Ultra SF2 General Discussion - We need the CPS1 music!

My tier list for this game would be

Banned - Shin Akuma

Soft Banned/Top tier - Akuma, V. Ken, E. Ryu
Strong - Boxer (buffed), Sim (buffed), Claw (nerfed), DJ (buffed), Guile (buffed)
Good - Chun (nerfed), Ryu (buffed), Bison, Ken (buffed), Sagat (nerfed)
OK - Honda (nerfed), Fei, Zangief, Blanka, Cammy, Hawk (nerfed)

On an unrelated note GG’s to all the people I recognize on these forums (Rcaido, x64, and TelMarine). I’ve run into you guys a few times with the tag Rashid in ranked and they’ve all been good games. It’s a shame that once you get past a certain BP, 3/4 ppl with high BP you face never want to play you again, especially if you beat them. Also tired of the switches to Akuma as a Zangief player lol. That MU is so crap.

Yeah the way Capcom set up the ranking system was horrible. Being able to essentially scout for matches by searching instead of hosting and being able to see someone’s ranking before the match starts allows for very odd behavior in ranked. HDR’s way of handling ranked matches was a lot better. As for me, I’ll almost always try to do 3 matches if they’re good. The only time I don’t is if the match lags, they’re using akuma/v.ken, or I’m only getting 1PP per win and I’m trying to find higher PP matches.

Yeah it’s pretty sad all the duckers…i had too create a secret account so I can play them until they duck that account too. Only ones i duck are really laggy players & akuma players.

Is it me or does the Classic Mode for Ultra SFII look like garbage (at least on certain stages)? I watched 2Old2Furious last week and they had a tourney for USF2 - I couldn’t help but think that original Super Turbo looked much nicer

With ports of old games the emulated scan lines never look as good as CPS2/3 on an arcade CRT.

I remember playing HD Remix online and this makes dealing with Akuma in that game like dealing with a mid tier in any other fighter. These Neo ST shotos sound absolutely ridiculous lol. This is a casual SF’s dream come true. Only play edgy shotos that are all top tier and there’s a Shin Akuma that’s probably more ridiculous.

good games. Yep, frequent leaving is a problem. Who cares about your stupid rank, it’s meaningless.

For me, if they are not going to include options to simulate Scan Lines, at least throw in the option for some kind of bilinear filtering, otherwise the game looks to pixely on HD screens (even on the portable 720p screen of the Switch itself).

I tried messing with the old graphics and it just didn’t look right, characters are way too small for my old man eyes. I do still have the classic sounds turned on though.

Really laggy players and akuma/V. Ken is most of the population of this game. I swear to god, I run into 75% Akuma Vken


Trying Evil Ryu, mainly because he’s the first low-tier “OP” character I’ve ever seen in any fighting game :lol:

If you’re playing him just like Ryu, then it’s like playing a Ryu with less HP. Treat him like you’re learning a new character from scratch and relearn what counters what.

Learning how to beat Violent Ken’s command dash with your main is part of your rite to passage in USF2, just like learning how to beat Ryu’s fireball dragon punch trap is in SFII: WW. I haven’t played every character thoroughly yet, but you bet I hit the lab with the ones I do against that particular move.

Remember that Violent Ken’s command dash is his preferred way to approach. His air tatsu leaves him more open and his jump arc is terrible. Man falls like a rock.

Has anyone ran into Shin Akumas online?


You can’t choose Shin Akuma for local online and Internet battles.

Just played a couple of matches against x64. It’s an honor to play against him again. Felt like the HD Remix days. Let me know if you want to try out any matchup.

So Shin Akuma is only playable offline? He’s not banned

Were you the DJ? Sorry about not playing more, I was trying to get more matches against a high ranked V.Ken at the time.

Why are you even mentioning this? No tourney is going to allow Shin Akuma.

That was me! I used to go by the name littlecowpower on HD Remix and played Blanka exclusively, when he wasn’t borderline garbage. Now I stick to Evil Ryu and only switch to Dee Jay or Blanka against the players I respect most.

I’ve mained Zangief and Guile in past versions of SFII as well… Nothing but love for this strange game.

How did you do against Violent Ken?

I think I remember you on HDR. I was playing against MichaelLee. I’d say he has the most impressive V.Ken I’ve run up against so far. I think this might be his first time with SF2 because he lacks a few basics but he has V.Ken’s skill plays down. Very adept at using the dash on wakeup to set up a 50/50 jab srk (that’s completely safe on block). We probably played about 30 times yesterday and I think I beat him at least 20-10 but the way the game deals PP out I think I barely made change when it was all said and done lol.

Akuma players are generally the worst kinds of people in any game he appears in. What is it about that character that attracts so many shitheads?