UPDATED (3/10/2012) "This will be over in a nanosecond" - UMvC3 QuickQuestion/QuickAnswer

Okay some questions on buster shots:

Which non super things beat/destroy level 3 buster shot? I know that Viper’s Seismic hammer does, but don’t know what else deals with it.

without assists in what situations is it possible to combo off of level 2 buster shot? Are there any long distance ways other than Genmu Zero and Sougenmu cancel DHC?

When someone destroys a level 1 buster shot with a normal is that normal still capable of hitting Zero if it has long enough active frames?

Off of ground or air level 3 buster shots what will build the most gauge to follow up with? What will do the most damage?

Lvl3 buster has beam properties, with 3 low priority durability points x 3 frames, according to the guide. According to the guide beam durability distributes over a set number of frames. I don’t know if that means 3 points for each frame, or 3 points total distributed over 3 frames. Seismo has 5 low priority durability points. So I’ll assume any projectile with >3, but I’m not entirely sure how beam properties work.

Lvl2 has pretty low hitstun, close range you can link 5A but then it isn’t that useful.

Yes, I have accidentally thrown out a lvl1, gotten that destroyed by a normal, and had that same normal hit Zero.

Off ground shot, if you’re close enough you can just dash up and do a full ground string as they’re popped up then launch for a BnB. As a note you can only do two loops of 2/(5) ABC if you start the ground string against an airborne opponent. If you’re too far you can still combo off an OTG (lvl3 shot is a hard knockdown). I saw Chris G on stream throw out lvl3 shots to knockdown then just dashed up and called Wesker assist to OTG for a full combo. Sadly, this doesn’t work with Viper assist since seismo does not give enough hitstun/pops them too high. Alternatively you can dash up, call assist, TK Seintsuizan to OTG then assist hits then combo from there.

Off air lvl3, if you’re close enough you can just command dash down, then dash forward for a launch combo. From a distance, you have to do like L Raiokousen into something like this: [media=youtube]08sJck3Zl0M[/media].

In terms of gauge building vs. damage, ideally you should always be doing the longer combos as they do the most damage and build the most gauge. However the shorter easier relaunch combos do almost the same damage with a lot less hassle of specific spacing and linking.

And LOL at Chrisis on Zero forums when I’m on the Viper forums. :rofl:

There’s actually something better you can do, but I’m keeping it a secret until Kef and I are ready to release our video ^^. (It’s not gamebreaking or anything so don’t hate me for holding out lol).

The most important things to learn are spacing, mixup, and proper punishes. Combos are just the easiest thing to learn so everyone tends to start there. It sounds like you’ve got the necessary combos down; ground loop is the most damaging midscreen combo available to Zero, and D-loop is the most practical Sougenmu combo (it also kills any character from a DHC glitch). Basically as long as you can hit 625k+ on one meter anywhere onscreen you should be alright because that’s enough to kill any character in 2 combos. It sounds like you’re probably hitting damage numbers well above that though.

Also, always try to mentally separate your combos into segments and you can use those as building blocks for new things like resets or combos from awkward screen positioning.

Tasty, you should have been there Sunday, the team I came up with for V is the most obnoxious thing ever and it’s so godlike for Zero.

Avarice check your Inbox.

new to zero looking for some advice. I’ve been practicing zero’s buster combo’s and pretty much have them down. My problem is now I am trying to just get better with actually using him in an actual match. Against the computer at first I had absolutely no clue what I was doing, it was just a mess…

About 2 hours later I thought I had made some progress so I went online and I knew from the start that was never going to go well, it was like I never even versed the computer before. After like 6 matches I never even landed one of the buster combos and just figured I was done for now. Anyway if anyone can spare some advice on what I should practice besides the combos just for muscle memory it would be greatly appreciated. thanks

Depending on your asssits, always cover your rushdown with them and just don’t call them out of nowhere, because if they hit you know what happens. So you have to think similar to: Zero covers my assist from getting hit, while my assist covers zero’s rushdown while he’s covering my assist (lol). Use your pokes wisely, Zero could have the best pokes in the entire game. Don’t autopilot, every teleport needs to have a purpose, so does any j.H. Remember there are anti-airs in this game, so people can counter you (you can also use s.l as anti-air). Use j.m sometimes, as it covers some angles j.h can’t cover and some situations j.s is too slow for. Depending on the match-up, always charge your buster so you can continue pressure from anywhere.

My team right now is zero (b) arthur (daggers) phoenix (tk overdrive). I’ve used phoenix since I first got the game and will continue to stick with her, so although I don’t get much use out of her assist, during the corner combo she lets me get a 3rd launch to j.:m:, buster shot, qcf :h: for 562,000 damage 742,000 with rekkoha. Arthurs daggers help with zeros rushdown while zeros hadanaki(sp?) helps arthurs zoning.

Since I’ve been in traning mode so long, I am naturally holding down :l: to charge the buster which may or may not be a good thing. By facing the computer I learned very well that the teleports can be punished easily. For the characters with dive kicks what would be my better options? thats all I can think of for now, thanks for the help.

Thanks for the advice!

I have another question, though. How would I go about perfecting these techniques? My spacing is pretty bad, I can do basic mix-ups, and I usually just punish with normals to lead into a combo.

Um anyone find an unblockable/Guard break ? Im trying with an AA assist that hits high and then hit em with Zero from another side… any hits yet?

Dive kick punish with a jump back full Z Buster into :l: lightning and combo of choice works for me

I play Phoenix as well and I’d suggest switching over to TK Shot for assist. Does more damage than Overdrive and you can use TK Shot during :l: :m: :h: :f: :h: midscreen, whereas TK Overdrive would propel the enemy back a little bit and mess up the combo. You can still use TK Shot to help relaunch after an OTG with Zero’s dive kick as well.

thanks for the advice. In regards to midscreen combo I’d use arthur’s assist first before phoenix just due to quicker start up and more damage if he is in golden armor mode which I like to do at the start of the match now so arthur on point golden armor try to tag in zero then go from there, however, If I can use tk shot in the corner for more damage then there is no point not to change, I know with overdrive it takes some timing to actually connect the 3rd relaunch to buster combo otherwise the buster misses after the j.:m:, but im wondering if I can actually get the combo people use with assist like doom or dante or if there is not enough hits in overdrive/tk shot for what i believe is j.tk :m: buster qcf :h:

does anyone have any good punishes for Dante’s gunshot super? its annoying and pushes full screen. I’ve randomly landed jump z buster. outside of that nothing

Charge Buster with :l: then Push block like crazy ( Zero cant take chip well ) Then Right before his last BIG shot Jump ( not super jump ) then Command Dash :m: Release buster then ride the lightning into a combo. Doesnt always work but even if they block your buster your in a good position after.

thanks. i’ll give it a shot. blocking full screen supers annoys me with zero.

Do zeros assist have the same hit/block stun ? If so his 6C assist should give like +5 on hit and -1 I’m block… right?

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Your character is free to move while calling assist, so frame data does not apply there. It’d just be a set number of block stun frames it puts the person into.

Okay well I was trynna see which assist was the best to combo off of.

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Yeah Shipppuga is definitely the best. There’s almost no hit stun for Hadangeki and the uppercut knocks them too high to do much. I like shippuga, it’s decently fast, puts them in block stun for a sec and if it hits someone in the air, is untechable for some reason. Especially with like Wesker or Dorm, you’ll notice at the end of a combo > OTG > Call Zero, it’s really useful for extending things.

If I don’t plan on using it for combos, like with my phoenix team, I just go for Hadangeki for space control. But for combos, Shippuga all the way.

Well I think ill use his 6 c for my rushdown team. I use him srk for my zoning team. Does his assist take out super armor ?

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