Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 - Good Games

good games to anyone Ive played in the mornings and at night
Im usually online tuesdays and thirsdays around 9 a.m

My tag is TRUJD3S

Jeez can I stop running into Viscant??? Ggs man…


sorry, I have other people who play online.
I rarely touch mvc3.

apologies if they got off the handle, they usually do it in groups when they’re drunk.

GGs to magic321. be online for another Hr

GGs to Mr Nannie

GGs to DartanynTM for 7 good games until my connections crapped out. “That lag was horrid! Ty for training, teleport teams are my weakness.”

GGs to whoever I ran into and thanks for the session mvcplayer. Although I have a burning hate for Task and Sent now.

Hit me up on XBL if you are on. Always looking to play other SRK members.
GT: Teddeism

ggs lethalmonk6

it was 2-0 me, he switches over to Woverine/Deadpool?/Doom and came back 3 straight. every match since he switched over to Wolverine was laggy for the first 15ish seconds, so maybe i was a bit salty and sent something like:

i love how it lags at the start when you’re Wolverine =(
his reply:
i will admit that it did seem oddly convienent for me haha

i lol’d. gg xCRSx ACEKILLAH. also to PK Dros(?) … damn your annoying x23.

GG’s to Bus Orez and Wolverine-Masta. Couple others I played as well, but forgot names…GG’s

Gotta throw good games to bus orez, too, as well as DiNyc3 (hoping I spelled that GT right).

ggs kei, emp mugetsu/rogueyoshi,lethal monk6, and belowme now

sorry if i forgot anyone else.

GG’s to Hi I’m Nasty…we had some really close ones. Had to sleep for work today. If I see you on, lets get at it again.
P.S…I hate your skrull…hahahah

GGs to anyone I played this week

Good games to the following people. Ive played quite a few people online lately so im throwing them out. Some of them even date back to a few weeks.

Good games to Teddism, Kazekage King, Bullet Bill, Kog4eva, lethal Monk 06, Kawaii x Usagi, Mr Fif, I kei I, Rogueyoshi and more. Cant remember everyone, But good games to everyone. You all keep me working for my matches. Looking forward to more games.

GGs to MillionUppaCutZ
U had a sick Doom and can’t wait for some matches again.

Ggs to everyone I’ve played recently. I don’t feel like listing everyone but ggs to y’all anyway.