Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 - Bad Games

Bad games II warg II. He had a good 70+ wins on me in ranked. Pulled out some nice ass combos was fucking me up, UNTIL I came back and kicked his ass. On his last character he just jumped at me with chun doing her lighting legs oh I dunno… some thousand times. Then as soon as she died… DISCONNECT!

My godsister plays MVC3 and she is like 9 times better than me, its insane.

Anyway, she was playing on my profile and met this guy online who picked Akuma/Ammy/Tasky. She picked her fuck around team of Arthur/Ryu/Chun. Wrecked him for like 9 games straight. He went to another team of Sentinel/Deadpool/Ammy. She picked her usual team of Arthur/Hulk/Haggar. Damn near perfected him, but he raged.

He sent to her “nice cheesiness nd assist spam ur fingers hurt hows ur vagina feeling douche?”

She replied “my vagina is nice and tight thanks for askin :3. You shoulda asked how big my dick was cuz imma girl. How is your vagina? Did Arthur wreck it?”

Pwned. So BGs to MASTERDANNY07 on behalf of my godsister. Stay free my nigga.

good shit god sister

BG’s to MvC3… this game blows!

Bad Games to Real Anne Frank. He wasn’t a bad player, and we went even, but the ENTIRE time we played he talked shit. Not the friendly competitive trash talking either. It was like someone poured salt in his vagina.

LOL to some DarnWallaby kid who thinks he’s apparently very good. See you at Evo, sunshine.

bg to CAGE OF SIN. Playin some sent. akuma. dante bullshit. zoned me to death and i fell into about a million of his traps. Shit was lookin real bad for me. Accidentally used my xfc level 1. Hulk came back killed his whole team. He zoned my Akuma to death couldnt zone my hulk to death. Strange… dunce

BG’s to willkillforfood since you are a ragequitter, sore loser and a internet tough guy

Bad games to XDestron. You are exactly the kind of person that gives XBL a bad rep. Seriously, you’re fucking 9th Ranger ranked. Get over yourself.

Is there some way to blacklist someone?
DJRamsey1987 has ragequit on me literally 8 straight times. Since ragequit hell obviously was a lie, is there any way to get around this? I’m tired of wasting my time.

–Jay Snyder


Noticed the guy was 70 - 0. On a 2 win streak, was fishy, i won, then he left right before the game ended haha. His record definitely doesn’t represent his actual skill.

Seriously, DJwhatever has ragequit on me more times then i can count. His win/loss ratio is complete bullshit and everytime he does manage to squeeze in a win by some miracle, he humps my body like its halo or something like a 6 year old would do. So pathetic.

Oh and DahProffessor or whatever his name is is equally annoying. I can hear him raging on the mic whenever i run into him.

Master Bloothy.

Ran into him 3 times on ranked and he rage quit each time right when I was about to win. He ends up winning the 4th match and I get a barrage of horribly misspelled racial insults about how I’ve been put in my place and how he hates when people like me get lucky wins.

3 consecutive “lucky” OCV’s.

I must be lucky (or sucky). I’ve only experienced one RQ since the game came out.

Can’t wait, pumpkin.

Dude I could totally see this turning into a friendly rivalry if he didn’t rage quit, and stop calling you a “cigarette”. At least he was kind enough to say ‘plz’ for a rematch XD lol

xliquidspoon Rage Quit scrub
xcybersludgex Rage Quit Scrub
d00ubleD anther scrub player

What’s going on? It’s always a scrubby player

This I have been fighting with this guy for a while now the first time we met I won the set 10 - 4 the next time he beats me 3 games in a row (tryin to learn spidey) and he just goes off about how hes gods gift 2 mvc IDK kids a bitch and I would love to catch him at some kind of event :confused:

I thought rage quitters get penalized with a loss anyway?

T9X Worst Enemy - ragequit in ranked, a phony 2nd lord and of course a dipshit scrub

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting One of the many cowards who have run away with their tail inbetween their legs. Pathetic.