ULTIMATE Tallahassee Thread: 20 more pages of crying about everything

James got his from Tennessee and Ocala… just now.

Got him hooked on MK…

If games are popping, I might be there to watch. Kind of interested to see some Vergils and Striders in action.

I’d be down

Yeah we knew that!

This disc art is so bad.


“Hooked” is such a strong word. You may not know this about James, but he will play ANY game that has a female character in it. Literally any game. Fighting, RPG, FPS, tentacle rape hentai, whatever.

This sounds interesting. Wanna flesh that out fanfic style for me, bro?

Strangely enough, I have NEVER seen James play Arcana Heart.

Put it on and he’ll be first in line!

Also, it’s rare that I’ll post Tekken stuff, but this is the tightest setup I’ve seen…it’s like real fighting game stuff!

Turnabout Phoenix Wright is probably the best character in the game.

(for now, probably going to be for a while)

UPDATE: Haggar is still tight, just not braindead.
Hawkeye has the BEST THEME.
Iron Fist is probably not very viable in serious play.
Shuma got buffed. :tup:
Ryu is suddenly very good.
Wesker actually got buffed.
Online play is still fucking terrible. Full green bars? My nuts, Capcom.

Yeah but he’s kinda ass till you get there. I feel like if you want that, you need to build a team around it

This one’s for Drew, Chris and anyone else applicable:


How does he stop you from holding up back and pushblocking? He doesn’t have a teleport and his only lows have about 2 centimeters of range.

Serious question, not trying to condescend as I normally would.

Why would he need to rush you down at all in turnabout? His evidence turns into some of the best projectiles in the game, and he gets access to normals that do chip, bounce, and have arguably better range and hitboxes than anything Sentinel could dream of? I can’t say he’d be an awesome anchor with this stuff (but he probably would be because of that level 3), but as a second character on a team he’d be incredibly useful.

His biggest weakness is actually getting rushed down, but even a half-decent assist and Maya can help greatly.

I’d say if not the best, he’s definitely WAY WAY WAY up there in the tiers-that-don’t-exist-yet…along with Dark Wesker and Doom.

Edit: You definitely don’t need to build a team around him. He doesn’t rely on anything meter-intensive aside from that good level 3. Just pair him with one other decent character and you’re all set.

Supposedly if you call out M-Maya? shield and stand RIGHT behind her while looking for evidence, someone can come up and throw you THROUGH Maya shield.

Looks like dude needs some help from his B.R.O.D.O.K.

Just a note, for those of you coming to Columbus with me, You must be at my place and Ready to go with your stuff in my car by 9AM or I will leave your ass behind. (Chris is not included in this since he doesn’t have a car and has to be picked up, You got until 9:10 Chris.). We’re on a tight schedule on sat, so just be ready that morning

This dude is SERIOUS.

about Skyward Sword!

actually though Jarv, The tourney starts at 1 so…

Anyone else have today off and want to talk shop/get some games in?