UMvC3 Event Q&A/FAQ Thread

You know, the one where he says “GET OVER HERE!!!”

The doom link didn’t work, you can update it with this thread I started for his changes.

Thanks, updated. I pulled most of the links from the old thread, thought I checked all of em.

I’ll be updating more tonight/tomorrow I’ve got a lot of info compiled just been a hectic past few days for me. Don’t worry though this thread is my baby.

Alright guys i could use some help on this one, im getting Ulimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 when it comes out. im not playing the vanila verson for personal reasons but anyways. I need thoughts on a team for my first character im thinking Ryu mainly because hes got More buffs and new chargeable moves when he uses his power up move which uses 1 meter or second dante because all his moves are more easy to do which means more combos for my to explore now thats my choice for my first character. Secondly im thinking Ghost Rider for now or Rocket racoon if hes a good character . and lastly im thinking Nemises mainly hes a more versatile brute character so to say.

id really like your advice thanks srk community

Its all about your choices, whether a characters is buffed or not doesnt have to dictate who you play. For instance i play a Thor/Taskmaster/Trish team :stuck_out_tongue:

as much as i would like to help the best advice i can give is just wait until the game comes out. just because a character seems good and what not doesn’t mean you will like to play him/her. but i think people will hate u for playing with ghost rider. i can already tell people are going to hate him.

yes i can under stand that part because ghost rider is a dhalsim character. and can be very annoying but thats probbaly why i want to pick him. i can get good with him and get under peoples skin that will give me the oporunity lol and i think he can lead in to alot of team hyper combos :slight_smile: bwhahaha.

Umm this isn’t the right thread for this. This is only for questions pertaining to UMVC3 builds shown at different locations.

Don’t feel bad for pissing people off with Ghost. If they get mad, it’s because they spend more time blaming the game’s technicalities or opponent’s skill level rather than evaluating their own faults. It’s already known that Ghost has a poor dash and walk speed, so effective zoning options make up for his crippled mobility (once you get in on him, he has a hard time getting out). Besides you will probably see just as many Striders/Virgils online.

Quick update: I’m in the middle of evacuation procedures so anyone who gets info from PAX throw it in here and I’ll update the post when I’m not busy scrambling around trying to not get blown to the next state.

Anything about Frank West or Phoenix Wright if they are revealed, confirm if there are any move changes for Deadpool or quicker normals/specials,
Someone test out Magneto’s Graviation special to see it’s properties, like how much in length does it push or pull and if it can be canceled. Ghost Rider assists. -Maggie & Deadpool Master.

[S]Apparently Ryu has another new mashed fireball? QCF+SSSSSSSSSSS… Might only be available in Denjin mode.[/S]
[S]Any insight into wtf this does would be appreciated.[/S]

Nevermind, SOLVED![S]

Hey make sure you update with my info too! :stuck_out_tongue:

Strange: Can you use a fourth Grace of Hoggarth while Flames of the Faltine are travelling? Can you activate his projectile counter hyper using Viewtiful Joe’s Shocking Pink assist? . MartianOrbit

Alrighty, now that all that nonsense is over, I’ll be updating through the night. If anyone has links to share throw em in there.


Updated a rather decent sized chunk of info, added a couple more vids as well as more quick reference links.

Csword: I added your she-hulk info as well, let me know if I missed anything.

Spencer & Taskmaster aren’t on your list

Fixed. Dunno how I missed them.

My She-hulk vid can go in the NYC fight club section :slight_smile:

Apparently she is also getting an airdash :open_mouth: (PAX 2011)

Incoming tidal wave of changes!

Is the projectile > untechable throw glitch going to be removed, or have they decided to leave it?