Undamned's USB Decoders (USB to JAMMA, etc.)!

No, it does not. Only PS3 and X360 controllers. See the UD-CPS2 controller faq

Good news, everyone (having ps[12x]ā†’ps3|x360 problems)

The mayflash universal adapter works A-OK with ud-cps2ā€™s usb decoders and ps1|psx controllers. It even works with the decoderā€™s re-map function!. Just make sure of the following:

[] The dip switches behind the adapter must have both labeled as ā€˜3ā€™ on on/up. The rest, leave them off/down. You can experiment with these, but do mind that if the adapter is not on either ps3 mode or xbox360 mode, it will enter pc mode, and will not work.
] Sometimes, when using an non-analog psx controller, the adapter wouldnā€™t pick it up. In order to tackle this, we made used a working ps2 controller with the adapter to re-map the buttons, and then disconnect it and plug the digital controller in. The adapter will isolate the real controller from the decoder and ā€œkeep itself pluggedā€ to the later.

No, it is not the cheapest option to plug ps2 controllers, but it works with those really messy psx controllers and allows remapping (however cumbersome it may seem to you).

PS: You can check out the old manā€™s use of his psx controller + mayflash on Old Fei Long here and here. Totally worth all the struggle.

Cross-posted on ud-cps2 thread here

just got my USB to db15 decodersā€¦ would it be necessary to update now??? Iā€™m waiting on my supergun from jasen to test these bad boys out on ST and alpha 2

Negative. Working on an update right now, but itā€™s been a while since the last update.

So the venue that I go to for my sceneā€™s weeklies has a US Alpha 3 cab as well as a US 3rd Strike cab. Sorry if this is answered in the thread somewhere, but how hard would it be to add these to those cabs so that people can use their own controllers instead of the US sticks that are on the panels there? Iā€™d love to see them get some use but at the moment nobody in the scene wants to deal with the american parts.

double post mods pls delete :o

First off, donā€™t destroy the cab ā€œbecause people donā€™t want to deal with American parts.ā€ This is why many good cabinets get ruined that are valuable. And before anyone chimes in that a cabinet made of wood isnā€™t valuable, please mind your own business and carry on. All original cabs are valuable to someone.

[] Build an adapter for the JAMMA loom in the control panel. Attach one side to existing wiring, one side to the UD-USB. Usually some male crimp spades work best for this.
] Go to Home Depot, grab a piece of MDF the same thickness as the control panel. Measure it out to match the original. Cut it to the required shape.
[*] Grab a couple of USB extension cables or a pair of Neutrik Adapters. Cut appropriate sized holes in the panel to work with either one, attach to cabinet using stock hardware.

And, from personal experienceā€¦ its not the fact that its got American Partsā€¦ its because the games are older and people now a days donā€™t have an appreciation for them. I had Third Strike setup on an ADCAP SuperGun at SCR with two full Japanese populated Panzer Fight Sticks, the same 4 people out of hundreds kept playing it.

Nothing beats playing SF on a big blue. Swallow your pride and lean to play on bat tops, son.

Iā€™m Jasen Hicks and I support this message.

So the venue that I go to for my sceneā€™s weeklies has a US Alpha 3 cab as well as a US 3rd Strike cab. Sorry if this is answered in the thread somewhere, but how hard would it be to add these to those cabs so that people can use their own controllers instead of the US sticks that are on the panels there? Iā€™d love to see them get some use but at the moment nobody in the scene wants to deal with the american parts.

First, thank you for the advice. Iā€™ll work on it. However ā€¦

The plan was to add the functionality while preserving as much of the cab as possible. Itā€™s not even my cab, of course I would respect the value of the original machine.

And Iā€™ve specifically played with friends on the cabs and sat there dealing with hand pain and shitty responsiveness because american sticks are fucking garbage. We also have two hitbox players (myself included) and a few pad players in our midst, and I just want us all to be comfortable with messing with it. Weā€™re a pretty small, tight scene who are more than happy to try shit out.

There are compromises you can do without ruining the integrity of a US cab. Like what @ā€œJasen Hicksā€ mentioned

What I support are ether mods that are completely reversible, like Jasenā€™s Jamma adapter idea.
For the joystick, I believe with some minor hardware (like a adapter place) you could fit a JLW where a Happ or IL joystick once fit but this can betray the spirit of the machine.
I canā€™t say about the buttons. If you had some beaten up heavily converted generic cab where any alterations you make would be a repair sure, but itā€™s a thin line you do walk across. If its like a original cab in mostly good condition I like to see cabs stay this way.
As it comes to american style parts I recommend IL over Happ as IL is the original manufactured parts (old time Happs are re-branded IL parts). Happs now really do suck.
I think there some alternate choices for buttons that fits the normal american button hole sizes that arenā€™t Happ or IL but what they are exactly I am not sure what they are called
Many are off brand buttons.

Is it realistic for the UD-USB to support PS4 controllers via firmware update one day?

Yup, official PS4 already working (firmware not released yet) and just picked up a Hori PS4 stick to see how 3rd party stuff jives. Iā€™ll make a beta firmware available shortly. Should there be something funky with the beta firmware, you can always revert back to the previous stable release.

Iā€™ll post up when available :smiley:

Hmmmā€¦ Where can I order a unit? Itā€™s not on either Paradise Arcade Shop or Akihabarashop. :frowning:

@undamned I bought a PS3/PS4 UD USB decoder converter made by @Gummo and gave it to my brother, but it didnā€™t work on his Qanba Q4. This was over six months ago and since then he just bought a PS4. I donā€™t have it on me atm, but do you know if they happen to work now in either Q4ā€™s PS3 or 360 mode?

My USB decoders stopped working so I bought replacements from paradise. They were out of stock for the screw terminal version so I bought the DB-15 version and broke out the DB 15 ports I used to use. Laughā€™s (and superguns) based that pinout off of the neo geo pinout. And added the kicks for harnesses, but there is still one unused pin. Pin 9. I donā€™t know if you have this connected internally, but If you do, I have a request. can you output to this when one activates the test menu function on the screw terminal version? And have this in a future firmware version? It shouldnā€™t affect compatibility with DB15 or neo geo controllers and Iā€™ve found this function to be extremely useful during tournaments.

For now Iā€™m hooking up my test wire (since i have an extra one) to pin 9 in anticipation of this change :p.

When will screw terminal decoders be available again, or where are they currently available? Arcadeshop is out of stock. Iā€™ve got a project brewing in my mind, and screw terminal decoders are going to be critical to its success. :slight_smile:

Hmm, not sure Iā€™ve heard of that problem. Iā€™ll have to look into that.

Firmware update doesnā€™t add traces to circuit boards :smiley: Iā€™ll consider it on the next board rev, though.

I sorta spaced getting some more built up at the end of last year and now everybodyā€™s out. Iā€™m getting some made now. Should be available in a few weeks. Sorry for the wait!

Hi!, everybody!;

I need help with my set up please,
I have a Mak Strike V3, I made the mod Undamned showed before and everything seems to be fine, I receive my couple of decoders a few days and today IĀ“ve been testing the set up, when I turn on the super gun, the decoder directly goes to boot loader mode, Lights red & green flashing together,

I tried to push buttons to my controller but nothing happens. I do not press the decoder button to enter in boot loader mode, it does it alone, if I press that button, just the decoder do nothing, no lights, no input.

I use both decoders just to see if it could be a ā€˜problemā€™ of the decoder, and both do the same so i guess they are fine.

Any tip please will be welcome!!

By the way, the controller is custom one with a Xin mo board, itĀ“s a chinese 1 player board that was very cheap, works very very well, and itĀ“s been tested in Ps3 and worked just fine

Thanks a lot for the help!

i have similar issue, most probably decoder does not support the controller