Ultra SFIV - Change wishlist for Abel?

Specifically against dive kick characters
Post medium kick anti air, the step forward gives Abel great pressure afterwards
An improved start up speed and a better hitbox would go a long way in helping

Hi there I’m new to the forums but just wanted to offer my two cents.
I still don’t see the point in a lot of these:

CoD- Shaving a frame off of this move wouldn’t do much IMHO. No new combos from it. It’s not considered a footsie to me, but a commitment. Footsies are generally normal such as cr.lp, cr.lk, s.lk, cr.mp and f+mk. it would help EX CoD as a way to escape bad positions, but not noticeably.

FS- Still wouldn’t be a RELIABLE AA…

Wheel Kick- If you wanted to make it more useful shave a frame or two off of the recovery.

TT- I don’t see a need for the damage to go up really. I think the just reduced it by 10 in AE or 2012.

Super- What does more range truly give you? I rarely use this move except to style.

U2- I’d take it! I don’t use this except for a few specific MU anyway.

Not trying to troll or be an ass. Just a constructive criticism.

Best suggestion I’ve seen! This move is ass as it stands. The hurtbox extension from this move is ridiculous. I once thought this move would be GDLK vs Gief. Tried it as a footsie and it whiffed, he l.SPDed me DURING it’s active frames :\ Other than that maybe drop either his cr.lk or cr.lp down to 4 frames or 3 evilgrin Tweak his hitbox on cr.hp vertical and horizontally to make it a better, more reliable AA and I’m good.

Just my two cents.

Just better hitboxes for all of his antiairs.

longer u1 range
always a tad bit short on punishing fireballs

I want a counter hit air to air j.mk or whatever can be combod into f.mk s.hp xx FS ala SFxT lololol

Hmm… I agree. If they could make it like King’s (which is a great normal - good AA and gets people trying to jump out) in SFxT, I’d be pleased.

I’d personally like some sort of buff to his rolls. I don’t know enough about the game to say what, but there is a noticeable difference between Super Abel and AE Abel when it comes to rolls.

Of course it is, rolls were nerfed from super to AE - “Roll lost some of its hit invincibility at the end of it, making it easier to punish”.
But I’m not sure if Abel should get his super rolls…they were a little…derpy :razzy:.
Based on your sugestions, this is what I think:

  • Falling Sky: reduce the start up with 1 frame (4-5-8-5)
  • Super: give slightly more range
  • Tornado Throw: +10 damage for each version - 170-190-210-210
  • Ultra 2: reduce the start up with 1 frame
  • Wheel Kick: reduce the recovery with 2 frames (19-20-21-19)
  • far MK: - reduce the start up with 1 frame (7)
  • +1 active frame (4)
  • buff the hitbox for better AA

Seriously why buffs? We should be happy without any nerfs :stuck_out_tongue: .
OK I’ll take the + 10 damage on TT; but seriously, who cares for the 10 damage, the move is already very good especially for the mixups after it.
The buff for the far MK I would very much like to see, the move is useless as it is now.

Hmm… What about making his super having AA properties? (maybe different animation but thats asking too much I guess… I was thinking he could grab like a FS, but after smashing the the opponent, sit on top and throw punches to the face kinda like one of Ralf’s super)… I know super right now can be used as AA but thats more towards using the invi properties and aiming for the landing recovery and not actually hitting them in the air.

Realistically, maybe make his cr.hp hits properly vs everyone after a j.mk crossup

or buff COD 3rd LOW with armor or something haha

I was wondering about some buffs for 2nd and 3rd low COD - they are not that usefull, slow and don’t combo - maybe some start up reduction ?

A 3 frame jab!!!

Definitely. Why they don’t combo has always been kind of a weird design decision for me, especially with 3 frame DPs in the game. Especially if they’ve already been hit by the initial hit of CoD and you don’t have enough meter for FADC… what if we want to keep the enemy in the corner if they are already there with 3rd low? Throwing them out of the corner into midscreen is just tomfoolery. Tomfoolery I say!

New to Abel but I’d say Universal Cl st Fierce after Step kick, and make his anti airs slightly better over all. And I is cool. Making crouching Fierce a better anit air can probably make opponents salty as hell though due to some of the great things Abel can do off of it…even when it trades sometimes.

Am I the only one who doesn’t think Abel’s cr.hp sucks? I love it… hell even off trades I almost always get a dash up FS. And of course, cr.mk and cl.hp are good too… I really don’t think his anti-air game is that bad.

But, yeah… universal cl.hp connecting on crouching opponents… I would be happy if that was the ONLY change Abel got, as boring as that list would be. I find that’s the most annoying thing.

No you right Guy, but it could always be better maybe all except CR hP? I agree that one is powerful but I don’t think it’s powerful because its a great anti air I think its powerful because of the stuff you can do if you anti air with the juggle hit. But stuff like st fierce and cr mk could be slightly better though IMH recently picked up Abel scrub O

Yeah, I don’t think cr hp should be buffed because we get too much out of it. But some buffs to FS and st MK would be good.

Regarding cl HP always connecting - wouldn’t this be a little…too good ? I’m not sure, so I’m curious what do you guys think.

Maybe it could be too good, but he has enough bad to compensate :slight_smile: How about making Cr Mp comboable off of jab? Would give us another way to combo into COD that isn’t a tough link( Unless they make it a tough link lol)

that would be too good of a buff probably… abel’s main weakness is that he can’t easily or consistently hitconfirm into any real combos, the tradeoff being he has a good command grab that makes people want to stop blocking. Now if he could get big damage into possible ultra off anytime someone decided to stop blocking to avoid TT, that would be too godlike.

You make too much sense, no argument here.

Interesting idea, buffing this move should make Abel players more apt to use it
then again, buffing a special which can be FADC’d into either a full combo or Ultra seems a little odd to me, Abel’s damage output is already on the high end I think.

But, nonetheless, if this special was to receive a buff, I think it would be more beneficial to reduce it’s recovery rather than start up.