UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

Why are you arguing with a spammer like it was an innocent mistake or something?

Hes posted this in numerous SF threads but the mods Just wont ban

The dangers of AwesomeBar

Damn, jebaily is into that shit?

PM me for that kind of thing.

Pretty tame IMO.



The only ones who can defeat master trolls like JeBailey are usually themselves.


Jesus if the man likes tranny porn then so be it. I hate how peope always try to make others look bad because of their own insecurities.
You think heā€™s gonna continue supporting the community if this shit blow up? DOnā€™t think so.
DOnā€™t bite the hand that feeds you

Damn now that I know ChrisG done jabbed up Wolverine Master heā€™s gone up in man points. With arms like his it canā€™t be much worse than getting hit by a wet noodleā€¦

Except no one is trying to make him look bad or is out to get him by posting that?

He wonā€™t be ruined by this, people are just poking fun. I donā€™t really care about it, but it seems pretty harmless to me.

I love how sure you seem to be

It has less to do with the content than the fact that it was shown in the open. Itā€™s no different than getting caught on the crapper with the door open; everyone poops but they still close the door.

Mechwarrior agrees. Nothing else matters!

I love how youā€™re so intent on defending Jebailey when Jebailey himself does not give a shit.

Itā€™s a bit of public humiliation, no more. Weā€™ll all forget about it in two weeks or less.

I am very sure most posters here have an awesomebar that displays or has displayed something similar.

I hope G4C doesnā€™t hear about this

The fuck is awesomebar? Sounds like bloatware.