I agree, that’s always the way I did it in vanilla to make sure I didn’t mess up the timing at a critical moment. I feel it’s just easier to do with the different character body weights to keep in mind…then again I guess anything you practice is easier so it could all be mental lol.
Ok so I’ve read this thread several times and it has been extremely helpful in polishing up my Spencer. I finally decided to try and contribute. Earlier in the thread I saw someone note a combo that a prefer and was already using. It’s c.M c.H the up and forward zip line j. M (land) j.M j.H j.S zip line down j.M j.H j.S zip line down s.M s.H into whatever. This is usually how I prefer to start out my combos with him if I catch them with a c.H. However this can be turned into a corner to corner combo with a few minor adjustments and I don’t recall anyone mentioning this. Damage and meter gain are noted at the bottom. The combo notation is as follows:
c.M c.H the up and forward zip line j. M (land then jump up and forward) j.M j.H j.S zip line down and forward (land then jump up and forward) j.M j.H j.S zip line down and forward s.M s.H s.S (super jump cancel) j.M j.M j.H j.S (land and dash forward) j.H.otg grapple, zip line down, armor piercer into maneuvers followed by another H otg grapple
if you have an otg assist you can hold off on the first otg grapple, call out the assist and follow it up with the unscaled reel in punch into maneuvers and finish the rest of the above mentioned combo. I believe this consistently works on the whole cast, although, I have not tested against all characters but have against the general size classes (my dummies are usually arthur, nemesis, and doom on point cause his theme is my favorite lol)
Meter gain from combo is approx 1.2 meters.
Without the assist you net a .2 meter gain and using the assist version you lose .8 meter
Without assists damage = 632.8k
With otg assist damage = about 915k depending on assist
If anyone knows of a way to further optimize this, the assistance would be greatly appreciated
I haven’t tried out this combo yet, but is there any benefit from doing this combo rather than the normal bnb? How tight is the timing on this combo if for example it starts with a jump-in :s: and/or a cr. :l: or in a situation where a beam assist has already hit to start combo?
Off the top of my head in terms of optimization, I would try that the last s. , s. :h:, s. :s: into magic series, instead of doing the :s: into magic series, you should cancel the s. :h: directly into UVG (if your positioning allows for it because I don’t know how the combo looks like) because this far into the combo it should more or less do the same amount of damage as the magic series and is better for damage scaling for the rest of the combo after it. This also opens up the possibility of running up and doing a TK bomber into maneuvers, saving your wall bounce (again depending on your positioning).
I would LOVE to go into the UVG after the launcher but the positioning isn’t right. By the time you hit the launcher your only 3/4 of the way down the screen you have to have the launcher into magic series to get them to the corner.
As far as benefits go the fact that you get yourself out of a corner and place your oppenent into a corner where Spencer is strongest is a huge benefit (this is just my opinion though). It’s a pretty overbearing combo to be on the receiving end of so it has a good chance of making your opponent flustered and make mistakes. The fact that Its self sufficient is a huge plus over the bnb to me as well but this all just boils down to personal preference.
The combos timing doesn’t feel that strict to me but maybe it’s just because I’ve been doing it for quite some time. In all honestly it actually has a very rhythmic feel to it. The hardest part is landing the j.m’s in the loop portion (ESPECIALLY the one after the first zip line). Honestly when looking at the combo being performed the j.M’s don’t look like they should land by any standards…but they do lol.
Statring with a jumping S, c.L, or s.L doesn’t not change anything in anyway about the feel of the combo except that it’s the one extra hit. As far as damage scaling though I’m not sure. I can check later and get back to you.
And as far as the beam thing I’m not sure I’ll have to check on that as well my team is she hulk, Joe, Spencer so I never thought about that. I can get back to you on that as well
For the UVG I was talking about cancelling from the s. :h:, not the launcher because very often I do a UVG instead of launch into magic series. For example, off a command grab (from anywhere) I do :l:, , :h: xx UVG and also off an otg assist I do
, :h: xx UVG if I’m not in the corner. Dunno how the combo looks so not sure if it’ll work for you, but in terms of positioning, the guy needs to be above your arm height or so. I’d test it out, but it’d prolly be much faster for you to test it since you have the combo down. If it does, I’ll def consider using this instead of the one I’m using now.
P.S. Looks like you have a very difficult team to work with haha.
Lol the teams really not that bad everything Dhc’s into everything and they all work together really well plus I think they’re some of
The funnest characters in the game. She hulks still good in my book regardless of what everyone seems to think. She still has relaunches that are the same as her TAC glitch combos from vanilla with out the TAC glitch. After the body slam you can link a c.M to launcher she deals around 700k on average but I love her reset capabilities. Usually as long as you pay attention to the
Direction they air recover after your combo it’s a guaranteed reset. If your interested I posted some stuff on her as well in her forum. And I piste some stuff on Joe as well. I found a 750k combo with Joe and I haven’t that’s actually really easy that I hadn’t seen anyone do all the other stuff I saw was like 650k etc but any ways. I’ll try to get back to you later tonight about the stuff you asked about.
Ok this is what I learned. It appears that if the projectile assist is one that knocks the opponent off their feet then you have to connect a j.S to start things off and omit the s.M s.H before the launcher as they will recover if you still try to fit these in. With that being said if the projectile assist is one that keeps the opponent grouned things still work as normal but there is less room for error in timing or they will recover if the links are not kept tight enough (once you get it down it just feels the same as normal but will be an inconvenience if your still trying to become accustomed to it). Also starting it this way ups the damage scaling quite a bit. Just adding a beam followed by a j.S to the beginning knocks down to about 521k and the otg assist version goes down to about 799k both depending on the assists used.
Now keep in mind this combo is a corner to corner combo and (not trying to be sassy) I can’t really see calling those kinds of assists when your backed into a corner except in the middle of ground magic series to cover yourself when your being blocked and could be punished
Comboing off of a beam seems more applicable when your in-between the 3/4 screen mark on both sides and your trying to get in. Off of a beam like mags or dooms that knocks them off their feet I think it would honestly be best to use something else like L reel in punch j.M grapple down forward zipline j.S, S sjc into magic series followed up by TK bomber into ultra. There are probably even better things to do than that but in all honesty I don’t really use any characters with beams most of them don’t fit my playstyle in the least bit.
Also the UVG DOES work if you do it after the s.M you can follow the UVG up by dashing in, j.M grapple. zipline down, armor piercer into maneuvers and another j.H grapple like normal. The damage gets bumped up to 676.2k. if you add a j.S to the start of it you build almost exactly one meter and it does 703.2k instead this was a great suggestion
Nice, glad to hear the UVG works. I’ll have to start experimenting with this combo and see if it’s better than the one I currently use, and the damage I can net off a beam assist to start it.
Another note, since you follow up with the TK m.grapple, instead of the zipdown->piercer xx maneuvers, you can try air :s:, zip forward, zip d/f, and either :s: into UVG, or straight up UVG (and subsequently an armor piercer depending on the character) xx maneuvers, that should up the damage some more if it works.
And your team definitely has synergy but I imagine it’s tough getting in. I use to run Hulk in vanilla, but everyone is on that Vergil and Hawkeye now and those characters shut down Hulk and less mobile characters pretty hard. She-Hulk I feel is the same especially with the shorter slide. I still play hulk, but no longer on my main. Spencer and Hulk synergy is ridiculous.
I forgot about that too I’ll try it tonight. As far as shulk goes I don’t wanna clog up Spencers thread with talk about her lol. I posted dome stuff on her in her combo thread you should run over there and throw out some opinions. I got some strategy stuff I’d like to talk about if your up for it.
I’ve tested out the combo myself and it does work. It bumps the damage up nicely to 757.8k starting from cr. and ending with TK :h: grapple. I’ve made a rough version of the combo on my team and I plan on using it as the combo off a beam assist. I can net around 850k midscreen or 880k if I can reach the corner off the first UVG, using 2 supers and off of doom’s beam assist, so not bad at all haha. I’ve yet to test the meter gain from this combo and how safe it is when it is blocked/the options after it is blocked but I’ll test that another time. Good stuff!
Sweet now you should pay she hulks thread a visit
So, I just wanted to ask how much damage off of one meter you guys get with your teams to try and get a gauge for whether or not I should switch some stuff around some…
Currently get 800k with Spencer/Nemesis/Nova
You should be doing 850-900k depending on opener with no assist, with assists anywhere from 900-1.1m
God damn it I wish I still had a recording setup. Losing my laptop is the worst thing in the world. I have so much stuff to record this sucks aaaugh
You’re getting that kind of damage with only 1 meter? Does that mean 1 super or 1 meter deficit?
Because if it’s one super for that damage then I’m curious what combo you’re doing.
Haha sorry dude, not a she hulk user so I have no idea about whats what with her.
Depending on your screen position and assists available you can do completely monster damage for 1 meter. If I have the opponent near the corner then I can get a touch over 1 mil damage for a single meter used, and starting from 0 meter. You have to spend some time in training mode to look for every possible reliable opportunity to use the wire grapple’s.
If I do the combo without using any meter I can get around 840k in the same situation. (Spencer/IronMan/Doom)
I know about the 1 mil damage with two assists, for some reason I interpreted that as solo corner to corner off 1 super.
That would be some pretty ridiculous damage corner to corner no xfactor lol…who knows, maybe someone will find something crazy like that.
My 1 mil damage corner combo is with only using Doom assist. If I don’t want to use meter then I use IronMan assist too at the end of the combo to do the 840k meterless.
yeah with doom hidden missle assist i get a tad over 1050000 which i like because it is that extra 50k that cap and spencer and frank have that i want to get over and mine is a kind of dumbed down version.
note: both of these must be started half screen or closer to the corner to be able to get the timing correclty on the tk m grapple and in the corner for doom missles
secondary note, this combo isnt new and most of it is in earlier vids
i do magic series into air magic series DFA st.m st.H S UVG backdash tk m grapple into jS grapple forward grapple DF S UVG into doom assist for 2x more uvg into manouvers into tk H grapple and its geta bout 1,067,000
most of the time though i just do magic series into air magic series DFA st.m st.H S UVG call doom for 2x UVG into manouvers into tk H grapple into Down zipline armor piercer another manouvers and that puts the damage at about 1,150,000 so for the extra meter only thor and hulk would survive that combo which can be done from the start of the match because of the extra meter
i dumb it down to magic series over the S m zip df h UVG opener because the damage is about the same and the timing on the st.m and st.h after the DFA seems to link easier.
haha yea that woulda been amazing, got myself hyped for no reason.
I used to run doom missile but I dropped it for beam assist because it lets Spencer open people up so much easier that I never went back. The OTG inconsistency I find too random for my liking on smaller chars like wolvie and ammy. I just use an OTG assist as well and so far so good. Can still TOD all the dangerous people even from corner to corner, but instead of battery he becomes a meter hog. But its ok tho, because the rest of my team doesn’t create meter deficit.