I would be careful with the damage calc. Your numbers are assuming Ultra is full. I would run the calc with the minimum ultra damage so you get a potential damage range.
If it would win you the game, I would say sure, go for it. Other than that scenario I think the cost is too great. To use 3-4 meters + Ultra is using a lot of resources [Gen status]. Also, with the nerfing of wake-up pressure, Yang’s reset from close s.mk, j.HP is better. I’m not saying that it’s something that shouldn’t be looked into, but generally speaking, it just uses a lot of resources
Side-note: Good players know that the twins palms are negative on block. I got wrecked by a vega, who would do c.mp, EX Wall-Dive > air throw every time he blocked mp palm. : (
The ultra option is ok I guess…otherwise it’s not meter efficient .
These numbers are old but:
For 2 bars you can do 329 dmg / 520 stun (very close to the 346 you have for 3 bars), 375 / 580 in the corner. So an extra bar for 17 damage isn’t worth it.
With 4 bars you could do EX palm, fadc, EX palm, hk rollkicks for 408/660 anywhere (more than the 401 you have for 4 bars). Not really a footsies option though.
Also with 4 bars you coud do cl.hp xx palm xx super, u1 for 531 damage which is just 4 less than red focus into ex palm.
Yang is a good meter user damn. Also something I’ve been doing a bit nowadays is the kick target combo because folks love to focus backdash. It builds roughly 1/3 of a bar and it’s only -2 pushing you back a fair distance. Not fast enough to break armored reversals unfortunately.
You can just cr.mk xx hp palm or f.s.mp xx hp palm. Frame traps and is even on block. As far as fucking for EX RF, eh. That’s something I think w’ell have to wait for a release for us to play with.
Do you think you could do some testing with f.MP xx roll kicks against crouching opponents? Particularly the shotos, but when I was trying the ultra PC mod, sometimes the roll kicks would skip the roll and go straight into the kick, whiffing altogether. It was one of my more major concerns regarding this buff.
on mago’s ultra street fighter yang changes video, he uses that red focus set up in the corner. I believe this will help yangs damage output in certain situations. Just have to be wary of using it all the time since yang is such a meter whore.
873 damage, which is actually more than Yun. This stuns 950 health characters and below. On 1000 stun characters you can go into MK Rollkicks instead of palm to get more setups.
It is however an easier confirm for the same stun, so do whatever you wish. I went for the highest damage here, since everyone should already be used to confirming close MP to c.mk now.