UPDATE: SFxT Launch Tournament at The M.A.D.E. March 6 (Oakland, CA)

[LEFT]Street Fighter x Tekken Launch Tournament at The M.A.D.E. March 6 (Oakland, CA)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]The members of the Round Table would like to give a huge shout outs to Manny and the people at The MADE for letting us use their museum for our tournament venue. Go to www.themade.org for information about The MADE.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Where: The Museum of Arts and Digital Entertainment (M.A.D.E.)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]610 16th St. Suite 230, Oakland CA 94612[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Dial #0230 at the Entry Gate[/LEFT]
[LEFT]When: March 6, 2012 from 3:00PM - 9:00PM[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Players will need to come from 12:00PM-3:00pm to register.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]We will start the tournament around 3:30PM-4:00PM[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Tournament will be played on Xbox360[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Tournament Fee: $5[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Pay out:[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-$3 will go directly to the pot[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-$2 will go to the club[/LEFT]
[LEFT]The MADE wants to satisfy the player’s needs so we suggest donating at least $2 to The MADE for improved equipment (monitors, systems, sticks, food, streams, etc).[/LEFT]
[LEFT]First Prize :[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-60% of Pot[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Second Prize :[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-40% of Pot[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Third Prize :[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Free Entry to the next tournament[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-A match consists of: 2 out of 3 rounds per game.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-2 out of 3 games for a match set in pools and semis.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-Winners and Losers finals consist of 3 out of 5 games.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-Grand finals consist of 3 out of 5 games.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-After a game has concluded, winner must stick with same char/team for the next game.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-Loser has option of switching char/team and also taking player side of choice.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-Programmable controls are banned. Button macros (e.g. 1 button to perform 3 punches at once) are allowed.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-Turbo button features are NOT allowed.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-Pausing a game will result in forfeit of that round unless the opponent chooses to waive this option.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-Tournament is double elimination.[/LEFT]

Reserved for results.

Updated venue location. Tournament will no longer be at Laney college.