UMvC3 Deadpool Changes?

Obviously yes - still causes a hard knockdown. You don’t cancel into katanarama, you just have forever to “link” it, lol.

Right, right, but hey, you never know! Maybe they decided to really hate Wade’s 6M or something!

If bolo trap time is increased, why doesn’t bolo loop work? :frowning:

Probably because of this:

Which effectively nerfs the vertical hitbox on the bolo, which means it’ll probably be harder to link with a hitstun-scaled launcher.

Aside from taking out the loop, it seems like the bolo got buffed significantly. If the vertical lift Deadpool gets when using it is lower, and the opponent is captured longer, maybe the air combo ender is now:

MMH -> bolo -> land, H quickwork -> hyper

Possibly not that much more damage than OTG guns hyper, but better for DHCs.

Deadpool sounds like he will be a much better character overall. The gun speed increase was still there as of the NYCC build this list does not include every change.

Ya. I just saw the changes and he looks like I’m still gonna be using him :slight_smile: God my team(s) are so up in air right now!

Sounds like you could do something similar. You’ll just have to note his overhead has been nerfed so it’s not cancellable anymore. You have to wait for the full recovery of mad wheel (overhead) and then go into quick work.

That’s arguable. Against some characters especially characters that like to lame out at super jump height it’s good to have a teleport like Dante’s where if they do something stupid you can just instantly be near them no matter what. It’s more like between both characters their teleports have different applications. Deadpool’s port is the quickest recovering port in the game so it’s the best for creating mix ups without an assist. Even then it’s still 10 frames recovery so if they’re mashing buttons when you port you’re probably gonna get hit. His port won’t scare any flight based characters either unlike Dante’s. You also have to remember you’re talking about the character whose 3rd teleport exploded at Evo during a Cinderella Story comeback.

Plus with an assist all teleports have a self just frame left/right mix up. You can’t just jump up and air throw to punish Dante’s port when Akuma’s tatsu or Doom’s beam is in the middle of your body just as he goes over your head. You’re automatically put into a just frame 50/50 and you have to block the right way and even if you do block the right way you’re stuck for Dante to do another mix up because of the assist not letting you advance guard.

You really shouldn’t be teleporting without an assist or before doing a special move first (particularly a projectile that stays on screen to 50/50 the port into combos). Naked teleports is like online warrior stuff. Unless the opponent whiffs something big you really shouldn’t be doing it because of the frames where you can’t block or attack when you come out of it.

That’s the whole reason they allow you to cancel all of your specials into port now so you don’t have to do naked ports where you can’t move for 10 frames and have to cover with assists. That’s not terrible recovery if you consider Wesker’s ground travelling ports have 20 frames of recovery but it’s still 10 frames where if they’re mashing on buttons when you port you’re going to get hit.

Stupid overhead not being cancelable.
In some situations, Deadpool’s teleport is better. In other ones, Dante’s is better. Deadpool also doesn’t have Hammer.

I think that the EVO thing was just the worst luck in the world and would probably never happen again.

Ya, his overhead not being cancelable sucks :confused: overlooked that ugh!

IMO, only scrubs actually cancel the f+B anyways. Deadpool is +3 on block, and if it hits the opponent is hard knockdowned for a combo. Why would you ever cancel it? If they block you get a free frame trap with standing or crouch A, and if they get hit you get a free combo. There is no positive to canceling the first hit into anything IMO.

Just my 2 cents.

Canceling the overhead into quick work is a pretty nice mixup. Especially since you can do it after the first hit, after the second hit or before the overhead hits at all. It can be very hard to block. Some people also like to cancel into S to save the ground and wallbounce. I don’t like doing the latter though, it’s way too unsafe.

Canceling into quick work is just as unsafe as canceling into S. Both of them would need xfc to remain safe… I still feel that canceling f+B is a scrubby, unsafe risk that basically shouldn’t be done.

I always cover it with drones so I don’t really have to worry about it being unsafe. If I simply cancel into S I have no mixup and I can’t even act until after the drones are already gone. I agree that it usually isn’t such a smart thing to do but I think people are annoyed because of the potential it had when combined with the teleport buff.

It’s safe if you cancel a blocked Quick Work into Guns super and the opponent is stupid enough to pushblock, if not then DHC.
Or you COULD HAVE teleported in UMvC3 if they left it in.

Kara-canceling f+M into Quick Work (especially when you can CONFIRM that the opponent changes to standing guard) is a legitimate mix-up, albeit one that you have to take pre-cautions with.

Why the fuck would you NOT want a kara-cancelable Overhead…this new generation I swear to God they do not think…

The Kara cancel is not what I was arguing was scrubby. I was arguing that going for an unsafe mixup that could get you punished by a full combo (aka one hit kill in MvC3) was not smart.

You do realize that they took away the f+M cancel BECAUSE they added the teleport cancel, right? That would have been a stupid mixup that would keep deadpool safe and allow him to combo on hit. It would have been stupid as fuck.

Of course you use assists when you go for Deadpool’s overhead-low mixup. Otherwise, it’s unsafe on block and you can’t combo off of it.

Doing it without assists is scrubby. Doing it with them is smart.

Can’t argue with that but when you look at most of the top tier, they have stuff that’s at least as stupid. At least Deadpool has a limitation on his teleports.

When do you press H to cancel Quick Work into Chimichangas? I have gotten it to work sometimes when I mash the everliving fuck out of H throughout the entire quick work but I have no clue when the proper time to do it is.

Also, anyone have tips on connecting guns xx teleport into a combo? I got it to work a few times but I’m not sure what I was doing wrong on the times it didn’t work. I successfully started combos with c.L, c.M, and S.

^ I’m having exactly the same problem with timing Chimichangas after Quick work. I played the game for the first time for about 15mins, and I got stuck at Mission Mode #9 (I think), where Chimichangas was required.

Guns xx teleport isn’t hard. You want to do the teleport between the 7-9 bullet. Its pretty safe to hit confirm xxtelexxbnb. You always have the option of using his overhead once close for