Correct me if I’m wrong, but I heard there were new game modes? Would that mean something along the lines of a lobby spectator mode? How about something fun like infinite supers in an endless lobby?
But forget about that, how about those new trials, like some for the AE characters as well as the Ultimate characters?
@Preppy, seriously I don’t know how they manage it but these kids can’t read. There needs to be some sort of post sign up warning. 3 or 5 simple bullet points to avoid getting your posts flagged or locked.
1)Use the search function before creating a thread.
2)Make sure you post in the correct forum, ie Fighting game discussion goes in FGD, Regional matching making goes… etc
3)Nobody cares about your youtube channel, so don’t create a thread about it. Use the video forum, or post a link in a relevant existing thread
4)New users can’t create threads other than in Saikyo Dojo till they reach 20+ post, do not spam the boards otherwise you will get banned for 7 days etc.
5)We know very few people read long list of rules, so provided you follow the above 4 and use some common sense you’ll fit right in. For future reference here is the complete list of forum rules…
Nah never really browsed the forums, I made an account a year ago and left it at that. I meant to post it at FG discussion but I had a new tab open and I guess I submitted it here. You people are vicious uptight little shits that take things pretty extreme!