UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

come to dallas x_x

At least during the sections of the evening I was there I donā€™t think Marvel was on the stream set up at all, it was on other machines at Starbase. Maybe later in the evening for WF/LF/GF they put it on though.

Yeah IPW only had like Champ vs Rog, Rog vs Falcomist, and Falcomist vs Champ. I need more games :frowning:

Those are the only games we decided to stream, Top 3.

As a UMVC3 player myself, it was a choice we as TOs had to make for that particular tournament. There were 58 entrants for AE 2012 and 22 for UMVC3. Both games had to be started around the same time. My apologies for not featuring more Marvel.

There were a LOT of UMVC3 matches I wanted to be streamed, but all of us decided that there were just too many entrants for AE 2012, to switch back and forth between games. We REALLY wanted to be done before Midnight, which we achieved. The space was a lot smaller than people realize as well, we only had 5 non-stream setups and 1 stream setup.

VF5 had only 8 entrants, wasnā€™t streamed. KOFXIII only had 12, but was streamed most of the day (early) on.

Shoutouts to

Anybody in hurr going to Summer Jam? Been going to majors for years for tons of games, but this is my first Marvel one, so Iā€™d like to play as many people as possible. :smiley:

god it feels awkward when someone post a video i uploaded and shoutouts to the best FGC Couple of that time :frowning:

Iā€™ll be thereā€¦ getting bodied.

and quitting right after

Iā€™ll be there and Iā€™d be down to play some Marvel. Itā€™ll be my second major, but Iā€™m hoping to get far in tournament.

There is no such thing as normal concerning humans.

Itā€™s pretty normal to laugh at fart jokes

Good luck man, you definitely have the skills. Show them your levels of understanding ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


So on one hand I finally bought some streaming gear and want to start streaming our weekly casuals here (and training mode)ā€¦

On the other hand I just got a closed alpha invite to the new Command & Conquer.

Not sure how I should feel about this.

Hah damn, that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw that too.

Nice try witch.

Youā€™d be an amazing troll Chrisis.

I get trolled pretty often on various other sites, but I try to do what I can to support positive interaction even when people are harassing me. What makes you think Iā€™d be a good troll? o.o

Ill be there also if anyone wants to meet up just pm me.

Kill them with kindness.

If my objective is for someone to be dead I take the most effective path, kindness is an attribute thatā€™s useful in most situations, but the most useful way to kill with kindness is to befriend a rather talented and easily influenced sociopath.