Unpopular gaming opinions SECOND IMPACT

And you know I had to come to this eventually…

-Unreal Championship 2. —this is one of the greatest games ever, with a nice depth in terms of strategy, and surprising balance. Fuck everyone to hell for not truly giving it a chance. If I made a top 100 or top 50 list of greatest games ever…UC2 is somewhere in my top 10, possibly top 5. Again, fuck everyone who didn’t give this greatness a chance. Eat shit, get cancer and die…all of you.

The art for most snk/neo geo fighters sucked. I could never get excited about such boring looking characters.

Geometry Wars is actually the most fun I’ve ever had with a shootemup. It’s not a “memorize everything perfectly or you always lose” kind of bullshit situation, like the rest of the genre. Interestingly…you do always lose in Geometry Wars I guess since it goes on theoretically forever…but it’s so fun, nobody really cares about that. The whole point is to set a new high score for yourself, like the old era of gaming…also, the chaos that happens at those high scores is thrilling.

I agree with you.

It seems that turn-based is becoming obsolete. What was the most recent turn-based RPG to come out? DQ8? I think it’s just the Japanese that still put up with turn-based. Wow, as I was typing the sentence before this one I realized that Pokemon is turn-based. The one exception. But could that just be because there has been no real-time Pokemon RPG yet?

HOW DARE YOU??? The RE4 format made possible superior methods of horror/suspense/thrill. In RE4, enemies can sneak up behind you and you can’t see what’s around the corner. These observational weaknesses make the game more suspenseful than the traditional format where you see a zombie as plain as day at some points “hiding”.

I don’t know how your first experience in RE4’s sewers was but here’s mine:
Off in the distance:boom-CLANG. du-duff-du-duff-du-duff-du-duff-du-duff-du-duff…
Me:stops and turns around"What the fuck was that?"sees nothing and turns back around
Two glowing eyes seem to be floating in mid air right in front of me but then an insectoid form begins to de-cloak around it. The insect jumps on Leon’s shoulders and vomitts acid in his face. I get it off and run back to the surface and pause the game for a breather. My boy calls me a pussy.

FUCKING YES, I HATE THAT SHIT. Do ppl actually vocalize that shit? If you were teachng a person IRL to play Guilty Gear would you say: “Press four one two three six” instead of “half circle forward”?

-PS2 pad is the best pad for fighting games. Better even than the Saturn pad.

-The best pad configurement for SF-style fighters is :

-FF8 was good(compared with the other 7-12). You think the game was shit because Junction System can be abused to get high level too soon? Well then just don’t fucking abuse the system. This isn’t a fighting game, you’re playing by yourself.

-I’ve never played a single Zelda game in my life. The only time I EVER controlled Link was in Smash Bros. It’s not an opinion, but it still seems appropriate to post in this thread.

-MvC2 and 3s are bad fighting games.

You’re outta your mind.

It may not be the ‘best’ (that’s because I’m procrastinating in playing through MS6), but calling it a POS is going waaaaaaaay too far. Use that classification for stuff like…Rise of the Robots and Superman 64. Metal Slug 3 is awesome.

FF7 IS overrated, but 12 was pretty damn good(International will make it even better). I can’t REALLY defend S-E because they keep milking FF remakes and spinoffs, and not trying to develop any new types of games(I’m interested to see what they do with Dissidia though), but they DID make the Valkyrie Profile games so I can’t dog them out.

??? Hell no. I’m a big Zelda fan, and as good as Wind Waker was(yes, I DID enjoy the sailing shit. ALOT), It was really short because there was only like 3-4 dungeons in the game. OoT owns it for the dungeons alone, but the last battle in WW is awesome as fuck.


I’m a big Metal Gear fan and all, but the gameplay is old and stale now. Metal Gear Acid 2’s gameplay is leaps above MGS’s…I wouldn’t mind if MGS4 was done with that gameplay style(with a little tweaking of course).

NO. Fon Lu(I think that was his name) is the coolest Capcom Character. Rei is second I guess. BoF4 is full of win anyway.

…Oh yeah. I REALLY think most Sonic games are senseless trash. Primarily because for a game that’s based around speed, you spend a good bit of the time walking and jumping around like it’s a standard platformer. It’s just gets boring after a while.

-Ridge Racer 2 on the PSP is the best racing game ever. Gran Turismo and Forza be damned.

-Geometry Wars is the best game on the X-Box. And probably on the 360 too.

Donkey Kong Country 2 is the best 2d platformer ever. Don’t come up to me with your stupid fucking Yoshi’s Island and its hand drawn graphics. Don’t come up to me with SMW; nigga I was slipping all over the place like Mario had rollerskates. SMB3? Just a poor man’s SMW. DKC2 is simply THE best.

Controls? PERFECT
Soundtrack? Easily one of gaming’s best
Graphics? Hella good

Gameplay? Level design is amazing, with just the right enough length and challenge.

Replay Vaue? 75 bonus barrels and a hidden extra-hard world not enough? How about the best designed hidden secret in gaming: the DK Coin. Sometimes they are right in the open. Sometimes they are found on the other side of a WALL. Some are found in the bonus games! A bonus within a bonus. Sirlin said it best with this article: http://www.sirlin.net/archive/hiding-secrets-in-platform-games/

Overalll…nothing touches DKC2 as far as 2d platformers go(I think Metal Slug 3 is the only 2d title to rival it). The only problem I have with the game is that it ends, so I have to beat it all over again. So drop the stupid fucking act of Mario being king of platformers; Diddy Kong still reins supreme.

I’ll give you props for DK and DK2 but how the hell can you say SMB3 is a ‘poor man’s’ Super Mario World? SMB3 came out years before Super Mario World; how the fuck you gonna compare it to a game on a better system years later? I won’t even address your SMRPG comment 'cos that’s just out there

Mario started out poor(SMB3) and then he got a good job after eating Peach out(SMW). I thought that was pretty easy concept to understand.

Oh, and WTF are you talking about with SMRPG?

Edit: Also, alot of folks look at SMB3 as the best of Mario platforming. IMO, SMW was better than that game, which in turn is vastly inferior to DKC2.

Nevermind I misread what you said.

I cried at the Winnie the Pooh part… but for a different reason.

I did thoroughly enjoy Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 though. The Sora/ Roxas Organization XIII stuff was amazing and I enjoyed every last bit of that plot.

On a side note, Atlantica should NEVER have been used for rhythm minigames, I would have rather had Sora get drunk with Johnny Depp in Port Royal and have a balance minigame than dance with Dolphins and Ariel in a rhythm minigame. If I could have designed Atlantica for KH2, the palace would be under siege and Sora would have to fight like mad to liberate it. Also, Nemo would be there… but not Dory, I hate Ellen DeGeneres. (she isn’t even funny.)

Kingdom Hearts 3 should have worlds based on Pixar movies including the Incredibles, Toy Story, and Monsters Inc. Maybe Cars, but I’m just not sure how cool that’d be.

And Finally, Sephiroth should be able to join your party. Does anyone else think Riku is a teenage Sephiroth clone?

This is a man who might not have a popular gaming opinion, but has excellent taste.

God I really thought I was the only one.

I still go back and play DK2, fucking masterpiece of a game.

This level in particular had me angry as fuck.


  • Damn… I need finish the rest of the Grandia series. I actually loved 2’s engine. Canceling attacks never gets old at all. I ruined two art projects because of this game and I don’t regret it at all! :slight_smile:

I saw potential in the stories for it(2), but after certain devices were implemented, the only way to go was down. They attempted to save this title with those devices, but there was some loose ends that were missed and things that were not explained. Probably I was putting too much effort into understanding the differences between the two significant deaths in this game.

  • I actually liked DOA 2.

  • Million’s mad because he never used tactics…ever. LOL

…that went well.

-I agree that FF8>FF7. Except I’ll take it one step further: It’s not just better in gameplay, it’s better in EVERY respect.

-GoldenEye sucked. And yes, I DID play back when it came out, and hated it back then, too.

-The Wii is a boring, over-rated piece of shit.

-MvC2 is over-rated.

-Vagrant Story, NOT Chrono Trigger, is the best thing to ever come out from Square. And Chrono Cross>Chrono Trigger.

You win.

OMG TRUTH! I fucking hate that number system. There’s absolutely no purpose for it, and it just makes it harder to get into those games, especially moving back and forth between those and Tekken, where the numbers represent the attack buttons.

Perfect Dark Zero is good. Yeah, I fucking said it. The game’s single player is kinda shitty, I’ll give you that, but multiplayer is so much fun.

Harder than Guilty Gear? Yeah, no. GG is too execution heavy. Like, your combos have to be on point if you want to win. It’s a game where fucking up costs you heavily. GG goes hand in hand with Marvel.

So if you wanna say that, then I guess it’s OK to say that VF5 shits all over every fighting game ever created. You couldn’t even argue that point if you wanted to.

And even then, you can’t say it’s harder to play than any other fighter because mechanics play a huge role in this. Each game has it’s own aspects that make it different from the rest. Does it make it harder? Hardly. If you have a common knowledge of fighters, then you should be able to understand the core gameplay before running into the advanced combos and tactics.

And as for my opinion:

I think Final Fantasy X was the worst piece of shit to come out on the PS2. Yeah, Square, good job with that. All this talk about pushing the PS2’s limit and the game still looked like ass. The character models were bland and the only saving grace was Blitz Ball and the CG. Shit, even FF8 had a more unique system than FFX.

Gran Turismo is one of the most overrated series out there. It’s nice that it has all this customizing(putting the right car parts and shit) but damn is it boring. All the games are a chore to play. On that note, Burnout 3 > Gran Turismo 3 and 4.

More e-pinions:

  • The XB360 is the best console on the market. Fuck Sony, fuck Nintendo. And fuck Microsoft for my console breaking down. :annoy: :annoy: :annoy:

  • Capcom’s priority shouldn’t be more fighting games… it should be a third Megaman Legends title. /ready to parry

  • Albel Nox is the only reason I could tolerate SO3. Albel/Crispin Freeman FTW.

  • I traded my near-mint copy of Xenogears for a slightly worn copy of Brave Fencer Musashi. I never regretted this trade, because Musashi was about 1,000,000 times better than Xeno-anything. Too bad Samurai Warrior Musashi is such a bad game.

  • If you take the “point card” item out of Legend of Legaia, it becomes the primo example of how to make a good and CHALLENGING turn-based RPG. It’s the ENEMIES that should have big-ass world-destroying attacks, not you. Cort’s (first fight) Evil Seru Magic/Juggernaut attack is still one of the most cool, painful looking attacks in a game I’ve ever seen. Oh, and defending ACTUALLY MATTERS in that game: reducing the damage of an attack to 50% of your health when it would’ve done 200% of your health adds a level of strategy that Final Fantasy just doesn’t have.

  • The Wii is begging–BEGGING–for a well designed Green Lantern game.

  • X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse is one of the top ten SNES titles ever made. If you haven’t played it, do so. And do it in one sitting for the special ending you don’t get if you pussy out and use passwords.

  • I wish it wasn’t Square-Enix who owned the rights to the Actraiser/Soul Blazer/Gaia series. Because I want the games, but I have sworn never to pay Square-Enix another penny. And I’m a man of my word.

  • Random IVs and unchangeable (once earned) EVs makes Pokemon shitty. That’s why hackers set their IVs and EVs how they want. Wasting 500 hours making a perfect Pokemon doesn’t necessarily make you any better than me for doing the same in 500 seconds.

  • I want a Pokemon game where the trainer fights. Think the first Jade Caccoon, but more in-depth, or even Azure Dreams, but without losing your levels all the time. Being able to tailor your trainer’s look and skills (healer-only, tank, support, damage dealer, etc.) would be sexcellent.

  • Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu shouldn’t be part of the same evolutionary line. They should be standalone, with stats modded so that each is a competitive choice. Raichu would be more about power (sp.atk), Pichu more about speed, and Pikachu the happy medium.

  • If you ignore that Chrono Cross exists, Chrono Trigger is probably the best RPG ever made.

  • If Square-Enix releases a Chrono Trigger 2 that continues Crono’s story and ignores that Chrono Cross happened, I might just break my “don’t give Square money” rule. Of course, Japan will still get Chrono Trigger 2 Ultimate Special Mix, and give a big middle finger to the rest of the world. :bluu:

  • The “Tales of” series is getting old. The battle systems need some more polish, and the stories need some pizzazz. Also, Tales of the Abyss’s constant town-hopping in the mid to mid-late game was mind-numbing.

  • Grandia 2 sucked. And yes I’m talking about the original DC version. Grandia 3 is good… except for the last dungeon and the events surrounding it. Very anticlimatic.

  • Mario Kart Double Dash is the best Mario Kart game. Two human players on one cart is impossibly fun. If the Wii MK doesn’t have an option for two-man carts I’m going to slap a child.

  • Sonic Team was the worst thing to happen to the Phantasy Star series.

You aren’t the only person. I, too, would’ve rather seen Diablo 3. But “new” Blizzard sucks, so meh.

:rofl: Neg away.

But explain: why wasn’t it a piece of shit? 'Cuz I’m not perfect: it’s entirely possible I’m just missing something.

It is very pretty, I can’t deny that. And there are good things about it. MS3 was the last Metal Slug game I played. I played 1 in arcades, 2 and X in arcades, 4/5 on PS2 (and thought wow, when did the series start sucking?). My first taste of 6 was in the Anthology, and though it’s a tad easy, I was very surprised by how well done it was.

Then I tried 3. And I immediately thought that I was playing a slightly better version of 4 and 5. 3 was a chore to get through, even with 2 people on mindless-fun Free Play mode. Like with Sonic CD, I’m trying to go through it now and then and see why it is so highly regarded. It is filled with “cheap kills” (as in traps that cannot be escaped), long-ass sections of levels that are dull and never seem to end (the ice section in level 2, the bug lair in level 4, the ENTIRETY of level 5 after the cool retro Morden fight), and more that I don’t care to dissect right here right now.

Yeah, I should’ve mentioned the Dimps games. Sonic Advance 2 is kinda gay, but the other Advance games and Rush are all good eatin’. Again, no Sonic Team = better Sonic game. When will Sega realize this?

I’ve got no beef with Sonic the Fighters. I don’t particularly like it, but, unlike Sonic Team’s Sonic games, it is polished and finished. (:rofl: again, no Sonic Team. Fancy that.)

Sonic Heroes is a substandard, bullshit video game

I’d rather have Sonic Adventure 2 (in the same way I’d rather have HIV than AIDS).

-The game was repetitive.
Every team played the exact same boring, uninspired levels. Forest stage, then Swamp stage, like I didn’t have enough fucking greens with the forest for some reason. Every second stage was a remix of the stage before it. That’s got to be some of the worst thinking ever. Maybe I wouldn’t complain so much if playing the goddamned things didn’t suck.
-Sonic Team still didn’t fix problems from the previous two games, like the dumbasses they are
If I say “Knuckles/Rouge’s search for the bullshit artifact isn’t fun”, that doesn’t mean “Take away the radar and keep these stupid things in on a linear stage making it twice as hard to tolerate”. It means take out that bullshit gameplay. Dr. Robotnik doesn’t need oysters or what-the-fuck-ever and I’ll be damned if I let you convince me that he does.
-Graphics were kinda stupid for no reason
Why does everything look so shiny? I guess Sonic Team had to lube them up while they indefinitely raped this franchise.
-Controls are stiff
It’s cool going 90 miles an hour but if I control like a 3-wheeled go-cart it’s actually rather shitty.
-Glitched bullshit.
I don’t know why some massive jumps are done for you and others drop you straight into oblivion, but someone needs their nuts clapped for that. And while I’m on falling to my death, it’s way to easy to do that when I’m using the power characters.

It’s just too hard to have fun. I fly off of some shit and lose all the powerups I worked so hard for and the stage gets even harder. NO.

Sorry but I can’t let this go by without a


heh, hard…as compared to Sonic Adventure 2 where on that Knuckles underwater stage…you can die in about 2 billion different ways? :stuck_out_tongue:

-The only good thing about Oregon Trail was that part where you hunt animals, because it satisfies a young boy’s need to kill things. I’ll admit, this was the only reason I liked the game.

-I don’t care how it is in Wackyland…I mean Japan…heroes like the main guy from Final Fantasy 12, or Benimaru, or a dozen other "bishounen"whatever look super gay.

-the 2d cutscenes from Twisted Metal 2 are a lot more interesting and aesthetically pleasing than a lot of 3d cinemas out there.

-I seem to be the only person that cares about custom soundtracks. This is such a great option to have, yet I’ve been one of only 3 or 4 people ever to sing the praises of that. Come on…playing Saint’s Row as Michael Jackson in the Smooth Criminal outfit…with Smooth Criminal actually playing in the background? Playing as The Terminator with The Terminator soundtrack going on? Playing Geometry Wars or whatever to the theme of The Fall Guy, Price is Right and Entertainment Tonight? Nobody sees the greatness of this? What’s wrong with people…

Bragging rights: I beat Cannon’s Core BEFORE I knew the air necklace existed. I was SOOOO proud of myself at the time. :rofl: :bgrin: