Ultimate Gay Fighter

Have some?


Devon Devastation looks OP w/ divekick mixups.

I’m so maining that drag queen

This is a spoof innit?

So mad this still exist.

Coming soon for android, iphone and PC apparently.

Cant wait. I got first dips on Devon.

…Is there really a market for this?

Same thing I said about divekick.

This will make thousands of dollars in profit, if its for profit. I wish I would have thought of some shit like this. The novelty of it on top of the multiple niche markets. Not to mention its just plain funny.

But divekick was unique and genuinely filled a niche market.

This looks like a mediocre attempt at a game with the lowest level of humour possible added on. “Hey looks guys, we have steretotypes! Are we funny yet?”

game is fraudulent. no character with noticeable massive bulge

devon/shawdee i am disappoint :frowning:

I would rather play as Eagle forever than touch this stereotypical bullshit.

Lol! Like Street Fighter and every other FG that came out in the 90s wasnt a big stereotypical generalization of different cultures.

That was rich. I honestly laughed out loud.

Gosh, I was hoping that we were done here. This belongs more in the Video Gallery than in FGD.

This is too horrible to merit a thread, sorry.