Ultimate Guide to Cap: Combos/Tech/Resets/Set Ups/Videos/etc

You can raw tag into Vergil for sword loops, Spencer and either wire grapple or launch and zipline to corner carry and 80k… Hawkeye can go into his normal bnbs…

I love the FoF loops. For meter and damage I’d definitely go for Strange. I still advocate either plasma beam or unibeam for Cap at neutral, so one of those too, preferably Doom second, with Bolts last. Alternatively, you could have Vergil and Strange and raw tag to to either. Vergil can also raw tag into FoF loops too.

What do you mean when you say “he has no full screen projectile to get in”? Would Cap still have a hard time getting in, even if I can plinkdash with my pad?

Sometime during Training Mode I like mess around by going to the button config and change one of the buttons you don’t use to Dummy Jump

Then throw an air shield slash that whiffs, and press the Dummy Jump to make the Dummy get hit by 2nd hit of shield slash to practice converting that into a combo.

Cap always has a hard time getting in. His dash is terrible, including his plink. Your best options are using assists to pin, something to cover charging stars on block, or vertical control as you advance. Any character with good aerial movement can stay away from Cap indefinitely, leaving his only solo option to spam very unsafe and likely unconfirmable shield slashes at tip range or bait double jumps to hope for an opportunity to get in.

You’re using Cap/RR. Use Dante (WS) anchor it’s much better for Cap. it’s makes qcb+:h: safe, is better for roll mix ups, has farther range, safer. You still get RR set ups with it. Cap/RR(log)/Dante (ws) is a theory team I wish I could play, but my RR and Dante suck right now.

My only problem with using Dante is that I can’t even bold cancel into a teleport consistently. During Training Room, it took me like more than 20 tries to do it after OTG > Wallbounce because it really feels like I’m mashing which makes my fingers get tired. Plus, I don’t like using Dante, Vergil, and Doom because of the way these characters are being played such as Dante’s J.S canceled into hammer(GET BACK) that is so difficult to punish, or Yolo Footdive and Yolo Helm Breaker.

[details=Spoiler]After messing around with Dante, the Bold Cancel Teleport wasn’t that hard, but it is still difficult to for me to do it consistenly during combos. His cr.M reaches the farthest, but if you chain into st.H it will whiff at the max range. His Air H has the farthest reach that you don’t need to be in point-blank range to boxdash. I learned that he can plink his air dash into air H, so your input should look this below. I hope this makes your Dante better.


I’ve only decided to put RR on my team just because while I was watching one of Zacka’s match on TRB, I heard that one of commentators stated that the Log Trap assist is really hard to deal with. Before I decided to use that team, I going to use a point RR team to help me learn the character at a basic level until I become confident enough that I can use him in my team.

I like using Shuma anchor because he has scary mix-up up close, backdash with an invincibility, Cr.H(anti-air and jump cancelable) and an unblockable LvL3. The only problem with using Shuma anchor is that I often have a hard time getting in, and I always get pushblock if I became too predictable with my offense.

The great thing about Mystic Ray is that some characters are forced to unfly to not get hit, which allows me to go for an airgrab, or make them guess by dashing under when they fall down if they already use airdash. Plus it’s a free chip damage for me from full screen. The problem with that assist is that it is sometimes hard to convert that random hit into a combo (super jump height). It is easier to get a combo after Charging Star when your opponent is in the corner.

The next step for me getting better with Shuma is that I need to learn the midscreen version of LvL 3 Xfactor combo, and his options on incoming (both corner and midscreen)

I think Hawkeye’s scatter scot is an good assist for Cap. Drawing would be easier for me to explain than to write, but the first part is that it acts like a Jam Session except that it only hits opponent from above on super jump height. When it hits, it causes soft knockdown. The second part is that it rains down(which also causes soft knockdown) where they can’t dash or they will get hit by the arrows which allows me to throw out shield slash. The best part is that even when hawkeye gets sniped, the arrows don’t disappear.

– I’m liking my new team concept which is Cap(undecided)/RR(log trap)/Strange(bolts), I don’t if bolts helps out RR.

P.S: Yeah, Magneto has a better plinkdash than Cap, he effortlessly can get in full screen using only two dash and be in the range where cr.M connects :confused:

I have a plink dash set up like that. Helps with my strider and morrigan, but sadly not Cap…his is just baaaaad. Dante is awkward but he’s a pretty legit character if you make the effort, the theory is solid. I would advise to not avoid characters to popular appeal or derp reasons…sure doom, dante, vergil are everywhere…but that’s for good reason, they help teams. Cap unfortunately has a lot of flaws, so being picky over a character that may be the right fit isn’t a good idea.

If you got the Cap/RR route my suggestions would be:
Dante(ws), Sent, Strange, Task (not a great anchor…but it works)

Well, I would use Cap(undecided)/Doom(molecular shield)/Ammy(cold star) as my 3rd team. I just feel that Doom feels awkward for me to use.

Thanks, I actually learned something from this. I didn’t realize that his dash is terrible. I wonder if his walk speed, jump speed and double jump speed are terrible too?

No wonder I get hit by Nova’s back airdash H, when I tried to dash under to avoid his box dash air H.

Cap’s dash isn’t bad, or any worse than the average characters. For bad dashes, see Dr. Strange, or Arthur. And most plink-dashing has helped improved most of the casts mobility, even for Hsien-ko. So I wouldn’t say Cap has a poor dash by any means.

That said, a point has been made that charging star with cover should be Cap’s primary means of advancing forward. And kara-cancelling his st. :H: into cartwheel :atk: + :s: makes him able to cross up opponents half screen away.

Another note, Dante’s weasel shot assist, at its furthest point, only covers :h: charging star against ground opponents at it angles downwards. Cap is still vulnerable against aerial opponents.

I also disagree that Captain’s plink dash is really bad. It might not be as good as others, but it’s more than serviceable. In what situations would having a faster plink-dash really help Captain?

Are you saying that his plink dash is bad? I am easily confused btw

Let me rephrase. I disagree with the statement “Captain’s plink dash is really bad.” I don’t think it’s bad. At worst it’s serviceable. It’s not mindblowingly awesome though, I will agree.

So much easier for me to understand now, thanks for rephrasing :slight_smile:

Up Exchange Corner TAC Infinite(needs Mystic Ray, also down and up exchange are difficult to do consistently )

Down Exchange Midscreen TAC(Side Switch)

Up Exchange Corner TAC(pls skip to 0:05)

Side Exchange Corner TAC(Side Switch)

Up Exchange Midscreen TAC

That TAC infinite concept is nice. I wonder if that gives a lot of other characters infinites now or makes some not so practical infinites more viable.

Well for up and side exchange with Mystic Stare, it’s only possible for characters that have a double jump.

With any characters without extra air mobility option that helps bring themselves down, it’s impossible so down exchange with Mystic Stare is their only option. These types of character must have the ability to link after an air normal, or ability to delay their air normals(so that your character will fall down easily while comboing), or normals that helps bring the opponent down like Nemesis’s D+:h: or Super Skrull’s Air :h:

Examples of character that can link an air normal

  • Hulk: Air :h: > Air :l:

  • Deadpool: Air :h: > Air :l:

  • Shuma Gorath: Air :h: or Air u+:h: > Air :l: or Air :m:

Well…I think there’s a good chance I’ll be running Cap at EVO again for what is probably my last time playing this game competitively…So if anyone wants to share theory or challenge me for best Cap…find me at EVO. I will be slightly intoxicated and toting a Hitbox w/ hitbox or cap muricah shirt.

i never see cap/ironman players using shield slash assist.

Really? Freedom runs SS on Cap. There isn’t really any other choice. CS isn’t that great for IM either.

You right the only cap/im players i see is hi im nasty and some random matches on youtube and they all uses CS when SS covers some much for ironman. im new to the cap army but i think his SS is top 3 assist for ironman.

Cap should be using SS 90% of the time. it’s a surprisingly good mix up assist for any character with air dashes, teleports, or some form of command movements.

is there a trick for landing the charging star relaunch consistently and what combos should i be doing on small characters?