well it’s not like the pic was mine to begin with. it’s a cut-out from the cast drawing that artist on pixiv made. I was initially going to make my av one of my team:
but for whatever reason the thumbnail editor is hard to negiotiate, unless I make the res really low…
The Xanadu Monthly [TFC Qualifier] is live! RayRay, Unkn0wn, DJ Huoshen, Josh wong, RyRy, pzpoy, KBrad, 4th Star, iNerd, Dark Child, and many more are in the house!
Hey fellows! Any UK bros around?
I’m going to visit London in september. Any place in London where I could get a dual modded stick?
Appreciate all answers
Would someone be interested if I cut out all the single character art so people can use them? Of course while giving credit to the author in your sig or something.
Apparently they go back and forth. I’m a predict Rayray 5-2.
Called that shit perfectly. Houshen has been clearly been stocking up on new tech. He couldn’t bring it all together though into his gameplay. He got discouraged too quickly as well when ray started going in. But its clear he’s been working and Houshen is gonna have a NICE incoming mixup game pretty soon.