Un-banning Evil Ryu at Super VS Battle 2009

Over at Neo Empire we’ve instigated a discussion regarding officially un-banning Evil Ryu at Super VS Battle this year.

Would love to hear as many opinions on this as possible…please head over and let us know what you think, or feel free to discuss here :slight_smile:


It only means necessary to allow Orochi Iori as well.
Is he banned by any chance?

And is this a tournament?

Yup, a major European tournament.

keep him banned

it’s be interesting to see that at a tourney.

Maybe you should unban O. Iori too, and invite Choi & Buktooth to the tournament to make things more interesting :slight_smile:

These characters have terrible health, there is no way they are as good as A-Bison/A-Sak etc… they are banned because they are not in arcade.

E.Ryu though, his health is around Akuma’s iirc, his fireball recovers faster than a SB, and other shit, I remember reading a Buktooth post about him.


What’s your reasoning man? I can understand that some people don’t want him unbanned, but part of the reason for the debate is to find out why…

I don’t see any harm. Personally to me, if it doesnt work out then just ban them again next time. Simple.

I wouldn’t say it’s around Akuma’s…there’s a pretty big gap:

(From JChensor’s guide:)


R-1 [[==R-2==]] R-3 | R-4 || CHARACTERS
12480 [[ 15600 ]] 18252 | 21840 || Chang, Raiden, Zangief
12160 [[ 15200 ]] 17784 | 21280 || Geese, Rugal
11840 [[ 14800 ]] 17316 | 20720 || Blanka, Dan, E.Honda, M.Bison/Boxer, Sagat, Todo, Yamazaki
11520 [[ 14400 ]] 16848 | 20160 || Eagle, Guile, Joe, Ken, Kim, Kyo, Rock, Ryo, Ryu, Terry, Vega/Dic
11200 [[ 14000 ]] 16380 | 19600 || Chun Li, Dhalsim, Haohmaru, Hibiki, Iori, Maki, Rolento
10880 [[ 13600 ]] 15912 | 19040 || Athena, Benimaru, Balrog/Claw, Cammy, King, Kyosuke, Mai, Nakoruru, Sakura, Vice, Yuri
10560 [[ 13200 ]] 15444 | 18480 || Yun, Morrigan
10240 [[ 12800 ]] 14976 | 17920 || Akuma
** 8480 [[ 10600 ]] 12402 14840 || Blood Iori, Evil Ryu**
7360 [[ 9200 ]] 10764 | 12880 || God Rugal
5200 [[ 6500 ]] 7605 | 9100 || Shin Gouki

i want to see hadouken hadouken hadouken hadouken hadouken hadouken hadouken.


why is he banned?

TK foward HF hurricane is like viper flame kick cross ups for massive damage all the time, instead of just when your in the corner and have some ultra…

That move alone if your execution is good is definitely amazing.

I imagine everyone is knackered from Evo but anyone planning to come to SvB for CvS2? Justin and Laugh are coming and possibly Daigo if he’s free.

please if he makes it into finals chant hadouken when he hadoukens :smile:

what r you peole thinking. they shouldnt be allowed into any tournament because they are possessed by the dark hadou.

A character being too good doesnt mean it must be banned
neither e ryu or iori are at a-sak or sagats level

they should be allowed…

but what about the dark hadou!!