UPDATED (3/10/2012) "This will be over in a nanosecond" - UMvC3 QuickQuestion/QuickAnswer

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Zero normals tier list.


Man, I have the hardest time TK’ing the Raikousen (on an arcade stick) any tips?

Sadly the only thing I can say is practice more. What actually is the problem you’re having?

Going from neutral to up, forward, down, forward. I can do it but I typically jump too high. It’s not like the traditional TK motion which is much easier motion to execute.

did j.h get nerf? i mean reduced its range. did his teleport got slowed down?

what to do if ur just using zero and ur opponent is constantly super jumping…

The TK motion you’re doing should be: :f::qcf::uf:

I think you’re problem is you’re jumping first which is why you’re going to high.

Not that I know of. Everything seems fine.

What assists do you have?

In general you want to snipe them with a Buster canceled :m:.Raikousen. Zero rules the air though. The only characters that should give him a fight in the air are characters who can get to the top corner which is Zero’s blind spot. And there’s not many characters who can do that. I’d say if someone is constantly super jumping against you, it may be to time to really look at the way you’re playing.

What’s you’re team and your playstyle with Zero?

is there a cerain way you have to input a tk raikousen? My input commands at the bottom of the screen say im pressing all of the right buttons, but i always get a ryuenjin, a j.l, or a raikousen that’s high enough to cross up. I had the right rhythm a couple days ago but I seemed to have lost it.

You kinda wanna do something like this: :f::qcf::uf:+ :l:

That will give you a very close to the ground Raikousen. The more you delay the :l: the higher Zero will go before the Raikousen.

Any tips on doing the LL on the 2p side? pretty sure it’s just a muscle memory thing but still I figured to ask

If you mean facing the left side I think it’s just a muscle memory thing. I think I’m one of a rare breed that has a easier time doing DPs facing left than facing right. The biggest problem I have with TK DPs on my weak side is just keeping the inputs clean. They get dirty when after the :f: I end up doing :db::d: which drops the :f: charge. So I’d say make sure you train your hand to go straight down - everything should be butter after that.

my team is zero,spencer,hawkeye… and i need to get good on how to fight someone who’s super jumping in the air with zero solo… Who are Zero’s bad matchup anyways, i know task,trish,hawk,

When they super jump you want to snipe them out of the air with a Buster canceled :m:.Raikousen

Zero’s only bad matchup is Hawkeye IMO. Task and Trish can fight him good, but those matchups are at best (for them) even.


But that means H will come out right? Meaning, before I get to switch H for L, Zero will have to whiff an H attack first? This is how I switch charge buttons ever since vanilla. Or is there a way to prevent Zero from whiffing an attack?

You can just switch if you are in blockstun. One real trick is to dash with two buttons, including the one you want. Tap down to cancel the dash and release all but the charge button. grounded only.

Nice, I never thought of the dash method. Thanks for the tip!

LL question: Do you guys switch the charge during the super freeze to sogemnu? basically my question is when I do the L raiksounen should I use the L to charge and switch to M during the freeze or should I already be holding M after the buster but before doing the L raiksounen prior to activating sogenmu?

The first way is easier but takes like 1/4th of a second longer to charge the buster and may end up screwing me over in a match, the second way requires some quick finger switching but the benefit is that the lvl 3 buster is fully charged by the time the super freeze to sogemnu is over.

hopefully this makes sense

You can do it the first way and be fine. As long as you can charge a full buster by the 3rd lightning after Sougenmu then you’ll have another 3 lightnings to charge another buster.

For the charge during sogenmu I move the charge during hdive release and rehold h to charge lightning and super. So I start to charge before lightning