Ultra 1 vs. Ultra 2

when making your choice, also consider the different things that each ultra can punish

they are both 7 frame start up, but U1 reaches farther during that initial 7 frames. U1 punishes certain sweeps and other blocked normals or low forward fireball strings that U2 cant. U2 obviously has more overall range, but for that first 7 U1 reaches further

i’ll pick double if a character has a fireball and a commonly used tool that U1 can also punish

Just put my 2 cents in there, but then again, I’ve been in HK for the past 2 weeks and am going in cold to the tournament tomorrow. #rustttttttt

Are you going to use Rolento in tourney? Good luck man! I’d love to see some videos!

Only matches I would change to U2 from you list are Hugo (lol) and Dictator.

Dictator because U2 punishes his weird jump arc better than U1, and it can discourage him from whiffing DR mid screen and easily punishes EX PC, teleports, whiffed scissors, and headstomp.

Hugo because once U2 is stocked he can’t really do anything without risking 480 damage thanks to how slow everything he does is.

Awesome list, if I was more confident in hitting U2 as an AA (main thing I worry about is empty jumps ) there would be less W’s and more U2s

How’d you go in the tournament? Chuck some vids up!

No vids, and I ended up using Seth because I played Rufus/Juri (both de_stroy Rolento). Ended up losing to some mediocre HK players, but in the end got some good games after with guys like humanbomb, dakou, RB (which is why I’m going to recommend you keep an eye out for him. He’s a Taiwanese Rolento/Hugo player that used to play Guy).

Overall, U2 did keep a lot of people honest here (you can also catch empty jumps, just has to be earlier to catch the small window of landing frames), but overall, the play style in HK/Asia is significantly different than the US. Not to say it’s superior, but it’s very fundamental based. They are quick to adapt and aren’t predictable.

The focus here is better than it is in the US.

Hey jalapno, eff yo U2 through my sonic booms lol.

I think W is valid in some matchups where U2 isn’t an obvious choice (fireball characters etc). I always find myself in situations where I wish I had the other ultra. Everytime I land ex circles without U1, sad face. Everytime I land ex air-raid without U2, sad face.

Lol, I’m guessing that’s you, Cord. In your defense, I did happen to have a couple of energy drinks before you showed up.

Agreed, W Ultra isn’t too terrible. In fact, with how the ERyu match-up is developing, W Ultra is seeming much more appropriate for the match-up (Fireball deterrent + Combo DaMaGe), but I feel a strong urge to still U2 everything about ERyu.

Yes it is I. I guess you still have to consider that even if you increase the chances to land Ultra, whenever it leaves them with some health, the same situation with non-W Ultra would have killed. I’m still torn. I see U1 actually has some anti-air ability and it’s one of the only things Rolento can do to YOLO through stuff in place of a DP. I think heavy fireball characters is straight up U2 material though. The damage is too ridiculous and it scares the bejesus out of them. Even though U2 is difficult to land through Sonic Boom, if Guile ever messes up a flash kick it’s free U2 right there.

Yeah, there are multiple philosophies applicable to the choice of Ultra.

U1 - Guaranteed damage via combo
U2 - Fireball deterrent/Punishing style/combo’d only from Stinger/Air Raid
W - Hybrid of U1/U2 with reduced damage.

I believe I’ve posted about this somewhere else, but I’ve put a fair amount of lab and gameplay time into using Rolento against dive kick characters. Playing against kazu and Fubarduck in the salty suite @ Evo, one of the things I realized is that Rolento has almost no answer to do wakeup divekick mixups, especially if LP Lunge Punch is OS’d. Backdash and Backflip both get punished; EX MDE can work but is, as always, a big risk if predicted.

Reversal U2, on the other hand, can often catch dive kicks in trip guard (kind of like Vega U2). It also moves Rolento back a bit in the flash (as opposed to U1 which moves him forward), which allows it to work on both same-side and cross-up divekicks. I use W-Ultra against Yun for this reason.

Yeah I think U2 is a very good choice against dive kick chars. I started using W ultra against decapre as it catches her divekick setups after knockdowns but also catches her teleports and U2 out of the corner escapes.

I should put it into my gameplay against yun

With the exception of Rufus, dive kick characters can be snatched by U2, but that’s only because of the height restriction giving you the ability to buffer period. Rufus having no such restriction means you’d essentially be trying to catch a meaty jab with U2, and that’s next to impossible.

There’s only one thing I’m good at, and it’s hitting ultras on people where you shouldn’t be able to, and I pretty much have to say ‘no’ to picking Rolento in the Rufus match-up.

im starting to think that double ultra with rolento is the best way to go in certain match ups. but then again i hate loosing damage because of picking it.