UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

Not having disruptor to countercall Jam will(read: should but won’t because he’s better than everyone else) fuck him, hope he loses to flux for making poor decisions.

At least his Storm isn’t painful to watch, unlike his Magneto. He’s at least trying to go for the seemingly optimized stuff, even if he hit none of it.

His Magneto pick was fantastic and was not at all reliant on how good he was with magneto, while I think the anchor pick of Vergil is probably better for MorriDoom, if you want another assist for whatever reason Disruptor is as good as it gets.

Anything not Zero, Vajra or Jam over Vergil? Get out of here.

That Doom combo by RayRay was the most fraudulent display of hitboxes I’ve ever seen. LOL

RayRay went in.

The fairness of RayRay’s Magneto.

Ok I just got motion sickness watching Ray Ray body Liston…Gawd dayumn!!

Ray Ray just threw down on Liston. He looks on point tonight

I don’t take notice of peoples Dooms, but RayRay’s Doom is just beautiful, oh my goodness.

Zeros cr.H is fucking retarded

Force Field just beat out Hyper grav. This is some high level magneto play.

Force Field is a projectile nullifying hitbox that counters physicals.

move is better than people give it credit. Also not a completely useless assist.

I would have liked to see that point Storm running away with Harmonizer like MVC2. He needs up his plink dash game before he can do that though.

Rayray’s Ryu made Magneto/Missiles look like Magneto/Web Lob.

Damn everyone is playing storm/morridoom flux,Chris,and Wong

Why is there still drama?

And the Injustice community is the SCRUBBIEST community ever. Niggas are asking for nerfs on Martian Manhunter already. How about you niggas step up ya fundamentals like the Marvel community has yet to do.

Storm @ MvC meta:

“It is MY turn now!”

No fun allowed.

“Spooky do you have any medical issues?” -Rico Suave

Dr Strange > Storm.