It seems like some of those game cabinets from silvercoin went to the Great wall shopping mall in kent. Wow, if you think the hub controls are horrid… you should see the Marvel cab down there.
1.) The left side has lp, lk, and one of the assists set as jab… and jab is permenantly pressed = no supers, no switching, control of attacks and worst of all no blocking.
2.) The right side does not have a downward direction of any kind. = no low blocking, no special moves, no wavedash, and no superjump.
I think they set it up that way for people to lose to the computer and keep playing. Damn Chinese people… oh wait I’m half.
marvel at the hub was extra craptacular today. i played for about an hour with only one quarter and i still want my money back. fuck that place and fuck those cabinets.
Haha, amen to that. We later found out that the jab is broken on then 2nd cabinate on the left side and the fp is broken on the first cabinate on the right side. WEAK!
I’m doing a co-op this quarter so im not going to school. i think im going to extend for next quarter. basically i get paid to work full time writing code and get 2 credits. word.
If i do take any classes im a take cse 421 algorithms or cse403 software engineering. hopefully they’ll let me finally TA for something thatd be fun.
switchup not to discourage you or anything, but CSE sucks. horribly. you’re going to be putting in LONG HARD hours in the computer labs. expect to spend most of your weekends there. also, cs is a lot of math and theory. i didnt realize that when i went in, i thought it was just programming, but its not. just a heads up. a lot of people have their hearts set on cse, but its not what they thought it was. anyway theres two guys who play at the HUB, Su and Chester who are also cse majors. you can talk to them as well.
For people who are going to college… Spelling doesn’t matter!
“Aoccdrnig to rscheearch dnoe at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it
deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.”
i wonder who is responsible for buying and maintaining the games at the hub. we should find that person and crush them with one of those big expensive racing games.
it’s one of the older women who you’ll occassionally see behind the counter. . .kinda short, short grey hair. . .ever since fernando graduated, you won’t be getting any good games anytime soon.
Not her fault, really. They’re stuck with a hella lame-ass business model, 'cause they essentially “borrow” the machines from another company. They can’t just buy the games directly.
They’re trying to get Tekken 5, and I let her know about the good cabinet. I also pointed out how the card system and PS2 ports mean extra cash 'cause people can use pads.