zero get to the apex on his jump or thereabouts and then release. Generally the higher they are in the air the more damage you will get also.

I used to super jump but the timing is weird and more difficult. there is time. You can wait before you release buster.

thank you! I don’t know why I never thought of upback!

So I play on pad and I have trouble with the lightning loop while facing left on the screen as a matter of fact I can barely get my do motions out while facing left. Any tips on getting TK’d raikousen or ark motions in general on pad while facing left I think holding fiends the trigger is what’s wrong but I don’t know =(

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